God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1919: Unexpected (3)

This sounds very contradictory.

But to express it in another way, it is very easy to understand.

It's like when someone is sleeping and you rush in.

Then you have a hatred of him and you want to kill him, but when you grab the brick on the side, you feel that although this person is asleep, he seems to know your actions well.

You want to turn your head and face his forehead just once, but you find that if his forehead is leaning to one side, the palm of your hand is slightly extended. You may be caught by him before you take a picture of him. The palm flies out.

Lexus now has such a sense of aggrieved.

He knew that this feeling originated from a realm much stronger than him.

The Heavenly Path Monument was in the body, and he had never followed him. Ling Zhi now looks no different from a real person, but in fact he appeared here, but only the soul body.

In other words, his methods are almost impossible to use.

But he ran into an existence like He An Bai.

Some bitter taste arose in his mouth.

It's just that this bitter taste arose in his mouth, and when he was noticed by another figure of Shennong and He Anbai, some disappointment flashed in Shennong's eyes. When there was a touch of surprise and incomprehension in He Anbai's eyes, Ling Zhi woke up for the first time.

He obviously still has a lot of power. Although he flees madly before, he doesn't consume all his power, but before he wakes up, in the short period of time he communicates with Anbai, he even resists. Thoughts are almost gone.

"I was in the land of nothingness, but I was fearless and left with things directly under my threat. If I just sit and wait for death, it would really waste my strength." He Anbai stood in front of Shennong, contemptuously Smile.

However, he didn't notice that the disappointment in Shennong's eyes turned into a real surprise at this moment.

It is very inappropriate to use the word "surprise" on such a gentle and angry character.

But at this moment, Shennong was truly surprised.

In his opinion, if Ling Zhi did not change any of He An Bai's threat to He An Bai, it would only show that He An Bai was not strong enough.

But now that Lexus has undergone such a change, it shows that He An Bai is truly strong enough in Lexus' eyes at this moment.

That's why he had such a momentary gaffe and lost his fighting spirit.

However, Lexus reacted in a short period of time and regained his fighting spirit, which is more important.

This kind of performance is enough to prove that no matter what kind of power Lexus encounters in the future, even if there will be a bad reload as before, he must have enough ability to come out quickly on his own.

For Shennong, this is the most important.

The ability to learn and correct mistakes is often much better than just being calm.

For Shennong, his expectation for Lexus was not just on one and An Bai, but on the grievances between the two worlds, in many, many responsibilities that he didn't know how to describe.

Otherwise, how could Lexus communicate with him if he didn't intend it first?

"What is it that makes you unable to bear it?" At this moment, the figure standing in front of the Shennong clan turned around, looked at him, and asked with a frown.

Shennong is just a ray of remnant soul staying here. Naturally, the use of power cannot be concealed from him, but he does not understand that Lexus’s performance is clearly not good enough. Since it is not good enough, why Shennong wants to help desperately he?

This is a matter of vision and thinking.

Shennong was the leader of the tribe after the three emperors, one of the leaders of the human race, the ancestor of agriculture, compassionate to the people of the world, tasted all kinds of grass, suffered all kinds of torture and pain, but was still gentle and close. , Saints.

Since he is a sage, many people can't understand from the perspective of the problem and the state of thinking.

He An Bai also couldn't understand that this was not just a question of cultivation.

But this figure is powerful enough, he stepped out, standing in front of the Shennong clan, ready to take action.

Their actions here instantly attracted the attention of Ling Zhi and another figure.

When they ceased fighting before, Ling Zhi and he instantly understood what they meant. Now they saw that Shennong and the other party were about to start a fight, before they started fighting, but they were suddenly a little surprised.

At this moment, Lexus moved.

He took advantage of the real shock of the opponent's mind, and took out the Weeping Blood Sword that had come with his spirit power before.

This is his natal Dao soldier, which is different from the Heavenly Dao monument, and is incomparably compatible with his soul body. It is very convenient to mobilize and store it.

The bloodline luster of the Weeping Blood Sword was very clear even among the stars, exuding the powerful energy of blood that belonged to Lexus, and pierced towards the opponent with a sword.

Ling Zhi's sword stabbing was extremely decisive, because he knew that he didn't have too many opportunities, he might only have time to make a few moves, and even just one move would cause serious injuries.

He doesn't know how many battles he has gone through, so he knows that with this sword, he must hold the heart of death without shrinking, and exert the ultimate strength in order to have a ray of life.

So his sword is very fast and fierce.

When He Anbai reacted, he was already within ten years of He Anbai's body.

At this distance, for many warriors, it is too late to make any response. At most, they can step back and avoid the vital points, which is already very powerful.

But He An Bai is not one of the most of the warriors, his cultivation realm, he is destined to be a small part of the special group of warriors.

Therefore, even at this critical moment, He An Bai had time to show some surprise at Lexus's non-retroactive behavior, and raised his hand, the **** and index finger were side by side, towards the Weeping Blood Sword.

Although there are only two fingers, Ling Zhi suddenly felt a sense of crisis. If he saw the end of the sword stabbing, he would definitely be caught by the opponent's fingers. The rich combat experience made him at this time, Completed the almost impossible.

That is to change the move when facing the enemy.

Change his skills in front of He An Bai, and change his skills in front of such an existence.

At least in He Anbai's view, this is a real death-seeking and ignorance.

Naturally, he would not hesitate to shoot because of his interest in Lexus.

For him, Lexus was just a piece of hair falling on his face. It was a bit itchy. Although it didn't hurt, it was uncomfortable and he had to brush it off with his hands. Today, I set up my defense. I have been busy all day and night without rest, and I can't sleep for a few hours for several days. After taking graduation photos in a few days, you will be completely separated from your student career. Suddenly I was very emotional...

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