God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1705: Time consuming?

"Something that killed you." Ling Zhi clenched his fist and watched Lu said.

On this arm, the magic lines are still rushing out crazy.

Lexus is betting on the silver lining.

In the state of betting, he can stay awake.

"Kill me? Wai Lier!"

The two stood together in an instant, hit the cave directly, hit the sky, and hit the wilds.

The sound of fists to the flesh is endless, one after another.

At this moment, the two even hit a tie.

This scene made Lu Ya feel a little confused and puzzled.

Did not react.

Why did the person who was chased by him suddenly become so alive?

However, he didn't know how much choice Ling Zhi had made for this step.

Only those who have experienced the erosion of the Great Demon suppressed by Jiuding can understand what a terrifying thing that is.

And under such horrible things, choosing such a method and taking the initiative to fuse one arm is like dancing on the flames and crazy on the edge of the cliff.

One carelessness is forever lost.

In particular, what Ling Zhi had hesitated most before was worrying that his arm would control his mind, causing Jiuding to fail to suppress this demon and let him go.

As the fighting time passed, the magic lines on his arms spread more and more on his body.

In other parts of his body, he almost couldn't see the original skin.

"Gravity is falling!" Ling Zhi rushed to Lu Ya and suddenly shouted like this.

Lu Ya's body trembled fiercely. Although it was only half a breath, Ling Zhi took this opportunity and rushed to him.

A violent punch hit his abdomen.

Lu Ya bowed his body and spit out a bitter bile.

Just as Lexus was about to make up another punch, a sense of extreme crisis suddenly rushed into his heart. Without thinking about it, he hurriedly bent over and retreated quickly.

Lu Ya's eyes flashed with a strange light, and a look that had never appeared in his eyes before appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, he can only be described with the two words "Monstery".

He opened his mouth and spouted a flame towards Ling Zhi.

The flames rolled, turning into a rainbow-like light and swept towards Ling Zhi.

Ling Zhi had already retreated enough distance before he shot, but when this blow appeared from Lu Ya, the sense of crisis in his heart was not weakened at all, but it became more serious.

This sense of crisis almost made him unable to breathe.

Without even thinking about it, he raised his right arm, blocked it in front of him, and protected his body.

Sure enough, he was clearly retreating and dodging, but the light still hit him.

It hit his right arm.


Ling Zhi's right arm for a while, the magic pattern on his right arm suddenly trembled, and the force gradually dissipated.


Ling Zhi opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood, and flew out backwards with a languid breath.

It has been smashed into the mountains, and then barely stopped, all over his body, where there are still good clothes, all in tatters.

Many parts of the body are dripping blood out. The blood is thick and stained on the rocks, connecting blood-like silk threads, which looks particularly shocking.

Unspeakable pain.

Ling Zhi got up and stood up. Even in this state, he couldn't help grinning his teeth. On his back, a large piece of blood skin appeared. These blood skins stuck between the skin and the broken stones. Together, several pieces of flesh and blood were suddenly pulled down.

There are some fine stones stuck in the flesh and blood of his back, which exacerbated the pain.

Not only will the warrior not give up the pain, but in order to remain vigilant and sensitive, he will strengthen the pain.

So even today, he gritted his teeth a little bit painfully.

After Lu Ya made this blow, it seemed that he had also consumed a lot of strength. He did not take advantage of this opportunity to chase Lexus while he was breathing.

Ling Zhi stood upright and was about to attack again, when his heart suddenly hurt and a convulsive sensation appeared.

When I looked inside, I discovered that the magic pattern had already rushed into his body at some point, rushing towards his heart and other places.

"Can't drag it anymore." The heart is the source of the body, the place where the blood is collected, and Ling Zhi is alert in his heart and no longer recklessly blindly attack.

"You really surprised me. The Heavenly Dao Monument is really not a mundane thing. He will not choose anyone casually. You can be chosen by him, naturally there is your reason." Lu Yi looked directly at Ling Zhi and nodded.

Put on a sincere look.

"But," he said, "You are still too weak, even if your qualifications, your chances, and your potential are all good and strong, what can you do?"

"I have already seen that it is the power of a certain powerful person suppressed by Jiudingfeng? So, you need to pay a lot, right? It's easy to be seized and swallowed?"

Lu Ya sneered, his bright eyes pierced through the ages like Ruowang, seeing through everything, "Even if I can't beat you now, how can you support me? If you continue to consume it, sooner or later, you will be taken away? It's better. Now give me the Tiandao monument, I can leave immediately and let you leave alive."

"Are you joking?"

"Are you here to be funny?"

Ling Zhi took out some spirit pills from the ring and swallowed it slowly.

The spirit pill that was originally scented with medicine, mixed with the blood in his throat, was swallowed by him and turned into a stream of heat.

Facing the arrogant Lu Ya, his expression relaxed, because he knew that the blow just now, at least, Lu Ya could no longer use it in a short time, otherwise the opponent would not be so long-winded.

As for time-consuming...

"How do I feel that if it takes time alone, you will die before me?" Ling Zhi smiled.


As if to respond to him, a more violent thunder and lightning struck the cover outside Lu Ya's body. The cover clicked and a gap appeared.

The power of thunder and lightning was introduced into it, and a piece of flesh and blood was wiped off the outside of Lu Ya's arm.

This thunder and lightning, relying on his body, can't stop it!

Lexus could contend with him with just one arm. The strength of the Demon of Nine Tripod Suppression was terrifying.

This is a thunder against this demon, of course he can't easily contend.

In the face of all this, Lu Ya's face instantly became extremely difficult to look.

On the other hand, Lexus looks as stable as Mount Tai.

In fact, the magic pattern was in his body, starting a new round of raging.

Other locations are covered with magic patterns, but his **** platform, eyes, heart and other important positions have not been soaked by magic patterns.

Time consuming?

Neither can afford it!

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