God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1905: Sword fall

This sounds unreasonable.

It is even unimaginable.

Because Ling Zhi had gained a lot of insights during this battle, these insights made him use his sword faster and made him move faster.

But now, many, many other insights appeared in his heart as if he didn't need money.

Even Ling Zhi himself felt a little incomprehensible, so that he was shocked for a moment.

But apart from him, except for Shu Feiyao, the others did not have any accidents.

They would be surprised if Lexus was in the battle, and they would be surprised if they used their new insights in time, but not now.

Just imagine, you have worked so hard to kill an enemy equal to your own strength, how can you not have some insight?

A seemingly simple sword, without knowing how much judgment, prediction, courage, and determination is required.

What's more, there are thousands of swords, what's more, it's the display of a unique knowledge, and being cracked, and cracking the other's unique knowledge.

This is equivalent to tempering all your experience and cultivation techniques so far.

They didn't find it strange, because they had encountered no less than an enemy with the same strength and talent as their own.

But Lexus did not.

In fact, he was extremely short of opponents like Shen Tuyan to start such a battle.

Especially after he entered the kingdom of kings.

But it is precisely because of this that all accumulations will emerge at this point, all of which will bring him strong confidence and incomparably rich sentiment.

Ling Zhi smiled slightly at several people, but he never looked at anything and walked towards the tomb by himself.

"This..." Shui Wuxun was stunned.

Li Bai smiled indifferently, "He has already taken Tianshengsheng water, but now he doesn't take it, which means that he thinks the effect of Tianshengsheng water on you will be greater. At this time, why are you so polite?"

Then Li Bai went on to say, "The two puppets and Shentuyan’s ring, but the two girls may choose one or two, plus the two remaining puppets. You only need to understand some simple manipulation techniques, which is a good one. The method of protection."

After speaking, Li Bai flashed his sword light, took the ring from Shen Tuyan's body and sent it to Shu Feiyao and Yin Meng.

Shu Feiyao waved her hand, "I have the protection of Xinghai, and I have the master's inheritance, and I pay attention to nature. This puppet way is more suitable for Sister Yin."

She was good at speaking, but she found a reason for herself, that is, there was a touch of praise in Li Bai's eyes.

"It is true that what you have learned is quite psychedelic, and the power of the nine-tailed demon fox is full of bewitching. With this puppet technique, even if you encounter a warrior like Lexus, you have some ability to conceal the spiritual power you control. More suitable for you." Li Bai turned his head and said.

Shu Feiyao waved her hand and backed away. Li Bai said so again, and Yin Meng had to thank for accepting it.

However, only she herself knew that she accepted it because she felt that she didn't seem to be of any help to Ling Zhi.

This feeling made her a little disappointed.

However, she was the only one who didn't know that between Shu Feiyao and Li Bai's singing together, she saw these slight losses of her.

This is probably because friends are considerate and take care of each other.

In front of them, Ling Zhi was holding the Weeping Blood Sword hanging to his side, and the sword light on the Weeping Blood Sword appeared from time to time, which fully demonstrated that his heart was far from being as quiet as his current appearance.

More and more sentiment came to my heart, like a summary.

Ling Zhi's cultivation hasn't changed much, but his mood is leaping.

This state of mind, however, is an understanding of oneself and an understanding of Tao.

Ling Zhifang opened his eyes leisurely until he was near the tomb and felt the breath of Fang Xiang's king.

Then he raised his sword, but he slashed at the tomb.

The eyes of Shui Wuxun and the others dazzled, and obviously couldn't help but stop.

Ling Zhi's sword did not have a strong momentum, nor did he make any strong movements.

It's like a casual chopping, without using any power.

It wasn't until he retracted the Weeping Blood Sword that a sword light appeared on the tomb leisurely.

This tomb, which has never been collapsed under Shen Tuyan's attack for many years, just cracked open.

Suddenly a rain fell on this world.

There was wind and rain, which brought some coolness.

"The sword fell into the storm." Li Bai took a deep breath, only to feel that the exclamation of his life had been applied to Lexus.

He viewed the landscape and entered the third level. Although he did not see the fourth level, he was able to see the corner of the ancestor saint, attracting some powers that belong to the ancestral holy realm powerhouse in the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Bai is the warrior closest to the ancestral holy realm in this world at this moment.

If it is a real life-and-death battle, he naturally has many unimaginable methods.

But being strong does not mean that you can do anything.

For example, what Ling Zhi did at this moment, such a sword, made him feel amazed by sword repairers.

It's not that the world is going to be windy and rainy, but this sword disturbs the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, causing the wind to blow from a distance and causing the rain to fall from high altitude.

The rain was getting bigger and bigger and falling on the sandy graves, smashing the dust and mud all over the sky, and quickly washed away.

Lexus’ sword light cut just above the tomb and never hurt the inside.

After the dust settled, the figure of King Fang Xiang directly appeared in everyone's eyes.

Unique clothing will bring a very strong perspective impact.

But more, it was the wound on Fang Xiangshi's body.

Its body is almost riddled with sores, not even a complete skin the size of a palm.

It is supporting its body with difficulty, standing there, it is unimaginable what kind of power it is that can make it support it in this way.

There was a sudden throbbing in Ling Zhi's heart.

There are dozens of Fang Xiangshi beside this Fang Xiangshi king.

It's incomparable to that meeting when he first came.

But Ling Zhi intuitively knew that what the Fang Xiang clan did was not for the Fang Xiang clan, because of the remaining Fang Xiang clan, although there were some females but no children, they were rather powerful. Most of the elderly Fang Xiangshi.

Thinking of these things on Fang Xiangshi's shoulders, the corners of the eyes of Shu Feiyao and Yin Meng suddenly felt moist.

Ling Zhi stepped forward, but a unique aura emerged from his body.

This kind of breath appeared on Li Bai's body at almost the same time.

A breath of blood that belongs exclusively to the earth.

Fang Xiangshi's strong hostility dissipated instantly.

Let Lexus come to it, take out the elixir, and start healing it.

At this moment, keeping its life is the most important thing.

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