God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1649: Chance?

Walking smoothly to the cave, the tingling sensation became stronger and stronger.

Although Ling Zhi's cultivation had fallen to the seventh floor of the King Realm, his physical body had not fallen a bit.

Just the qi coming from the cave can make him unbearable, hard to want, what is in it.

No matter how Lexus looked, he couldn't see through the cave and couldn't see any objects in it.

After gritting his teeth, Lexus held the Panlong gun and walked toward the inside to find out.

He wanted to know whether this place was related to Lao Tzu's group of people.

Walking along the edge of the cave, the fierce aura became stronger and stronger, and there were blood stains on the surface of Lexus.

It is the burst that the flesh cannot bear.

As the eyes adapt to the cave, the scene inside finally gradually brightens.

"Is there really a tripod?"

Ling Zhi was surprised that there really was a big tripod in the center of this cave.

The whole body of the big tripod is made of bronze, with mottled colors on it, which looks very heavy.

The most important weapon of the country, the big bronze tripod! Bronze has an extraordinary position in the long history of China.

It is not surprising that the whole body of the big tripod is made of bronze.

"Could it be that there are nine caves on Jiuding Peak, and all the nine tripods are here?"

Ling Zhi was surprised. Looking at the great cauldron, he clearly felt pain in his skin, but there was a kind of enthusiasm, which came from the heart, the soul, and the blood.

As if being impacted by the blood veins in Lexus's body, Dading also made a hum.

It seemed to be a reflection of Lexus.

The great cauldron was open, and there was nothing in it.

After hesitating, Ling Zhi gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward.

Approaching the Great Ding, every step of approach is extremely difficult.

Every step down, that kind of hardship, has to be doubled.

It makes people feel trembling.

Every step of Lexus is very difficult. What he has to face is not only this kind of pressure from the outside world, but for him, what is even more terrifying is this kind of Qi, which caused the Daoyuan to break out and attack.

That is the most serious.

Therefore, he needs special attention and more power to protect his body, control his body, and prevent accidents.

This is only ten paces away, and he actually walked a full distance.

When he was about to approach Dading, the outside world was already dark.

And outside the Jiuding Peak, the leisurely stealing rat rushed out of the tree branch and looked at Zheng in the sky with alert.

"Sure enough, here!"

Fang's voice came with a deep chill.

"it's him?"

Another voice sounded.

"Master Xie Ancestor, that's it, there is also a human being, I don't know where it went."

Fang turned his head to look around, looking for Lexus.

Gave him a peek,

"You really don't give up, you even chased it out.

I should have killed you directly at that time, lest there be trouble now. "

"Presumptuous, my grown-up is here, and it's your turn to talk, if it wasn't for that kid... that forgiveness appeared, I would be insulted by you?"

Fang scolded.

"Since you are gone, it's because of that Rao who appeared, then why don't you go to him, why are you looking for us?"

The Rat sneered sarcastically.

Standing on the side of the square, there is a middle-aged man. His arms are very thick and seem full of explosive power, but his waist is very slender, almost as slender as a woman. While highlighting his thicker arms, it is also slightly It's funny.

"Are you a scorpion?"

Sneak glanced at him and said.

Xie Zu's face became cold,

"No one has ever dared to call you that way, a barren beast at the first level of the Holy King even dared to act presumptuously against my people."

"Are you so good?"

Stealing the mouse's eyeballs,

"Then you go find revenge for that kid, it was not we who beat him."

Xie Zu's face was slightly startled, and his face was slightly embarrassed.

"What I do, you can't control it. It's not too late to take you down first, and then find him."


He sneered,

"I don't think you have the guts to make trouble with others, so you are still pretending to be tough."

Steal the mouse can know from Ling Zhi, that person who looks like a child, the cultivation base of the second level of the Saint King is likely to be in the middle and late stages.

Even he could see the cultivation base of the Xie Ancestor in front of him, and he didn't hide at all.

The early stage of the second layer of the Holy King.

When he got up, it really wasn't that Rao opponent, Fang was beaten, it was beaten.

"You think you are very strong in the middle stage of the first holy king, don't you?"

Xie Zu's voice was cold, and he ordered,

"Fang, go down and kill it."

"Thank your lord!"

Fang was excited and dived down.

From him, a strange force unexpectedly rushed.

If Lexus is here, you will find that this kind of power is the spiritual power of God! ...The difference from the noise outside is that Lexus is very quiet here.

When he was infinitely close to the great cauldron, he finally knew that the source of this terrifying aura was not from the great cauldron itself, but from the things in the great cauldron.

Dading itself did not put the slightest pressure on him, nor the slightest repulsion.

Ling Zhi suspected that it was because he came from the earth and was of pure Chinese blood.

As for the suppression felt by the rat stealing, it is very likely that it comes from the great tripod itself.

"There are several kinds of sacred gold in the ground, which are the supreme materials for refining Taoist soldiers. Before they have been refined, they will have a very powerful energy that can hurt the holy king."

Lexus said to himself,

"In addition, if the level can reach high-grade Taoist soldiers, it should also be able to continuously emit such aura."

Some faint expectation emerged in Ling Zhi's heart.

If it were those things he guessed, the value would be greatly exaggerated.

For him, it is also the fastest way to increase strength.

For the martial artist, such an opportunity is naturally very beautiful.

"I haven't had any chance for so long. Is this finally going to compensate me?"

Ling Zhi smiled, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, but he remained vigilant in his heart and looked inside the cauldron.


As soon as he probed the past, a shock of energy suddenly rushed out of the cauldron, making him feel like he was facing that finger alone again, with a feeling of breaking his whole body.

Fortunately, at the best, Dading gave out a misty light, wiping out all that kind of energy, and did not let it hurt Lexus.

But the scenes I saw had a great impact on Lexus itself.

This so-called chance is so shocking!

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