God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1903: Hearty

All his madness was completely unknown to Lexus before this.

In fact, this is also very inexplicable.

Lingzhi mastered the space rules, Wen Cang also mastered the space rules, and the Guru family was afraid that no one would not know.

But these people, they never knew anything about the puppet master, or in other words, never tried to hurt them.

But the puppet masters like Shen Tuyan regard them as natural enemies.

And in the long time, resentment towards them has reached the extreme.

This makes no sense at all.

They are entirely responsible for themselves.

Tian Yisheng water is a strange thing that Lexus has never heard of, but it is just a drop, but it is so respected by Shen Tuyan, so the value naturally far exceeds the **** milk of the earth.

And the only one who knew this thing was Shui Wuxun.

Shui Wuxun's understanding of Tianyishengshui might even surpass Shentuyan.

Because the Owl-tailed clan was originally an overlord-level existence who was born to play in the water.


Facing Shentuyan's madness, Ling Zhi just stood quietly, the blood weeping sword in his hand buzzing, killing intently.

He is still waiting, what kind of means will the water use to cover up the spiritual power lines in his perception this day.

It was through these lines that Shen Tuyan controlled the female puppet.

At this moment, the woman's hair suddenly stretched out, and in the blink of an eye, there was a slender stream of water connected with Shen Tuyan.

Lexus subconsciously took out the sword.

Jian Guang was still bitter and fast.

But when he tried to cut the connection between the woman and Shen Tuyan, he was cut into the water.

This is the real thing, and the water will flow even better.

Tianyisheng was cut off by Lexus, but there was no impact.

The Weeping Blood Sword drew across those lines, before the sword body had time to leave, Tianshengsheng water healed together again.

It wasn't until this time that Ling Zhi understood that Tianshengshui was not meant to cover up anything, but instead made Shentuyan's control route clearer.

But if you see it, it doesn't mean you can cut it off.

This is a brand new idea.

It wasn't until this moment that the life and death battle between Ling Zhi and Shen Tuyan had begun completely.

His body flickered, Ling Zhi's body straddled the void, trying to get past the woman and directly attack Shen Tuyan.

However, the woman's body was twisted weirdly, her lower body was facing the front, but the upper body turned.

The water flow condensed into a seemingly no-edge water sword in her hand, and pierced through the void in the blink of an eye, stab Lingzhi.

Ling Zhi was already standing in front of Shentuyan at this moment, but Shentuyan just stepped back, but didn't fight him.

It wasn't until the water sword was about to arrive in front of Lingzhi that he paused slightly, the gear flew out of his body, and slashed at Lingzhi.

The water sword behind him was weird, and Ling Zhi sent the Weeping Blood Sword without much thought.

The tip of the Weeping Blood Sword conflicted with the tip of the Water Sword.

A puff of suction came from the water sword, and the Weeping Blood Sword felt like it was about to be released, and it almost flew out of Lingzhi's hands.

At this time, under Shen Tuyan's delicate attack time, the gear had reached the top of Lexus's head, only half a meter.


Ling Zhi snorted, a force in his body exploded fiercely, and the spiritual power surged out. He made a fist with his left hand and blasted directly at the gear above his head.


Shen Tuyan's eyes lit up. He thought that Ling Zhi would use that strange and powerful Heavenly Dao monument, but he didn't expect that Ling Zhi would actually fight his Dao soldiers with his body. Excited, he could not help but force spray from his body again. Spit out more power, poured it into the gear of the Taoist soldiers, and smashed towards Lexus.


The moment the fist and the gear fought, the gear did not know how terrifying the speed reached, and the relatively more stable void of the pseudo-world was cut out of shape.

However, Ling Zhi slammed his fist, but was stunned that the gear shook three times in the air, and the speed slowed down uncontrollably.

On the surface of Lexus's left fist, there was also a scar that was deeply visible, and the veins on the back of his hand were even more torn apart, dripping with blood.

Shen Tuyan slammed, as the gear shook up, desperately pressed down again.

At the same time, his fingers were trembling continuously, and the woman holding the water sword exploded with even stronger suction, and the tip of the water sword unexpectedly protruded, from **** wide and thin to palm thickness.

It's like a poisonous snake suddenly opened its mouth at this moment and wanted to swallow its prey in one bite.

In the blink of an eye, the water sword made by Tian Yisheng's water directly swallowed most of the Weeping Blood Sword.

The woman even took the opportunity to approach Lexus directly, and she patted her hands that had never held a sword at the same time.

In this situation, the best way for Lexus is to discard the Weeping Blood Sword, shake the woman back with a palm, and at the same time concentrate the remaining power in the body to fight the gear above.

Shen Tuyan even mobilized the power in his body. After Lexus did this, he asked the woman to drop the water sword and attack him strongly when he lost his weapon.

But this time, Lexus did not give him such an opportunity.

Not only did Ling Zhi not discard the Weeping Blood Sword, but instead held it tighter. At this moment, all his attention was focused on the woman in front of him. Instead, he ignored the gears played by Shen Tuyan.

Shen Tuyan was furious, and the gear quickly pressed down, carrying a more violent posture.

At the same time, Ling Zhi raised his left hand, suddenly changing from making a fist to opening, and claws in the air.

Powerful qi and blood burst out from between his palms, and the immortal spirit power mixed with the soul power intertwined, emerging from between his five fingers, and hitting the gears.

He actually grabbed Shen Tuyan's Taoist soldiers out of thin air with his bare hands.

The gears went from extremely fast speed to abruptly still, and the powerful force contained in it caused Lexus's palm to make bursts of cracking sound immediately, and it fell down.

However, the gear failed to touch Lexus's body after all.

Such a sudden speed change also caused great damage to the gear itself. The strong counter-shock force was transmitted through the gear to Shentu Yan but very little, causing him to cough up blood on the spot, and the meridians in his body did not know how many broken meridians. .

And Ling Zhi stared at the woman, but he sneered, "I don't know if it is the so-called "Tianyisheng" water is strong, but Biluohuangquan is stronger."

The Nine Sky Blue Yellow Spring is the whole yellow spring water, but the yellow spring water condensed around the female corpse is naturally no small thing.

This kind of water flow is contained in the body of the Weeping Blood Sword. At this moment, the water sword turned into a poisonous snake and swallowed the Weeping Blood Sword.

The water itself is a crystal clear color, but at this moment, a decadent yellow is emitted from the body of the poisonous snake.

A little yellow spot emerged from the surface of the poisonous snake and spread quickly.

Shen Tuyan suddenly yelled, and the woman cut her sword from her own water, and then retreated in fear.

This battle was unspeakable heartily.

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