God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1516: Cruel truth

Xuanyuanjian glowed independently, illuminating the void.

An almost emptiness figure was reflected by this golden light.

"It really is the sword."

The figure snorted, stretched out both hands, and pressed it downward.

An inexplicable power suddenly emerged, overwhelming Lexus.

Xuanyuanjian hummed and sank several feet down.


Ling Zhi reached out and grabbed Xuanyuan Sword in his hand. Even with his feet, the person Zheng who was facing Lin Lin was able to resist Xuanyuan Sword, not the old man's fear of Xuanyuan Sword.

"A scrapped sword, even trying to scare me away, just want it!"

The figure speaks.

Gradually, Lexus appeared in front of them.

Withered flesh as always.

But unlike the old man, his hands were not dry, they were still full of blood and flesh, and they looked no different from ordinary people.

Before, the other party used these two hands to shake Xuanyuan Jian.

"You are not dead yet."

The old man got up from the ground and said tremblingly.

"I die?"

This person sneered,

"I'm afraid all of you are dead, and I won't die."

"See for yourself, what is this?"

He grinned slyly, and suddenly tore open his clothes, revealing his chest.

boom! On his chest, there was another face.

Ling Zhi frowned deeply and looked over.

Half of this face was sunken in this person's chest, only the most superficial features still appeared outside.

At this moment, as the light shone, this face suddenly opened his eyes.


With that kind of strange sound again, he stared at Ling Zhi, his eyes turned to the old man again.

"Long time no see, haha."

The old man’s pale complexion instantly turned pale, he pointed at the man in the sky, and said,

"You, you actually swallowed him!"

"At that time, it was agreed that in the construction of the city, everyone sheltered each other, and you actually acted on your own people! By doing this, don't you feel ashamed of your ancestors?"

"Ancestors? Had it not been for them, would we have become what we are now?"

The man retired his clothes, covering the face, and sneered.

"I didn't intend to make another move, but now, I feel some active energy from you. It seems that this person carries a lot of good things."

He grinned grimly.

"Look, my hands are what I exchanged after swallowing them. If I swallow this person and want to come to my body, they will be fully recovered."

"At that time, we won't have to curl up in this area at all. You can all wake up. I will take you and kill all around."

"Take us?"

The old man didn’t believe his words at all,

"I'm afraid I am injured, take us, as the nutrients to restore your strength?"

"Old things, smart people died of talkative reasons, don't you understand?"

The man's expression changed, his expression gloomy.

Ling Zhi touched his nose and said,

"Anyway, I want to keep me."

"Go away, I'll stop him for you."

The old man lowered his voice and drank.

However, Lexus remained indifferent.

"You stop me? A joke."

The man snorted and shot again.

Those normal palms exploded with shocking power under his use.

He pressed down to Ling Zhixu again.


Ling Zhi only felt that his shoulders sank sharply, and he finally discovered the strangeness of this person's power.

This kind of pressure does not come from the surrounding ground, but from himself.

When the opponent's power blessed him, his body seemed to be ten million times heavier, and it became very difficult to move just once.

For example, now, he wants to raise his hand to swing his sword, but his raised arm is trembling.

Every inch of muscle bears immense pressure.

But this pressure came from himself, so for a while, he didn't know how to break it.


Ling Zhi realized that this was the first time he had come into contact with such power.

Although the power of rules is endless, there are three thousand in the road alone.

But what he came into contact with was mostly common forces such as earth, fire, and geomantic omen, and rarely saw this special force.

Without special opportunities, it is generally difficult to have a very deep understanding of these forces, so few people would choose to understand the power of such rules.

"You can use the power of rules?"

The old man also saw Lexus's condition, and immediately exclaimed, his eyes were shocked.

"It's no wonder that the ancestors left a warning and did not allow us to swallow each other. It turns out that only swallowing can make up for the deficiencies in our own bodies. I only swallowed a few people, and I can use the power of rules.

If it swallows dozens or hundreds of people, isn't it very possible to become a normal person? "

This person raised his hand to form a force field, drifting around, isolating his words, making this passage only reach the old man and Ling Zhier Zheng. Obviously, he didn't want other people to know, just like the old man, other people, Will be the next time he swallows the object, his nourishment.

This news shocked the old man's cognition. He had never imagined that the people who devoured his own clan would have such shocking changes.

Some Mingwu expressions flashed in his old eyes.

The same was true for Ling Zhi. He suddenly felt that he had faintly caught some clues and guessed some surprising answers.

Some questions about this world, why one battle after another broke out, and some answers to questions about this world, the number of people has dropped sharply to this point.

And this answer is destined to be bloody, cruel, and even beyond ethics.



The gravity on the body became more powerful and exaggerated, and Ling Zhi's body began to appear obvious dislocation.

First, the bones began to move in a staggered manner, dislocation, tearing the surrounding flesh and blood meridians, and pulling them toward other places.

His whole person became distorted.

"He turned into a blue dragon."

Ling Zhi didn't dare to hesitate, and with a secret thought, his body suddenly became soft, and Ni Lin flew up on his own, sticking to the center of his eyebrows, exuding a wave of dragon power.

This dragon power poured into his body, turning Ling Zhi into a blue dragon.

His legs turned into dragon tails, his head turned into dragon heads, and his body turned into dragon bodies, soaring between this land.

Dragon strikes the sky.

This was a move he had suddenly realized during the battle with the Beastmaster, and even his body had undergone such shocking changes.

Shenlong waved his tail, his legs lashed fiercely in the void, and the shocking force burst out, pushing him towards the front.

After leaving the area covered by gravity, Jin Guang suddenly realized that he was holding the Xuanyuan sword and appeared beside the person.

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