God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1621: The pitted king snake

Stealing the head and nodding like a chicken, very excited.

Soon, Ling Zhi returned and took the four Lien Yuen Long and rushed here.

Seeing this scene, Yuen Long was already shocked and speechless. This was clearly his father's sect, but he, the young sect master, had no knowledge of the situation like this.

It soon occurred to him that this rat stealing and the king snake would become the rare and exotic beasts of his Kaiyuan Sect, bringing endless resources to the Kaiyuan Sect. Yuen Long's already desperate heart suddenly heated up again.

Just as Lexus asked Thief to open the formation for him, Ling Zhi never thought that he would go smoothly if he hijacked Yuen Long and entered Kaiyuanzong.

The anomaly in Yuen Long and its appearance in the water jail will sooner or later be known to Yuan Feng.


Before Ling Zhi had time to act, King Thief found him in advance.

A pair of cold eyes stared at him instantly.

"Human, get out of here."

The king snake spoke with a distinct voice, but it was also very old. It sounded like an iron piece rubbing, making the scalp numb.

"Let the rat out, and I will leave naturally."

Ling Zhi smiled, but his eyes couldn't help but fall on King Liang's body.

The king snake likes to eat humans, bathes the body with human blood and soaks snake skin.

If it weren't for the fear of stealing the rat to escape, the snake king would definitely not let him leave.

The king snake raised his head and slowly approached Lingzhi.

"Human, the look in your eyes makes me annoying. If you don't leave, don't leave."

The rat was hidden on one side, and when he saw the king snake, he had to start with Ling Zhi, his expression was excited, his eyes were already looking at the black hole.

As long as the king snake leaves, even if it is only a moment, it is enough for him to find his body and leave here.

"Stupid humans, go to death."

Sneaking at Ling Zhi sneered, it didn't think that Ling Zhi, a person at the first level of the holy king, would escape and be born under the hands of the king snake.

For a moment, the king snake moved towards Lexus, Lexus was on alert, Yuen Long and the others strode back, Stealing Rats staring at the black hole, ready to rush out at any time.

"Well, if you attack me now, are you not afraid of stealing the mouse and taking this opportunity to leave? That's stealing the mouse, your burden"

Suddenly, Ling Zhi said lightly.

The king snake suddenly turned his head, looked around the black hole, and became alert.

Stealing the rat’s front paws stepped out, and then took them back in an instant, scared out of a cold sweat.

The satin-like hair stood up on the spot, and the soft hairs, all like steel needles, stood upside down.

It was almost, it was almost, it was discovered by the stolen king snake! It all felt that the King Thief stayed in its direction for a moment, and if it reacted too late for even one breath, it would be discovered.

When the time comes, it will undoubtedly die in the state of its soul body.

"Huh, scared the mouse to death."

After a long time, Stealing Mouse breathed a sigh of relief, and all his hair fell on his back and hid firmly.

"This human being is really unreliable, really unreliable."

"The rat's teeth are an excellent material for refining Taoist soldiers.

I joined forces with you to kill the rat, and its body belongs to me. "

Ling Zhi stared at King Thief Snake, and suddenly said like this.


The mouse that had just calmed down instantly stood up again, and his feet had already begun to step back. It stared at Lexus incredulously.

"This person, how could this person be so bad, so bad!"

"Okay, I promise you. You find the thief, and I will kill it for you. Its body is in this black hole. Then you can go in and get it yourself."

The Pirate King Snake nodded readily without any hesitation.

"Stolen Rat, have you heard it, haven't you come out?"

Ling Zhi's gaze swept across the rat's hiding place and shouted.

The rat was hiding there, and he was staring at him, and he instantly felt that the king's snake had noticed him.

The king thief snake and the rat thief are each other's enemies, but this king thief snake is stronger than it and has a higher realm.

So it's not surprising to be able to see through its hiding place.

"Steal the rat, you are really here."

The king thief actually grinned, a big snake with such a long grin, very weird.

"Stupid, stupid!"

In desperation, he had no choice but to show up, pointed at Lexus, and cursed.

Originally, I expected Lexus to help him get away, and finally didn't need to be trapped in this dead place, but it turned out that Lexus did well and sold him directly.

"Well, you kill him, his body will be mine."

Ling Zhi shook his head, without even looking at the peeking mouse, and walked directly towards the snake.

"You kill it, I want to go in here and look for his body."

Ling Zhi stood in front of the king snake and said.

The Pirate King Snake stared at him with chilly eyes, struggling and tangling.

"If you act on me now, steal the mouse and run away, you won't be able to find it back."

Ling Zhi smiled, feeling that everything is under control.

This kind of feeling, even he himself didn't realize that from which ignorant young man he had begun to transition to a calm young man.

Very natural.


The Pirate King Snake snorted coldly, turned his head and rushed towards the rat.

"Damn human, do you think it will let you take my body away?"

The thief yelled angrily and ran away frantically.

However, although its speed was fast, the King Thief Snake's body spread out, but it was farther away. With a shake of its body, a part of its body traversed and blocked its front.

Stealing Mouse's face was too dark to show his expression, but he was very frustrated when he thought about it.

"Fight with you! Damn big snake."

The rat yelled, and ran into the head facing the snake king.

To compete with the king thief with spirit power, start a contest on spirit power.

Ling Zhi took a step towards the black hole at the right time. Half of his body had already entered the black hole. The eyes of the king thief Zheng, who had already entered the black hole, swept across the few relatives of Nan who were unhealed. He smiled contemptuously. Unfold the spirit power war, and directly destroy the spirit body of the rat.

"Hello there."

Just when its soul body just rushed out of the body, and was entangled with the rat-thief soul body.

A polite greeting suddenly sounded in his ear.

Afterwards, he saw that a person hugged his snake body, his figure flashed, dragged his body, and disappeared into his eyes. Zheng Lingzhi was holding the snake body, teleporting, teleporting directly. It took nearly a hundred miles.

The Thief King Snake just watched, his body was taken away by Ling Zhi.


"Fuck me"

The mood is beyond words.

"Fuck me, get my body back!"

The king snake roared and shook the rat in a daze, chasing and killing the mouse in the distance.

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