God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1909: Apocalypse

Because everyone, when this silver light sword appeared, until it was eliminated, they didn't notice the breath of any enemy.

Just above this silver light sword, there is only an incomparably powerful spiritual power, but there is no trace of soul power.

Hearing Li Bai's words like this, a few people just understood and understood.

Back then, there was a city defense battle, which was different from the single fight between Lexus and Shen Tuyan.

I don't know how many strong people there will be in this city, how many different techniques will appear, how many powerful and strange formations will appear.

And these small silver light swords should be a certain setting, through a few silver light small swords poured with powerful spiritual power, at the critical moment, they will give the enemy a fatal blow.

I just don't know for what reason, it was not activated at the beginning, and until today, the city of Lexus and the others has affected the changes in the qi here, leading to a sudden attack.

"It's just that the ambush left behind is so powerful, what kind of strong was that person back then?" Shui Wuxun sighed as he looked at the place where the silver light sword exploded.

Even such a strong man needs to use this sneak attack method to kill people. One can imagine how powerful the enemy they encounter should be.

"The events of the year were unobservable, but their strength is obvious to all. Although there is no living creatures in this city, you still have to be more careful." Ling Zhi said silently, leading the way.

King Fang Xiang also suppressed the emotion in his heart and followed him unhurriedly.

Fortunately, there should not be many weapons that could be preserved intact, like the small silver sword, very rare.

Some formations and the like encountered again on the way do not even need Lexus to take action, but the pressure around his body changes slightly, and it can be completely defended.

Everyone walked towards the center of the city like a broken bamboo.

"Strange, why there are so many broken weapons in this place, but not even a corpse." Walking to the center of the city, looking at the dilapidated house in front of him, Shui Wuxun couldn't help but said.

"You see, this big sword can be inferred from some of the material of its blade. It must be a Taoist soldier. Those who can use such a weapon are mostly Saint King-level warriors. The battle that year was a long time, but It's not so long that the bones of the saint king realm warrior can be easily wiped out into ashes." Shui Wuxun grabbed a broken sword beside him, wondering.

The bones of the saint king realm warriors will glow with a faint glow, and they are very radiant. The powerful blood flushes the bones and marrow day after day, so even if the corpse is corroded, most of the bones can be intact. Preserved.

Some declining families even use the remains of these ancestors as their final cards. Weapons crafted from these bones are quite powerful, at least enough to face the opponents of the King Realm.

Especially the coercion of the holy king contained in the bones is even more extraordinary.

Don't say ten thousand years, or tens of thousands of years, these bones will not be easily damaged.

But in this city, rags and piercing armor are common, but no matter whether it is the enemy or the defender, there is no corpse.

This is somewhat weird.

Especially when they came all the way, they didn't know how many auras were involved, and how much hostility was caused by weapons. This shows that almost no one has come in since World War I. So where did these corpses go?

Ling Zhi frowned deeply. He tried to draw the forbidden power and black mist into this city, but found that even the forbidden power should destroy everything, not just harvest the corpse.

"Perhaps, this city was really guarded back then, and there are still a small number of people left. Although these people don't know where they are going now, it is still possible to bury the body and take it away." Yin Meng watched. All around, suddenly this way.

Ling Zhi was startled. For some reason, he once again thought of the woman Shen Yinghan.

He even turned his head and looked around subconsciously, suspecting that Shen Yinghan was somewhere in the city at the moment, staring at them.


What Ling Zhi never expected was that Shen Yinghan was really here.

She appeared here earlier than Lexus.

The reason why Ling Zhi didn't notice any of her aura was because she was so familiar with it.

But at the moment, standing on the edge of a house somewhere, watching Lexus and their Shen Yinghan, his eyes were a little distracted.

Her pseudo-world, without Yun's easy consent.

However, in order to chase and kill Ling Zhi, Yun Zhi gave her a chance to escape from Yun Zhi. In particular, Yun Zhi didn't know that Shen Yinghan really got the Yin Ling Pill from Ling Zhi.

Relying on the hidden spirit pill given to her by Ling Zhi, Shen Yinghan successfully avoided the eyeliner Yun easily arranged beside her, and succeeded in the pseudo-world.

Just just now, she noticed the aura here, as if there was some involvement in it, she succeeded, and came here unimpeded all the way to this city.

Saw everything in this city.

Some memories that belong to the dust in my mind, just opened up.

It was as if someone had placed a confinement on her soul body, but now the confinement suddenly broke.

She didn’t know that this imprisonment collapsed because she was affected by the sights in the city and the deep memories in her mind, but because the cloud easily entered the nine-day blue and yellow spring and mastered her power. Weakness to the extreme.

The imprisonment collapsed, just like the white wind at the beginning, like the memory of the sea, boundless freedom suddenly appeared in the heart.

Shen Yinghan's understanding of many things gave him his own insights.

Instead of listening to the cloud alone easily.

While regretting that she had cooperated with Lexus to kill Lexus, she was also very entangled in her heart. Her Shen family was guarding one side in this pseudo-world. Why didn't she wait for any reinforcements until all of them died?

She subconsciously felt that this was not the problem of the ancestors on the earth, but how could the demise of the family be forgiven only by feeling?


"This is the Apocalypse Formation?"

In the city, there is a more deserted place.

Not to mention the dilapidated houses, even the ground no longer exists. Within a radius of several thousand feet, the ground is deeply sunken, pits and pits, all turned into mountain pits.

It is hard to imagine how fierce the battle here was.

Standing on the edge of this mountain pit, Ling Zhi finally saw the first figure.

The figure held a sword in his hand, propped his body with the sword, half-kneeled in front of a huge formation, looking directly in this direction.

Even though they knew that the other party no longer knew how long they died, but facing the gaze of this figure, everyone couldn't help but feel their hair standing upside down, and the skin felt tingling.

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