God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1517: frenzied

Ling Zhi's move to turn the dragon into a blue dragon was simply a magical stroke.

The real dragon can't even restrain the ground, let alone the mere gravity.

Until he appeared beside Na Rao, there was still a strong shock in Na Rao's eyes, and he couldn't react.

"I thought I would never do anything to earthlings, but now, you do it first."

Ling Zhi sighed, Xuanyuanjian turned into a golden light and flashed past.


With this sword, he directly cut off Na Rao's right hand.

The right hand broke and slipped down.

The power of Xuanyuan Sword had great targeting on the living dead in the pseudo-world.

What I just don't know is why there was no such effect in Fang Xiangshi's battle.

This person waved his left hand and patted it at Lexus, again with that kind of weird force, gravity.

Lexus has a heavy shoulder.

After all, his transformation of a blue dragon is just a technique, he can't maintain it all the time, and it is far from the opponent's use of this kind of power.

A palm repelled Lexus. This person had no intention of chasing after him. He hurriedly sat down and started to stop the bleeding of his arm.

From his chest, there was a scream, and the clothes on his chest were twisted and changed. The face inside was obviously tortured.

His wound healed quickly.

It was just a large amount of sputtering blood that made his face look bloodless, even the eyeballs were all white.


He grabbed it with a palm towards his falling arm. Who knows that Ling Zhi had expected it to be faster than him, a space teleported, and it came directly to his broken arm.

However, a distance of tens of feet can still be achieved by using the power of space.

Before this person pressed down with both hands, the resulting gravity coverage was too wide, and Ling Zhi did not use space power.

The sudden appearance now scared that person.

"Go away, return my arm."

He shouted and grabbed it with his left hand.

As his hands approached, that kind of gravity was also showing an increase in geometric multiples.

In the blink of an eye, it doubled on the previous basis.

The land under Lexus's feet was shattered and cracked, as if a huge earthquake had occurred.

Ling Zhi stood at the center of this earthquake, bearing all the power.

The closer the palm of this Rao's hand was to Lexus, the more intense the Xuanyuan sword in Lexus's hand.

Xuanyuan Sword was shaking and buzzing in Ling Zhi's hands, and a wave of killing intent and suppression surged all over his body.

boom! At this moment, Xuanyuanjian suddenly expanded infinitely.

Just as it was under the abyss of burial gods, suppressing cracks and repelling evil spirits, its body is huge.

With a sword, it was even bigger than the city in front of him.

The Xuanyuan sword was topped above the city, but it was held by Lexus, forming a perfect fusion of extreme big and extreme.

Feeling the Xuanyuan sword, the fighting spirit in the sword body, Ling Zhi quietly chose to enchant.

"If you want, then I will accompany you, so what?"

Ling Zhi said to himself in his heart, he naturally knew that Xuanyuanjian's doing so was also a kind of harm to itself.

Because Xuanyuan Jian has never been able to completely recover to the point where it can use such power wantonly.

You know, it was originally the weapon of the Emperor Shi Huang.

By now, Ling Zhi didn't think that Shi Huang hadn't stepped into the Holy King Realm.


In the image revealed by the tablet at the time, Lexus rushed out of the earth, killed enemies in the universe, waved his hand, 100,000 soldiers, that kind of power, unmatched by the king.

"Break it for me."

Ling Zhimeng yelled, his tongue thundering! Xuanyuan Sword was held in his hand, slammed forward and slashed out.

The sword body of ten thousand feet, with a blazing light like a shooting star, slashed out.

The panic in the man’s eyes was full of intensity,

"It, it's back?"

He didn't dare to fight at all, and fled towards the distance.

But if he can't use his spirit power, where can he go? This city was all locked by Xuanyuanjian and Lingzhi.

Clang! With a crisp sound, Xuanyuanjian had already appeared behind him, only a few meters away from him.

"Do you know who I am? You shined the sword against me and used this sword against me!"

He yelled, not daring to run again, turned around and slapped Xuanyuanjian.

"Your generation, do you know how many generations of your ancestor I am!"

He roared, begging Lexus to stop his attack at the last minute.


Ling Zhi sneered. Is he his ancestor? Stupid, stupid, ridiculous.

"Mo you don't have the qualifications to call the ancestor, even if you are really, the ancestor is not kind, I will cut it."

Split it! boom! Xuanyuan Jian carried the momentum of thunder and blasted on this Rao.

He raised only the remaining left arm to block it, and it burst into pieces at the moment of contact.

Immediately afterwards, several screams suddenly sounded in his body, and faces rushed out of his body.

These people are all the ones he swallowed.

"come back!"

With this call, he opened his mouth and issued a huge suction force, turning those human faces toward his body again.

Some faces rushed into his mouth and he chewed.

"Want to go, no way, give me strength, help me escape!"

Every face is a living dead like the old man. Everyone has lived for an unknown period of time. The power in the body is huge.

It's just that the body is fragile.

All these powers were ignited by him at once, and immediately caused a huge noise.

The huge Xuanyuan Sword was shocked by him and moved back some distance, although not much.

"Then, that face, is your father?"

Holding the golden light of Xuanyuanjian, the old man looked at the battlefield, suddenly as if thinking of something, his body trembled violently, his face full of disbelief.


This person sneered,

"What's the matter? After hearing my plan, the old guy wanted to stop me.

It's so stupid. In order to prevent him from ruining my plan, I swallowed him decisively. Goodbye. His bloodline is almost the same as mine. Almost all power can be used by me. There is no need at all. Tempering is the greatest help to me! "

"you you……"

The old man was shocked and speechless,

"You are crazy!"


The old man called, and the three views were destroyed.

Ling Zhi looked at this person coldly, the contempt and nausea in his heart became stronger and stronger, and there was also a chill that went straight into his mind.

Just to prevent his father from ruining his plan, did he eat his father alive? What a madness.

"For someone like you, if you live longer, it's a pollution."

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