God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1620: Snake and mouse

Stealing rats is a kind of alien among rats.

All things are alive.

Even if it is a tree or a grass, it may become the supreme power and live a long time.

The Law of Withered Trees in Spring that Lexus obtained is such an example.

It's just that when the old tree broke away from the tree, it met someone it shouldn't have encountered, and it was pitted.

Otherwise, it will definitely leave a rich and colorful stroke in the long history.

If the treasure hunter, it is possible to see a few in some secret realms.

Then this stolen rat, in history, has never appeared more than one hand in an era.

That is to say, looking at the past tens of thousands of years in the future, looking at the eight wilderness of the universe, this thief in front of Lexus is probably the only one. If you can find one or two more, it is already abundant in this era.

"This, that... this is not..."

Hearing that Lexus asked him this, Stealing Mouse was very embarrassed and hesitated, and he didn't know why.

Although Stealing Rats are not like the Void Beasts, they master the power of space, but their speed is among the sacred beasts, claiming to be ranked in the top three.

Although this stealing mouse was only the strength of the early stage of the Saint King's first stage, its speed, even Lexus, was not as fast.

Otherwise, just now, he would not dodge with the power of space, and steal the mouse would not make such a confident move.

At this speed, the other ability of stealing the mouse, cooperated with each other, and this has the origin of stealing the mouse.

Its teeth are extremely sharp, and even the best Wang Jia can easily snap off.

The rat in front of the Saint King Realm might be able to grind the Dao soldiers with his teeth.

In addition to its size, the attack area of ​​its teeth is even more pitiful, so even the top formations of many big sects cannot block its teeth.

As long as it is staring at it, there is no formation, because it can't break or get in.

The speed and the ability to break the formation are superimposed on each other, causing many top elixir protected by the formation to be unable to escape from its palm.

And coupled with its treasure hunting ability that is not lost to the treasure hunter, it is even more complementary.

In addition, the concealment ability of stealing a mouse is extremely strong. Before being so close to Lexus, Lexus could not be detected. This ability is unique.

That's why there is the amazing title of stealing the rat.

Under Lingzhi's questioning, Thief finally confessed and led Lingzhi to sneak into the prison.

It wasn't until entering the water that Ling Zhi discovered that this stealing mouse was not the body but the soul body.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes. The other party had been in front of him for so long, and he could not even detect this.

Stealing the mouse's ability to hide its breath is indeed unparalleled.

After sinking down the prison, the water quality gradually became clear.

Under this water prison, there was no hole. After looking around, Ling Zhi suspected that the people of Kaiyuanzong had no idea that there was such a place under this water prison.

The water in the dungeon was drawn from a big river in the back mountains of Kaiyuanzong. The big river broke through the Kaiyuanzong and spread to far away places.

At this moment, from the dungeon down, there were some loopholes. Zheng who could directly enter the big river followed the treasure hunter for no more than tens of feet. Just at the bottom of the big river, he saw a deep black hole.

The black hole stood in the air, emitting a dark light, which revealed a mysterious and mysterious aura.

Ling Zhi tried to punch in his soul power, but he would always be bounced away by a strange force, unable to see the objects clearly.

What makes Ling Zhi more speechless is the scene in front of this black hole.

In a huge place, a long snake stared at the black hole, the snake's body coiled together, and the remaining part extended far away.

From this perspective, it is like an underground tunnel, spreading to the unknown. It is hard to imagine how long this snake with only the thickness of the thigh is.

The long snake stared at the black hole, spitting out a snake letter, with a fierce glow in its eyes.

"This, isn't it the King Thief?"

Ling Zhi looked at the long snake, surprised.

The king snake, just by hearing its name, is the same kind of creature as the rat, and both are famous for stealing.

But the so-called one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, these two races are deadly enemies, carrying the same scarcity and the same speed.

The only difference is that the teeth are strong for the rat stealing, and the snake skin is the strongest for the king snake.

The snake skin can block the breath of the king thief snake, and can penetrate the formation of nine, which is extremely powerful, and can even travel through the universe with this snake skin.

"Your body is in that black hole. Now this king thief is blocking the black hole, blocking your way out?"

Lexus and Thieving Rat hid behind them, guarding their hearts, worrying about attracting the attention of the Thief King Snake.


Stealing the rat nodded, there was a fierce light in the eyes of the rat, and there was deep fear.

"This **** king-thief snake chased me all the way here, but I found this black hole later. After I fled in, I didn't expect it to leave, so I waited outside for me to come out."

"In desperation, I spent a lot of time thinking about it in the black hole, and then released the soul body, but this king thief snake treacherously will be noticed. Look at his snake body, intentionally or unintentionally contacting the void In, just to stop me when I come back.

My soul body has been out of the body for too long, and the body will eventually dry up, and even decay. Even my soul body has begun to lose money. "

The rat came out of his soul once, and almost attracted Yuan Feng's attention. Only then did he hide in the river bottom and found the water prison by accident.

Some spirit pills were stolen from some jailers, but they were all low-level, which was really useless.

He was about to leave, but suddenly he smelled the spirit-level pill, and then he could find Lexus.

"Oh, I see."

Ling Zhi nodded, turned and walked towards the way he came.

The rat rushed out quickly and rushed in front of him.

"Hey, hey, you guy, after asking so much, can't you help me divert the king thief and let me escape?"


Ling Zhi nodded.

"But why am I you?"


The rat was speechless.

"Let's see, even if you escape now, the snake will still chase and kill you. Look at this, you will follow me, and I will protect you well."

Ling Zhi suggested with a smile.

Steal the mouse's eyeballs turning, thief,

"Okay, I promised you."

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of Ling Zhi’s mouth.

"Well, later, I will take the three of them and leave from here to lead away the King Thief."

"After you get the body, you quickly rush to me, break the guardian formation for me, and let me leave Kaiyuanzong."

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