God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1809: Join forces

This time when the teleportation was over, Ling Zhi clearly felt that Wen Cang beside him had a heavier breath.

"One teleport, how far did you teleport?" Ling Zhi asked in astonishment.

Let Wen Cang need to breathe after a teleportation, this distance is a bit scary.

"Approximately one hundred thousand miles." Wen Cang took a breath and flew forward with Ling Zhi as he recovered.

"That person, the one named Lu Ya, with the sapphire gourd in his hand, broke you and my cause and effect at the beginning, which made me unable to save you in time. Today I discovered that his gourd is far more powerful than that, and it can simply predict the future. When I was teleporting, I was sometimes interrupted by him with that gourd, otherwise, with my strength, they could catch up with me?"

"When I was chased by him at the beginning, every teleportation ended. After I escaped from the void, I would be noticed by him in advance. I thought it was a problem with my cultivation level. He found something. , He could even predict your teleportation, that is definitely the effect of certain exercises or the green jade gourd." Ling Zhi frowned and nodded.

"Well," Wen Cang flew forward, "but fortunately, his realm is not high enough after all. This time I teleported too far, and he couldn't force him over immediately. Let's go back to Supreme City. "

Ling Zhi glanced at him in surprise. This was not Wen Cang. He knew Wen Cang's cultivation base, especially Wen Cang's habit of running away without sparring this time. This was not his character.

"So serious? Can't we join hands?" he asked.

Wen Cang wrinkled his nose, stretched out his hand and rubbed it, "I'm not afraid of it myself, but I'm afraid that the two of them will be evil to you. That sapphire gourd is too weird, if we are separated again, I'm afraid there will be something wrong. Wonderful."

As he was talking, Wen Cang's expression changed, "They are here."

After speaking, grabbing Lexus, continue to teleport away.

In just a few short times, in front of them, the shadow of Supreme City had appeared faintly.

Ling Zhi and the others had just arrived here, and they flew quickly from the direction of Taishangcheng.

The chill on Ling Zhi had just risen, but Wen Cang breathed a sigh of relief, "It's just talking."

The Grand Elder of Wantong Bank, a Saint King three-level powerhouse in the same realm as Ji Fanchen, talk.

"Wenfu, Lexus!" Talking flew over and saw that the two of them were okay, and he was relieved. The worry on his face quickly disappeared, "It's okay for you to be fine. Those two thieves are really horrible."

"In the beginning, I rushed out with Ling Zhi. As a result, his speed and route were very weird, but in the end he was lost." Talking with a smile, "Ling Zhi's spatial knowledge has grown a lot."

"Hmph, don't look at who taught it." Wen Cang felt relieved that others praised Lexus, he felt that he was more happy than he was.

"Old guy, it turned out to have a helper here. No wonder he rushed back in such a hurry!" A loud voice came from behind.

That giant clan powerhouse, turned into a hundred feet tall at this moment, stepping from a distance.

On his shoulders, Lu Ya stood on it.

The giant stepped out in one step, as if shrinking into an inch, at an astonishing speed, and the mountains and rivers retreated under his feet.

Obviously he was so huge, but he was as agile as before. At this moment, he ran quickly, his feet didn't fall, and the void he stepped on collapsed layer by layer.

"Talk, don't worry about it later, take care of Lexus. Leave the rest to me." After the talk, Wen Cang settled on the contrary, "His blue jade gourd trapped me for a while. Wait a while. If he targets me with a sapphire gourd and talks about you and Lexus supporting it for half an hour, and within half an hour, I will definitely solve it and come out to help you."

There is a strong confidence in his words.

This place is less than ten miles away from Taishang City, and the situation here quickly passed.

Countless warriors in the Supreme City rushed over, leaning towards here. Do not want to miss such a master showdown.

"Bao Gourd, listen to my orders."

Sure enough, just as Wen Cang said, after the two rushed over, Lu Ya raised his hand and shot a green jade gourd.

The flying knife in the gourd rushed out and went straight to Wen Cang.

The eyes above the flying knife opened, staring at Wen Cang, no matter what, Ren Wencang could not dodge.

The gourd spit out clouds and mist, and quickly enveloped Wen Cang in.

The difference from the previous time is that this time he made such a direct shot. The sapphire gourd in Lu Ya's hand expanded rapidly. He flew up from the giant's shoulders, stepped on the gourd, and rushed into the mist around Wen Cang.

Only in this way can Wen Cang be trapped.

"With this helper, you want to stop me?" The giant looked condescendingly, his gaze fell on the talker, full of disdain.

"Hugh is rampant!" Tan Yan snorted and flew towards the other party.

"Humph." The corner of the giant's mouth twitched, and a big clock suddenly appeared in his hand.

His patience was extremely limited, and he used his strongest weapon as soon as he came up.

The big clock flew out, and he banged his fist at the clock body.



On the clock body, the countless fine and invisible lines all turned into ripples and flew out.

Tan Yan's eyes were solemn, and he didn't dare to hold it big, he took out his weapons and confronted the opponent.


However, this confrontation has not exceeded three breaths.

He spurted blood and flew out.

Just one move, one move, and the talk was lost.

This is the result of the two people uniting all their strength together and fighting each other. Hundreds of thousands of tricks are condensed into one trick.

The strength of Tan Yan is similar to that of Ji Fanchen, and Yun can easily severely injure Ji Fanchen, and can also inject that magic into Ji Fanchen’s soul. This allows Yun to be easily helpless in the giant clan powerhouse. Naturally, he has this ability. In, one move defeats the talk.

The giant powerhouse smiled contemptuously, the big clock in his hand expanded rapidly, and he slammed his head towards Ling Zhi, "I know you have a lot of good things in your hands, but don't waste your energy. Given the gap between you and mine, you shouldn't It's the character I'm concerned about. At this moment, when I shoot at you, I just agreed to Lu Ya and give him the stone tablets on your body."

"You think I'm too weak." Tan Yan scolded angrily, flew up and stood in front of Lexus.

"It's not that he thinks you are too weak, but that you are already weak. You can't intervene in this battle."

Suddenly, a female voice sounded, and the person who was the most unexpected, but the person who should not have intervened on this occasion, appeared.

Heavenly Alliance, easy cloud!

The most incomprehensible thing was that after she appeared, she went straight to Lexus, as if she had joined forces with the giants.

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