God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1704: Fusion

When Lu Ya rushed in, Ling Zhi did not neglect, and hurriedly directed the medicine power all over his body, rushing towards the mountainside.

"Want to escape?" Lu Ya shouted, "This Jiuding Peak is strange, you are even suppressed by the power of space, right? You are in the trap!"

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Lexus.

The first time the two were so close, Lu Yi's eyes were cold, but he didn't notice the crazy meaning in Ling Zhi's eyes at this moment.


For the first time, the two really collided!

Carrying the rules of strength, Lexus's blow was with Lu Ya's slap.

With a click, Ling Zhi's wrist dislocated, and Lu Qian was about to approach. Suddenly a new force rushed out of Ling Zhi's arm and slammed into him.

Then came the third and fourth wave.


"This is the rule of power?" Lu Yi exclaimed, "Isn't this the rule of power that the people of that planet mastered back then? How can you use it?"

"Ha ha."

Ling Zhi opened his mouth to him, showing his blood-stained teeth, sneered, and with his strength, he threw out to the rear.

Banging on a rock, Ling Zhi's other hand supported the rock, his body rose and fell sharply, and rushed into a cave.

He rushed in quickly and came directly to a large cauldron.

Lu Qian followed and rushed directly to the entrance of the cave.

At the same time, the thunder and lightning on his body surface was falling crazily, but it was still unable to completely open the cover of his body, and in a short time, it could not hurt him.

His strength was beyond expectations.

It's not an ordinary Saint King's three-layer realm at all, not to mention, he is only at the early stage of the three-layer realm, but there is a feeling that he can talk to Ji Fanchen and compete with each other.

"So this is the big tripod, there are nine on this mountain?" Lu Ya stood at the entrance of the cave, said loudly, his eyes fell on the big tripod.

"This, this?" He was suddenly struck by lightning, looking at the big tripod, "Is this the simplest manifestation of the rules of the road?"

He walked the same path as Lexus, so he naturally wanted to understand the rules of the Great Dao. Now he could instantly see the special lines on the big tripod. This shows that he has already gone far in his perception of the rules of the heavens.

"Good thing, this is the ultimate treasure, the absolute ultimate treasure." Lu Ya laughed, "Give me the monument to Heaven and the nine great tripods. If it wasn't for you to die, otherwise I really don't want to kill you. Up."

After he said this, his body rushed towards Ling Zhi, clearly smiling at the previous moment, but at this moment, only killing intent was left.

Those thunder and lightning have been attacking him, and he has no choice. To stay here for a long time, he must fight quickly.

This cover is still a treasure he got from somewhere in the secret realm. Normally, the saint king's three-layer realm warrior can't hurt it with a single blow, but this thunder and lightning can split some cracks. Although he is calm, he is very palpitating.


As he was charging, he suddenly let out a muffled snort, and his body bent down sharply.

His knees almost knelt directly on the ground, until he was about to approach, and he did not knelt down with difficulty.

This is naturally not what Lexus did.

It's what Dading said.

The nine great tripods, when Lexus came here, had felt this way, but it seemed that because of his identity, the tripod did not release all its power.

And when I came this time, I didn't even feel the slightest resistance.

Obviously, he came here last time, sent his eyes back, suppressed the head, and got Dading's approval.

This Jiuding is the tripod of Kyushu.

And Lexus, flowing through his body, is the blood of Kyushu.


Almost at the same time he knelt down, Lexus moved, and the Dragon Spear in his hand turned into a stream of light and pierced straight out.

Lu Ya couldn't dodge, and was directly stabbed at the position of his left shoulder. The tip of the gun barely penetrated his body, sputtering a stream of blood.

When Ling Zhi was about to continue to exert his strength to expand this result,


Suddenly, from Lu Ya, the gourd rushed up.

This gourd was clearly beaten by him before and went to pester Wen Cang, but now suddenly appeared, it was Lexus, who was also surprised.

He deeply remembered the power of this gourd, especially the weird throwing knife in it, it was so powerful and terrifying.

Fortunately, this time the gourd flew out, and no flying knife rushed out, but the gourd sprinkled air and enveloped Lu Pressure, but it made him stand up within the pressure range of the big tripod.

And the spear that Ling Zhi stabbed into his body was directly forced out by him.

The flesh and blood on Lu Ya's shoulders was quickly recovering, and he was suddenly injured by Ling Zhi. His eyes were extremely cold and angry.

Ling Zhi's expression also changed at the same time, and the last bit of struggle in his eyes disappeared.

When Lu Ya resisted the pressure of the cauldron and was about to rush over, Ling Zhi suddenly probed his hand and grabbed into the cauldron.

In this great cauldron, there was a whole arm, which was the arm of the great demon suppressed by Jiuding.

When Ling Zhi grabbed this arm, all the emotion and hesitation in his eyes disappeared.

He knows that this is himself, the last life, the last hope.

Otherwise, it is death.

Can't control so much!

Grabbing the arm, after he grabbed this arm from the cauldron, it seemed to come alive in an instant, and it blended into his arm directly.

In the blink of an eye, Lexus's right hand all turned into a navy blue color.

All the clothes on it burst open and came out.

His arm seemed to be replaced.

Not only that, large swaths of magic patterns began to appear on Lexus's body. This kind of magic patterns were many times more complicated than the magic patterns that he had been contaminated from evil.

Almost every inch, every strand, there are thousands of changes.

Each of these changes is different!

The only difference is that Ling Zhi's eyes are still his own, red after being enchanted.

This is his magic, different from others.

Lu Ya's probe grabbed him, Ling Zhi turned around, raised his arm, and patted him.

"Hmph, you pushed yourself into a desperate situation." Lu Ya hummed lightly, not careless, and patted with all his strength.


The two forces collided and buzzed on the cauldron, causing the cauldron to hum.

The two were shocked by this force. Lexus was okay, but after a few steps back, Lu Ya flew out directly.

He was shaken out of the cave and vomited a mouthful of blood.

He rolled to the ground, grabbed his chest and climbed up, looking at Lexus in horror.

"What are you?" He stared at Ling Zhi's arm, his arm hanging on one side of his body was bleeding.

With that blow just now, Ling Zhi hit him evenly, and after adding the big tripod, he fell short!

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