God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1914: Boundless sea

Even Lexus never thought that Li Bai knew who that person was.

But then I thought about it, unlike these fighting spirits, Li Bai was a real person who lived from that era to today.

And this Sikongxiu's name is bound to be extremely loud, so he knew that there was no accident.

Just looking at the anger in Li Bai's eyes and the murderous intent radiating from his body, I am afraid that Sikongxiu's role before this is at least a "good person."

Only this contrast can make him so angry.

Discover the anger after being betrayed.

"Sikong...Sikongxiu..." Ling Zhi chanted the name inexplicably several times, and suddenly his body was shocked, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"Valley Master of Sleepy Valley, Sikongxiu?"

He looked at Li Bai with a look of horror in his eyes.

During Yaowangfeng's time, because he wanted to investigate the Heavenly Dao League, Ji Fanchen had mentioned to him some forces on the mainland.

When it comes to Sleepy Hollow, because Sleepy Hollow claims to be in the middle of the valley, it has not communicated with the outside world for many years, and the formation outside Sleepy Hollow is exactly the same as the formation at the Seagod Burial Ground, so Ling Zhi had paid special attention to it.

The name of the founder of Sleepy Valley is Sikongxiu!

It is impossible to investigate when Sleepy Hollow declared itself, but now the sudden appearance of this name is suddenly filled with many other meanings.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation had not been completely closed back then. The top powerhouses of that era, if they had the ability to step through the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and those who were more or less above the upper realm, would have a life span that ordinary people could not imagine.

Could it be that this Sikongxiu is still alive?

"It must be killed."

Li Bai and Ling Zhi looked at each other, but they said this in unison.

Ling Zhi couldn't help but think that when he was standing in the boundless sea outside the sea god's burial site, when the sea god's true body turned into a statue, a very magnificent breath suddenly came and then quickly retreated.

Thinking about it now, the owner of that breath is very likely to be the owner of Sleepy Valley, Sikongxiu.

And a force like Sleepy Hollow has been self-proclaimed for countless years and has too many doubts.

It’s just that in Ji Fanchen’s original narrative, this Sikongxiu is a true hero. Now it seems that too many things were buried in history, and even the quality of such a character is Buried.

As the sender and manager of news from various places, this position is naturally extremely important. Being able to be in this position also shows everyone's trust and recognition of Sikongxiu.

But in the same way, if Sikongxiu chooses to betray, then there will be many things like the Shen family, quietly happening.

How many people will die tragically? Died unjustly?

How many people would never die?

The conspiracy in the dark is always more anger and despair than the power on the surface.

"You go in."

Those war soul projections in the sky gradually disappeared, and the voice of Fang Xiang's king sounded again.

The only difference this time is that Li Bai just stepped into the Apocalypse Array, and many pictures were reflected from his body.

But this picture happened to coincide with the picture that Ling Zhi had seen in the "Town" tablet.

When Li Bai and Shi Huang rushed from the earth to kill the enemy in blood, a big hand suddenly appeared and patted them.

Afterwards, the sages of the predecessors on the side of the earth, someone broke the siege, and retrieved a big hand from the front line, trying to protect them two.

But I didn't want the place to be prepared long ago, and several people shot together.

The senior sage was extremely domineering, resisting the attacks of these several people, even injuring one person, and moved towards other places with Li Bai and Shi Huang.

"You two just don't have enough time to grow. You will definitely need to take action in the future. It's dead now, it's not worth it."

The majestic voice resounded between Xingyu and passed into the eyes of Li Bai and Shi Huang, causing the killing intent in their eyes to fade in an instant. Under the power of the big hands, the two iron-boned men turned red for a while. .

They know that at the moment they leave, those people left on the earth will undoubtedly die.

However, as many as several people who had saved them, the sage, who had been cultivated like a sage, stayed outside the earth. Even if they were there, what could they do?

It is never too late for a gentleman to avenge.

The fingers of the big hand were bleeding, and it was obvious that they had been injured when they had just encountered a joint attack.

At this moment, a force was finally sent to send them toward the chaos.

However, as soon as the big hand retreated, another weird force appeared and shot in front of them, cutting off the path of Li Bai and Shi Huang.

"Feng Jiu, shameless villain, you betrayed your ancestors!"

Shi Huang yelled, and his figure suddenly enlarged infinitely, as if there were 100,000 heavenly soldiers shouting with him in the wave of his hands, these words were like a real punishment, pressing on the opponent.

Just when Li Bai drew his sword and was about to take a shot, he saw that Shi Huang suddenly condensed all his strength, slapped open the front block, and sent Li Bai out.

But he has no strength anymore, and goes down weakly.

But Li Bai plunged directly into the Sleepy Valley, and there was no more sound.

At the end of the picture, he stayed at the place where he stared at Shi Huang blankly.

There, there was a real vast ocean, where bones appeared from time to time, corpses sometimes floated up and down, there were bones of wild beasts that were ten thousand feet long, and there was a weird monk whose body was broken, but a little ghost fire appeared on the brow.

Shi Huang went in so straight, not knowing his life or death.

But Li Bai fell into the chaos and was wrapped in the chaos. He didn't know the whole day until he woke up and went to the ancestor star of Wanling.

Li Bai woke up suddenly, opened his eyes on the Apocalypse Array, two lines of clear tears appeared in the corner of his eyes at some point.

I still remember that when he first saw Ling Zhi and saw Ling Zhi using the method of throwing beans into a soldier, he also said with a smile that the first emperor was fighting against certain enemies, and he would meet each other in the future.

However, thinking about it now, there are endless doubts.

What he knows, who is fighting the enemy in some unknown area?

When Ling Zhi learned the method of throwing beans into a soldier in the capital of Qin, what was the breath of the first emperor that he felt from the starry sky?

If the first emperor has no boundaries, then who founded Xuanzhou Qin? Who was it that fought the evil demons for Xuanzhou in the first place?

Who is it that left the Xuanyuan sword of Shi Huang?

As part of Li Bai's missing memories was filled, there were more and greater doubts, and this was born.

The identity of Shi Huang, on the contrary, became even more confusing.

Wuyahai, what kind of place is it? It was just a glimpse. Who are the gods and demons that I saw on the surface of Wuyahai?

However, no matter what, at least Li Bai and Ling Zhi once again knew the name of an important traitor.

Wind nine.

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