God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1902: Tian Yi Shui

Looking at Shentuyan, who had not completely failed, and Shentuyan, who still had the power of a battle, not only did Lexus show no impatience, on the contrary, his fighting spirit became more and more high.

The battle with Shentuyan actually started very suddenly, and there was not much intersection between each other, and it seemed that there was no hatred.

But just as Shen Tuyan only noticed that Lexus and the others had entered here, he had to manipulate the puppets to kill Lexus and them. In the world of warriors, there are some things that do not have so much reason to talk about.

For Shen Tuyan, King Fang Xiang can raise his puppet art to one level, one level.

So he must kill the Fang Xiangshi king.

However, King Fang Xiang was something that Lexus had to protect, because it was related to the possibility of the return of the war spirits of the ancestors on earth.

Just this slight possibility is enough for Lexus to do it all.

So from the beginning, between the two of them, one must fall.

But because they didn't have much hatred and enmity, their battles would be as fair as a gentleman's battle, and that's why such a situation of tactics would appear.

At this moment, what rushed out of Shen Tuyan's body was completely complete, another thing.

As soon as something like this appeared, it attracted Shui Wuxun's eyes.

This is a drop of water.

Yes, it is the shape of water droplets.

Falling into Shentuyan's hands, he was still shaking, deforming, and rolling.

It is as if there is a transparent film on the outside that wraps this drop of water.

The essence of the water contained in this is enough to make the water swallow without a trace, and it is enough to make everyone feel jealous.

Just when Ling Zhi was cautiously guarding, thinking in his heart the function of the water drop in Shen Tuyan's hand and what kind of enemy means would appear in front of him, the water drop changed.

Water is the most insubstantial existence in the world.

This drop of water turned into a human form with Shen Tuyan's spiritual power.

A woman whose body is condensed from water.

The graceful posture, the bumpy figure, the exquisite face that can be felt even in flowing water, and the long hair that the drops of water draw back.

All this is like a woman who has never dressed.

Some spirit power and spiritual power are intertwined, conveyed from Shen Tuyan's body, controlling the woman's actions.

But Shen Tuyan's simultaneous use of spirit power and spiritual power did not integrate these two powers as thoroughly as Lexus.

Perhaps this was one of the reasons why he was so shocked when he saw Ling Zhi using his soul power.

"Although he is the puppet master who controls the puppet, the methods used are all related to the puppet, but the previous few times the puppet was directly used by Lexus to cut off the control connection with the power of space. Now he uses it again, even if there are more What's the meaning of the magic?"

Yin Meng's brows were slightly pulled out, and the corners of his delicate mouth were slightly curled, with an unspeakable beauty of its own.

Not only him, but Shu Feiyao and others, also had such doubts.

No matter how powerful and powerful the woman condensed from this drop of water is, Lexus only needs a sword to cut the connection between Shen Tuyan and the woman, so no matter how powerful it is, it has no meaning.

They couldn't figure out why Shen Tuyan still did this.

Lexus also couldn't figure it out, but this was a respectable opponent, so he definitely wouldn't despise it. What's more, it was normal for the enemy's methods to make him unable to figure it out.

So he just stood with the sword, watching the changes, and didn't rush to do anything.

This is due to the strong self-confidence in oneself, self-confidence that oneself can cope with what happens next, that is why it is so calm.

At this moment, Shen Tuyan suddenly raised his head and smiled at Ling Zhi.

"So far I have practiced, and I don't know how many opponents I have met, how many people I have killed, and how many sects I have destroyed, but I have never encountered a practitioner who has the power of space."

"You are the first one, but I am not without a way to deal with you."

"Because practitioners like you are the natural enemies of our puppet masters, our school has had such a legend since ancient times, and it is this drop of water in my hands." Shen Tuyan smiled confidently and even proudly. , "It's just that they have never found it, so they always have a sense of fear in their hearts about unusual practitioners."

"However, fear does become a kind of motivation very often, because as long as you encounter you, then all the methods of the puppet masters become meaningless existences. In the fear of you, under a long period of time, they While struggling to find the water in the sky, I thought of various ways."

"My previous trick, that villain," Shen Tuyan stretched out his hand, and the leather villain fell into his hands. "This is what I have used and treated as a natal soldier for a long time."

"And the reason why he can be so fast is because he is afraid of you, because the people who have mastered the power of space themselves represent the unsurpassed speed. So we must be the fastest in a short distance , The limit is fast, and you will be killed when you can't catch it."

"So you said that you found your own problem from my hands-on. I was full of disdain for you, and full of sorrow for my elders, but also some admiration. At least, they really found out. Some methods can be used to restrain practitioners like you who have mastered the power of space, even enough to restrain the vast majority of people."

Perhaps it was because he was extremely confident about himself and the life in front of him, so Shen Tuyan's words became more and more, and he revealed a kind of will soon kill Lexus, so I took this opportunity to Ling Zhi said a few more emotions.

And the reason to say a few more words seems to be not because of Lexus's strength, but simply because of Lexus' mastery of the power of space.

Ling Zhi just listened quietly without saying a word, but the calmer he was, the more emotional Shentu Yan became.

"But I am different. I have found something they have spent countless years trying to find fruitless. There is a lot of water in every day. In their verification, it can be perfectly combined with the puppet, so that the puppet I control does not have any Defects, I will never be afraid of your things again."

"I always thought that I wouldn't need it in my life. I didn't expect to use it for the first time. I could verify all previous speculations and kill a practitioner who was known as the natural enemy of the puppet master."

Shen Tuyan's eyes were filled with madness.

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