God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1808: Deceive too much

If only Lu Ya was alone, Ling Zhi would naturally not be anxious, but with the addition of that giant clan powerhouse, he had to be anxious.

Especially, now these two people, unexpectedly, have joined forces!

The strong giant of the giant clan had the ability to easily fight Yun. That day Yun went to chase him easily. It must have been a fight, but he did not take back the key.

That key, but Yun easily auctioned it by himself, and it was taken away by the public.

Especially, the things that these two people have in their hands are a bit weird, even Lexus can't be sure of that grade.

The big clock in the hands of the giants can protect the soul from the top, and attack the enemy from the bottom. Under the action of the treasure-gathering futon, its position is even closer to the monument of heaven. Although in the end, it is really attacked by the powerful giants. The location of the monument.

But if it is an ordinary thing, where does this qualification come from?

The four pieces of the Heavenly Path Tablet were separated, and they couldn't exert their due strength at all, but the big clock looked like a complete whole. If it really broke out, the power would be unimaginable.

That Lu Ya, when Ling Zhi was hunted down by him, his cultivation was only in the early stage of the Saint King's third-level realm. Compared with Yun Yi and Wen Cang, he was still two steps behind, far from his opponent.

But in the bottom of my heart, Lexus is most jealous and concerned about this person.

First, the "Sha" tablet fell on the side of a broken palm of a white tiger. This person can get the "Sha" tablet, and he must also get a part of the white tiger's body.

What's more, the power of the "Sha" monument itself is very scary and unknown.

The second is the sapphire gourd in Lu Ya's hand.

The gourd with eyebrows seemed to predict the future, and also seemed to be able to directly kill the spirit of the martial artist. It was the only weapon that Lexus had come into contact with besides hitting the whip and could attack and attack the spirit of the martial artist.

Although Ling Zhi had never come into contact with a real best Taoist soldier, he didn't know what the ultimate power of the Taoist soldier was, but he always felt that this big clock, including the green jade gourd, and the heavenly monument, had a feeling of surpassing the weapon level of the warrior.

Like a magical medicine, it is not artificially capable of refining, or in other words, it is not at all a weapon level that a warrior of their level can touch and contend with.

Using the power of the space madly, he chased the whole number one hundred thousand li down, and then Lexus caught some Wen Cang fluctuations from the void.

He slowly closed his eyes and quietly felt the space around him.

This was taught to him by Wen Cang, the space has unlimited self-recovery ability, but it does not mean that the space will not be hurt, otherwise there will be no such thing as tearing the space.

As time goes by, this kind of damage will gradually dissipate under the self-repair of the space.

However, this time, and continuous, at least within a few days, cannot be completely eliminated.

Therefore, by feeling the fluctuations in the surrounding space, it is possible to roughly infer the level, strength, and level of some battles that took place here, and even some of the past here.

For a long time, Ling Zhi closed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Three forces, fighting!"

With that said, he pointed in one direction, directly used the limit distance he could teleport, and hurried towards the distance.

"Wen Cang, Wen old man, wait for me, I'll rush over right away!"

He was anxious, speeding up again and again, Wen Cang went to Wushan to rescue him not far away for tens of thousands of miles, and even after hearing that he might have been poisoned, he was angry and injured Yun easily. This kind of affection, how can we not Report, how can you not remember it in your heart.

Time passed quickly, and the fluctuation of space finally took a noticeable change, Ling Zhi's expression shrank, mobilizing the power in the body.

"Oh, let me see, who is this here?" A weird cry sounded, and Ling Zhi had just escaped from the void with a spiritual attack and flung him over.

It is pure and extremely, fairy power.


Ling Zhi yelled and blasted out with a punch, and the fairy spiritual power flowed out of him quickly, like a tiger rushing out.

After colliding with this immortal spirit power attack, both of them finally dispersed, his head tilted back slightly, and a ray of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Ling Zhi?" Wen Cang's surprised voice came, and he hurried over.

Lu Ya and the giant men can chase him, but they absolutely don't have the ability to restrict Wen Cang's movement at this distance.

"Why are you here?" Wen Cang glanced at him up and down, "Well, the cultivation base is progressing well, and the spatial attainments have also improved well. I was able to chase after the fluctuations in the space I left. I am very satisfied. ."

Ling Zhi glanced at him speechlessly, reached out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned his head and said, "You, you owe me, you have to return it to me after all!"

"Humph." Lu Ya snorted, did not speak, and looked at Ling Zhi's eyes with an undisguised killing intent, which was stronger than ever.

Ling Zhi pitted him at Jiuding Peak, only to make him angry, but he would not have such a strong killing intent.

His killing intent came from the growth of Lexus.

What is Lexus? When he was chased by him, he could severely wound Lexus with a single blow.

But just now, Lexus smashed him abruptly, and he was only slightly injured. Such growth speed has challenged his bottom line.

He must kill this threat in the cradle.

"It's just a little one." The giant man sneered, raising his hand as a punch.

When this fist blasted, a wave of air blasted away first, spreading to the mountain peaks hundreds of meters away, and also shook the peaks down.

When Lexus moved his feet, he rushed up, trying to block the punch.

However, Wen Cang's expression changed, his movements quickly stopped him, and he teleported to avoid the blow.

"I know that your strength is not bad, and the means of life-saving are good, but there is no need to compete with him for physical strength? Isn't this the hardest place to collide with the other party? This is very unwise." Wen Cang whispered. It is not so much a lesson as it is an instruction.

Ling Zhi curled his lips. He practiced along the way. He had never had a battle. In a physical confrontation, he had flinched. That's why he did such a behavior just now. Everything is dictated by habit.

As for whether it can be played, let's talk about it.

"The two of them are deceiving too much, and they are too shameless to join forces to persecute you." Ling Zhi stared at them and said.

Although Wen Cang is not yet his nominal master, but he has really guided him.

"Why, it's just bullying him, what do you think you can't agree with?" The giant man's voice vibrated and asked.

"Go back first."

Ling Zhi was about to refute and even make a move. After Wen Cang suddenly dropped this sentence, he grabbed him and teleported to Supreme City.

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