God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1915: Poisonous

"If you want to know the truth of these things, apart from finding the first emperor who has been active in various places over the years, you can only go to Wuyahai." Ling Zhi was silent for a moment, and said.

"I will go." Li Bai nodded and took the matter directly to himself.

But Lexus didn't stop or speak.

At that time, no one could see the picture clearly. Who could have thought that the invincible emperor would fall into the boundless sea for Li Bai?

This is far from his rumored cruelty and domineering.

It's just a different perspective. Such behavior is truly domineering.

What about the boundless sea?

Since I entered the sea, I have not feared the world.

It's a dragon or a worm, the emperor is a slave, and it can't change anywhere.

As Li Bai walked out of the Apocalypse Array, there was still a connection with these fighting spirits, and there was only Lexus.

"If I choose to give up communicating with them, and can give you a top-grade elixir, is it possible to survive?"

For a while, everyone looked at Lexus and wondered what changes would happen to him.

It's just that Ling Zhi raised his head and looked at King Fang Xiang, but said such words.

He naturally wanted to go in, he didn't know how many questions he had in his heart, but compared with these, if he could save King Fang Xiang, he would prefer the latter.

King Fang Xiang looked at him, slowly but firmly shook his head.

"The sword enters the soul body, there is no help. I will die, not because of this sword, not because of her, but I deliberately induced my spirit to let her sword pierce into my soul body. The reason why I can support this For a long time, it is precisely because of the power of this sword."

The voice of King Fang Xiang's voice fell, standing aside, Shen Yinghan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, was instantly dimmed for a few minutes.

If it wasn't her misunderstanding, it wasn't the misunderstanding of so many people in her Shen family afterwards, if it wasn't she insisted on an explanation.

How could King Fang Xiang pay such a price for her heart knot and want her to open the apocalypse formation wholeheartedly?

Did you know what price Fang Xiangshi paid to wait for the return of the battle spirit? How long did you wait?

He is about to see it!

Just the last step!

But now, he will die here!

But is Shen Yinghan wrong?

The lives and deaths of so many people in the Shen family, the betrayals, conspiracies, and calculations back then, how can she be able to see clearly for a person who has been easily manipulated by Yun for so many generations?

However, why did Fang Xiang's king dare to directly communicate with the battle spirit and explain to her when he didn't know anything?

Isn't it because Wang Xiangshi absolutely trusted those sages back then?

Here are all right and wrong, how to judge?


Ling Zhi glanced at the sky deeply, then no longer hesitated and entangled, and calmly stepped into the apocalypse formation.

Since his formation, a ray of light shines from the lines, following his footsteps, and connecting with King Fang Xiang, with a different kind of breath, rushing towards the depths of the sky.

But at this moment, the monument of Heaven's Path floated directly out of Lexus' Dantian.

Ling Zhi's soul body stood up on the dantian sacred platform, and he felt that it was this soul body, with a trace of it appearing.

The breath of Lexus rushed into the stars along with the breath of the heavenly stele.

Just like in the dim night without a trace of luster, suddenly a beam of sunlight shined in.

This beam is so bright, so condensed, so unique.

So that all the creatures in the dark surroundings were all awakened by this breath in an instant and looked over.

"Be careful!"

The battle that Ling Zhi had made was beyond the expectations of King Fang Xiang. It couldn't understand why it was because of Ling Zhi's blood, or because of the stone stele floating beside Ling Zhi.

But he knows very well that this is very dangerous, very dangerous!


Just as he shouted these words, Ling Zhi's body shook violently, and the killing intent in his heart had been flooded before, emanating from his body unreservedly, and rushing straight towards the man.

This killing intent was accompanied by his soul power, along with the beam of light condensed by King Fang Xiang, rushing into the stars, countless black shadows, suddenly screamed, turned into ashes, in the dark stars , As if it had never appeared before.

For the lonely star, in many star regions, there is not even a trace of aura, not even half a star, but there are some strange objects that can survive in the starry sky.

Ling Zhi, full of powerful energy and blood, appeared in Xingyu Shino under the guidance of King Fang Xiang. Although the unique power of King Fang Xiang, the breath of Ling Zhi would not appear recklessly in the perception of many warriors. But it is impossible to avoid the perception of these foreign objects.

For these foreign objects, Lexus is like a huge immortal jade, naturally causing them to attack and fight feverishly.

These foreign objects rushed towards Lexus from all directions, possibly causing harm to Lexus' soul body.

However, this killing intent, which had been suppressed in Lexus's heart for a long time, had a terrible targeting effect on these foreign objects, just like the essence.

When these killing intents swept across Xingyu with Ling Zhi's spirit power, all the foreign objects close to Ling Zhi either fled in panic and screamed, or were killed directly and turned into ashes.

There are countless souls of war, either strong, complete, weak, or long-lived, awakening from sleep, trying to contact Lexus.

"I don't have much time. What my soul power can support is that you can only choose to contact a war soul."

At this moment, Fang Xiangshi's weak voice sounded.

Ling Zhi's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly focused on the stars and swept toward the star.

Since only one battle soul can be selected for communication, it is natural to find a powerful battle soul as much as possible, so that maybe we can know more.

Just when Ling Zhi thought this way, there was some strange medicinal smell, which slightly brushed his spirit power in the twisted starry sky.

The so-called ordinary elixir smell is naturally not perceivable by spirit power, but there are some, yes.

And these, except for a few magical medicines and demi-magic medicines, there is only one possibility, that is, poison, the super poison that can poison a strong man with just the smell of medicine!

However, at this time, there is only one situation that can appear in Lexus's perception, except for those foreign objects, which will appear in his perception, and that is that the smell of the medicine comes from a certain war soul.

In Ling Zhi's mind, the first thing that came to mind was the master of the gossip stove, the strong man who fought against Hoshino.

With a movement in his heart, he moved closer to the place he felt.

Just as he approached, there were hundreds of different medicinal flavors, "floating into" his perception.

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