God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1910: Shen Yinghan's choice

This figure was half kneeling there, and on the long sword in his hand, there was even blood that hadn't completely dried up.

The gaze came straight, full of fearlessness, and full of strength.

With this person on the side, it is enough to resist.

But what really shakes everyone's hearts is because she is a woman with such a strong demeanor.

She knelt there, her long hair fluttering, and the corners of her eyes were extremely strong, but she still couldn't hide the softness of her facial features.

Some things should be done by men.

If a woman comes with supreme style, it will be full of inexplicable meaning.

Ling Zhi and the others were silent for a long time, but they bowed to the front and bowed to the unknown female middle school hero.

Regardless of the opponent's cultivation level, just this posture is enough for them to worship.

When they bent down to worship, Ling Zhi raised their heads, stepped into the mountain pit in front, and walked forward.

When they got closer, they would find that the woman was kneeling here, just to guard the formation behind her, to shed the last drop of blood, and fight to the last moment.

I just don't know if it is to respect her opinion or because the woman's killing intent is too strong, so she is the only corpse here.

Just one is enough to reproduce the demeanor of this city, the Shen family and the others!

"The six realms of reincarnation will definitely reopen. Those who worked on the ancestors of the earth and those who went to the earth to do that extinction must die."

Suddenly, Ling Zhi spoke in a deep voice, his voice was not amplified deliberately, but he had a symphony of rules between heaven and earth, spreading his voice to the wild.

He is now a martial artist of the Saint King's third-level realm, and he has a certain majesty.

The voice didn't stop for a long time, as if it was going to resound deep into the universe.

Ling Zhi seldom said such words. What he said now can only represent the anger in his heart, and the killing intent was extremely harsh.

The Apocalypse Formation was the second step of preparation for the return of the battle spirit, except for the Fang Xiang clan.

With the unique power of King Fang Xiang, he communicated with the heavens and worlds, conveyed the aura of this place, and guided the remnants of souls who had been lost in battle but were not completely destroyed to find their way back.

It was like among the stars in the sky, creating one of the most dazzling stars, and pulling them back.

But the door to return was not the one opened by King Fang Xiang.

It depends on the formation in front of him, the apocalyptic formation.

The apocalyptic formation is a formation that surpasses the ninth level, belongs to the holy king level, and even surpasses the holy king realm.

Not so much apocalypse, it is better to say apocalypse.

King Fang Xiang has already taken action, so the next step is to open the formation and wait for the return of the battle spirit.

Thinking about it this way, even though the Shen family didn't know the matter well, they knew the importance of this formation.

They are in the pseudo-world, firstly to protect this world, and secondly, they should also protect this formation.

During the First World War, I don’t know how many powerful warriors and legendary sages participated in the battle.

Their minds will certainly not be easily destroyed, if only the remnant soul is left and they escape into some strange land, they will not die easily.

Whether it is their own strength or their identity, it is enough for future generations to draw them back.

Even if you die, you should die in your hometown, in a familiar place, not in the lonely stars.

That's why there is such a preparation.

It's just that there are other deeper reasons for this, even if it is the Fang Xiangshi king, it is not clear, and Ling Zhi has no way to speculate.

He was only vaguely, and Li Bai felt that there were some other reasons for this step, but because there was too much fog in the past, he couldn't understand it.

Just standing in front of this formation, a group of people looked at each other, a little helpless.

In front of them, the huge formation was located behind the half-kneeling woman, and the lines of the formation did not seem to have been harmed, and it should have been completely preserved.

But this formation is too huge and too mysterious, none of them can understand how to activate this apocalypse formation.

King Fang Xiang didn't understand, it was even more impossible for Ling Zhi, who had always used violence to break the formation.

Li Bai was the only one in the field who did a little research on the game. He frowned at the moment, looking at the Apocalypse Array in front of him, without speaking for a long time.

"The predecessors who set up the Apocalypse formation back then, the formation technique is extremely clever. If this formation is replaced by a defensive formation, with the rare materials of these formations, even I will not be able to break it. It won't work for a long time." Looking at the Apocalypse Array,

"It's impossible for him to fail to consider that after that battle, no one in the lower realm could start such an array, let alone leave no hints here, any hints that only we can understand."

"So the opening of the formation should not be a simple understanding, Ming Wu, but a different way of thinking." Ling Zhi frowned and said to himself.

"The opening of the Apocalypse Array is naturally not something we can do."

Suddenly, a female voice sounded from behind them.

Shui Wuxun's face turned pale. At this moment, he even thought it was the woman who was kneeling on the ground and opened her mouth.

However, Ling Zhi's voice trembled slightly. After taking a deep breath, he turned his head and looked at the person coming.

"Shen Yinghan." He spit out the name word by word.

Shen Yinghan's expression was also very strange, tangled, hesitant, uneasy, sad, all kinds of emotions mixed together, making her voice a little trembling.

"Since there is such respect for the ancestors, why didn't anyone come to help?" Shen Yinghan looked at Ling Zhi, but the words gradually cooled.

Ling Zhi was startled, with doubts in his eyes.

"In the arrangement of the year, the pseudo-world was used as a hiding place after an accident on the main battlefield. There are countless descendants of the family here. In order to mobilize and command these people, it is only after discussion that I asked Shen Jiaquan. The members came, and under the strong strength of the ancestors, guarded here."

"But suddenly there were so many enemies in the pseudo-world, far beyond the number that my Shen family could contend with. One after another, rescue letters were sent out to the pseudo-world at the cost of countless lives. Why, until the end, my Shen family was so close. Extinct, no one will come to rescue?"

Shen Yinghan's expression became more and more low, full of puzzlement and even resentment.

In her description, the original scene appeared in front of everyone.

Thinking of being alone here and fighting like an endless number of enemies, without even the slightest hope, her feelings are very easy to understand.

"Of course, I will open the Apocalypse Array for you. This is my personal choice and has nothing to do with my Shen family, but before that, I need an explanation."

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