God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1906: See the battle spirit

As a spirit-level alchemist, it is naturally not difficult to save a Fang Xiang clan who is only a king's cultivation base.

It is only because of the heavy heart that Lexus is so cautious.

Even he, under the cover of the large tomb, could not feel the cultivation of Fang Xiang's king.

Before seeing the other party, he even thought that King Fang Xiang had a lot of opportunities during this period of time, and his strength had improved by leaps and bounds, and he had entered the Saint King Realm.

But now, what he felt was extremely real, and the cultivation of King Fang Xiang hadn't changed much since he came in last time.

However, because of this, thinking that the other party had been under Shen Tuyan's hands for so long, the more he could understand what price the entire Fangxiang clan had paid in order to protect King Fangxiang from death.

The death of Fang Xiangshi at every end outside was not in vain.

"I've killed the other party." Ling Zhi sent some spirit pills into these Fang Xiangshi's mouths, while taking out some elixir, quickly crushed them and smeared them on Fang Xiangshi's body, and spoke at this time.

Wang Xiangshi's body shook again and again, and it became silent.

After a long time, it suddenly said, "You are finally here."

It did not say thank you, and did not ask any other questions.

Just said such a sentence.

However, in such a sentence, I don't know how many things and intense emotions are included.

Ling Zhi's eyes widened slightly, but he suppressed all the tears that were inexplicable in his eyes.

"At that time, I was going to the front line to support the clan. At that time, I was still young, because my talent was retained by the clan, and all the elders in the clan died in battle. When the Manchus were indignant, I was arranged to stop here and shoulder such a mission. ."

"The only people who came here back then were me and some people of my generation. The elders have died several times." Fang Xiang's failure to speak makes people think that it is still intellect. Before he speaks, it is no different from a real person.

"There were still some old and weak in the clan back then." Its eyes showed some coldness, but there was unrelenting determination, "I can't step into this pseudo-world, so I watched the few remaining elders with my own eyes and killed them. "

Ling Zhi and the others were in shock, and even the hands that Ling Zhi used to apply the elixir to King Fang Xiang's body stiffened.

A chill rushed from their hearts to their foreheads, unable to calm down for a long time.

They are not stupid, so they can understand it in the first place.

If the Fang Xiangshi king appeared here, the only meaning is to attract those fighting spirits, then this matter must not be let anyone else know.

Those old and weak stay in the outside world, no matter what they think about this matter, no matter how great they are, the enemy will always have endless ways to get this news out over a long period of time.

It may be coercion, profit and temptation, unintentional loss, good temptation, or direct soul search.

If this mission undertaken by the Fangxiang family is known to outsiders, if the group of enemies who were killed by the ancestors of the earth in the past and used all kinds of intrigues and tricks to repel the ancestors of the earth, if they know this, they will how is it?

Even if they don't believe in the return of the so-called war spirits, why not spend more time and waste more energy to kill all these war spirits?

Never future troubles, this is really common in the world of warriors to the extreme.

But Lexus understands that it doesn't mean they will be indifferent.

Just thinking about those Fang Xiang clan who learned that all the strong members of the clan were killed on the front line, and when they were sad and unable to control themselves, they also pretended to be indifferent and slaughtered their clan members with their own hands. The big hand was clenched, and some couldn't breathe.

Compared with them, Fang Xiang's expression is very indifferent, "Because of what happened back then, even if so many people died here, none of them retreated and avoided."

"It's not because of how loyal they are to me, but because they know better than me what kind of responsibility they shoulder."

When Fang Xiang's king said this, he seemed to feel that there was no need to mention the things of the year, and he turned his head and walked towards the tomb with Ling Zhi.

"The people who built this tomb back then have nothing to do with me. I don't know or know, but they really wanted to use our power to help him see the things in it, but they didn't want to make us instead."

King Fang Xiang walked into the tomb. At this moment, the top of the tomb above the tomb was split by Ling Zhi's sword. The sky was getting dark, but starlight was spilled into the tomb.

This should be the first time since the tomb was built, stars have flooded in.


Buzzing loudly, from the coffin inside, endless fireflies suddenly burst out.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than tens of thousands.

These fireflies rushed to the sky, and some even collided with Lexus and their bodies, but they did not ignite spontaneously.

Under the shining light of the stars, these fireflies seem to have lost their ability to ignite spontaneously.

But Lexus and the others know that these fireflies will become stronger at night, so at this moment, it can only be explained that they do not seem to hurt them.

These fireflies rushed into the sky, higher and higher.

The higher the sky, the stronger the coldness, not to mention the pseudo-world with such a heavy yin.

Frost began to appear on the wings of some fireflies, and many sparsely began to spill down.

At this point, a large number of fireflies began to burn.

They burn thoroughly and burn happily.

A large number of flames appeared in the air, and the temperature at high altitudes also appeared to burn sharply.

Because of the many fires, they even illuminate the sky and the sky above.

In the places where the cold is dense, the places where the fireflies could not enter, the air-conditioning is burned, causing the remaining fireflies to rush in.

Under the bright starlight, the tails of the fireflies flashed around together.

It formed a real galaxy.

The Milky Way hangs upside down for nine days, looking at each other from a distance, the beauty to the extreme.

At the beginning, Lexus had discovered that these fireflies would cooperate with Fang Xiangshi, but unexpectedly it was also a dark move, which played an extremely important role.

At this moment, Fang Xiang's king rode a gun on horseback, and slammed into the sky.

It was a power that Lexus couldn't understand at all, and it was a power that belonged only to King Fang Xiang.

This power is not that strong, but it is like a key, opening some blocked things in the starry sky.

When Lexus heard them, there was a very strong abnormal noise that appeared in their perception.

There seemed to be a gap in this starry sky, which was broken.

The breath of this place rushed in, and some of the distant and desolate breath of the starry sky echoed each other.

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