God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1650: The Great Demon of Jiuding Town

In this large bronze cauldron, some are not treasures, not rare treasures.

It is a foot.

Yes, it is the same as the human foot.

He had black and gold boots on his feet, attached to his legs, all the way.

This leg was just thrown in this big cauldron, and I don't know who cut it off.

The only thing he knew was that this leg was clearly suppressed by Dading, but it still inevitably revealed bursts of energy.

This Qi machine is enough to be the Holy King Realm.

Ling Zhi tried to move forward, wanting to observe carefully, this time, from above the big cauldron, a faint luster appeared and enveloped him.

This lustrous presence, that sharp aura was instantly weakened to the extreme, Ling Zhi only felt that the mountain that had been on his shoulders had suddenly disappeared.

The whole person has a sense of relief.

He was surprised to find that in the previous confrontation, his soul power had actually been tempered once, and it was more pure.

You know, his cultivation level is no more than the seventh level of the king realm, but his spirit power is at the level of the second level of the holy king. Any slight improvement is precious and shocking to him.

"This big cauldron is placed here, is it suppressing a leg?"

Ling Zhi frowned and looked carefully at Dading Zhizheng. After losing that horrifying Qi at this moment, this leg was no different from an ordinary one, and no strangeness could be seen.

Very ordinary, flesh and blood is also very ordinary, not the powerful blessing of white jade as bone


Ling Zhi frowned and suddenly reacted.

"My blood, isn't it just ordinary!"

He took out the jade bottle and looked at the blood in the jade bottle. The blood didn't dry up, but it didn't have the slightest vitality or spiritual power.

And this one looks very imaginative.

Suddenly this drop of blood has been obliterated by this kind of vitality, isn't it the same? The body of a strong king can remain immortal for thousands of years.

The Saint King Realm can even be worth tens of thousands of years.

"This Jiuding Peak is to suppress this person?"

"Divide this person into nine parts, divide it into Jiuding, and use Jiuding's strength to suppress it together."

"This drop of blood was caused by this person himself when he was suppressed by Jiuding?"

One by one, bold and shocking thoughts came to Ling Zhi's mind involuntarily. He had a feeling that he had come into contact with the truth.

He was almost certain that the reason why Tuo was transformed into a land of demons and demons was not to steal a barren beast like a rat in the forest, but to cooperate with Jiuding to suppress this person and suppress this demons.

People who need Huaxia Jiuding to suppress together, need to be divided and suppressed, so that those who are not dead and cannot be killed are naturally enough to be called demons.

Ling Zhi tried to stretch his hand to the cauldron, but not only quickly caused the leg in the cauldron to move, it was also blocked by the cauldron.

That layer of misty gloss directly stopped him, and did not make him act rashly.

After looking around and confirming that there were no other items, Lexus pulled back and quickly followed the mountain, at the same height, towards the surroundings of the mountain.

He wants to see if there are other great tripods here, and if it is exactly the same as his own guess.

Soon, he found a neighboring cave and was shocked. In front of this cave, he also found a drop of blood.

Taking out a new jade bottle and filling it with this drop of blood, Ling Zhi walked towards the cave.

Every step of the way is a huge exercise for him.

Burning heat is different this time. Lexus, who has tasted the sweetness, has turned the building into a kind of experience. It's fun if he can increase his strength, this pain is nothing.

I approached the great cauldron very quickly. No accident, in this great cauldron, he suppressed an arm, clenched his fingers and fisted, and landed on the bottom of the cauldron, motionless, exuding horror, but was blocked by the cauldron. .

After half a time, Lexus wandered around the entire mountainside and found four great tripods.

Suppressed separately, hands.

From the perspective of proportions, it is not difficult to see that they belong to the same person.

Lexus began to climb upward.

Without knowing it, the power used by Zheng Fang, who is already in trouble at the moment, is God’s spiritual power. It is undeniable that the power of God’s spiritual power is indeed strong. , But has not been able to win quickly.

"Play slowly, beat slowly."

The rat was suppressed, seeming to be careless, and Fang slapped him on his body, coughing up blood and flew out.

But the next moment, it yelled, angered Fang, got up again, either dodged or confronted Fang.

Thief is very clever. It knows very well that it has the ability to kill Fang and defeat Fang, but it doesn't have that ability or the slightest certainty. It can get benefits in the hands of Xie Zu.

Only when Lexus came down, and relying on Lexus's powerful soul power, whether they would advance or retreat, fight or flee, would there be a bottom line.

Therefore, it has not shown its full strength, but pretended to be equivalent to Fang's strength, has been hanging Fang, deliberately delaying time.

It's just that with the spread of time, Xie Zu's eyes also brought a trace of impatience. This move was obviously about to be dragged.

If the scorpion ancestor held the cultivation base of the second level of the Holy King and used the spiritual power to deal with it, the consequences of stealing the rat would be unimaginable.

... At this moment, Lexus, ignorant of this, is climbing upwards intently.

It's just that the action has slowed down significantly.

He wanted to find other caves, so he could only look up, but he had to look around, so he almost climbed up the Jiuding Peak, and the journey suddenly became very remote and long.

Until he was near the top of the mountain again and found five neighboring tripods, in this tripod, it was this body that was suppressed.

Not too much surprise, not too much miracle.

It's just that you can roughly see that this Rao is taller than Lexus, about two meters tall.

The body is slender and the clothes are very luxurious.

It's just that the Qi machine cannot be touched and cannot be judged, what kind of grade this kind of clothing has been maintained for so long.

In the other two places in the circle, Ling Zhi found nothing but eyes.


But it's just a walnut eyeball.

It was still stained with blood, just so lonely and quietly, lying on the top of the big tripod Zheng Yiding, suppressing an eyeball, it was enough to show that this person's eye skills must be very exaggerated.

And Lexus once again collected three drops of blood.

Until he came to the fourth cave in the circle, he found that there was no blood in front of this cave!

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