God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1456: Causal power


Wu Guanggao shouted, his tongue was thunderous.

"Only you, dare to pretend to send my brother to hell."

"I really thought that if you broke through, you would be truly invincible. There are so many things in this world that your generation cannot know!"

Wu Guang suddenly folded his hands and closed his eyes.

A circle of Buddha light bloomed from behind him.

Some unique powers, from outside this Seagod's burial grounds, even powers that could not be resisted even in a locked formation, drifted away.

Melt into Wu Guang's body.

Wu Shan frowned inadvertently, staring at the floating power and Wu Guang and took a deep look, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Through the excuse of resisting the enemy, I will absorb the power of cause and effect in front of me in an open manner, Wu Guang, Wu Guang, you really have a good calculation."

Wu Shan muttered to himself in his heart that he let go of the strength that had been gathered.

He stretched out and drew back quickly.

"Brother, here is the battlefield!"

He said, taking the rest of West Florida back.

Wu Guang was slightly startled, and responded with a smile.

"Senior brother, don't worry, since I have borrowed the power of Florida, suppressing this dog is definitely not a problem."

These causal powers, glowing with a faint golden color, gathered around Wu Guang, not sharp, but rather generous.

If it hadn’t been for Wu Guang’s killing intent at the moment to destroy this feeling, it would really be so kind


the meaning of.

Ling Zhi glanced intently, the carelessness in his heart gradually retracted, not daring to relax.

When the lion fights the rabbit, it must use its full strength.

Besides, Wu Guang is not a rabbit, but a wolf and an old fox.

This power has many similarities with the power of faith he collected in Xuanzhou, and the spiritual power on the Ten Thousand Souls Ancestor Star.

It is the power that can be borrowed from the Saint King Realm, and even higher levels.

Wu Guang should use the power of Florida with a secret method.

Kong Xuan once had four states of reincarnation, one sea and one land. Among them, the continent of reincarnation was the strongest, the place where the six reincarnations were located, and West Florida was the most mysterious.

Even the top forces of the Samsara Continent have never really set foot in that area. I don't know what mystery is in it.

It is also rumored that there is really a Buddha in Florida, a supreme Buddha, a true emperor.

Wu Guang glanced at the two people who appeared from the Nine Profound Crystals, his eyes were very ugly.

"You ruined my plan again, do you know how important those two people are to me."


Ling Zhi raised his eyebrows,

"Why, Florida is the same as Demon State, and the method of using the corpse to break through is impossible."

Wanting Nine Profound Crystals is nothing more than wanting two of the Saint King Realm powerhouses, even if they have fallen down, but capturing them back to study one or two is naturally the clearest path for cultivation.

If someone like Demon State Situ Fei is alive, it is possible, as long as he can increase his hope of breakthrough.

"Is there any? I'll know when I take you down."

Wu Guang hooked, and the causal forces beside him moved.

The power of cause and effect was like golden light, plated on Wu Guang's body, making his skin golden.

Then, to Lexus's surprise, Wu Guang actually chose to fight him in close combat.

"My Buddhist method of refining the body has a long history. I don't believe it. I can't compete with you."

Wu Guang whispered and charged up.

The palm that was originally flesh-colored has also turned into a golden color and a bronze color.

"Eighteen bronze men?"

This weird thought flashed in Ling Zhi's mind, raised his strength, and greeted him.

The hands of the two handed over, but the void was as stable as iron.

This is because they firmly controlled their own strength, causing it to explode in the palm of the opponent.

The two forces collide with each other, impact, and finally become invisible.

Everything seemed so weak, as if the two had just leaned on their hands.

But Wu Guang's horrified eyes and Ling Zhi's surprised eyes all revealed the unrest in their hearts.

"You are a human being or a beast, what is your body? I have blessed the body of the power of causality, but I can't get the upper hand!"

Wu Guang closed his hand and stepped back.

Ling Zhi's heart was also not at peace, he knew that he was a little dazed.

For a long time, he has crushed the same realm with his flesh body, and it is always detrimental. This has led him to regard the Eight Desolation and Six Combinations and the Dragon Refining Dafa as the strongest body refining decision.

But he forgot that this is a strong man. He watched the path of the rise of the real dragon, realized little by little, and finally combined himself to form a body-building exercise suitable for humans.

Its reference is a true dragon, one of the four holy spirits, which is powerful and naturally does not need much.

However, after all, it is a reference to the real dragon, how can it surpass the real dragon? In other words, his physical body has always been comparable to a real dragon of the same realm, but the real one is always so much worse.

Maybe because of the dragon soul memory and


Because of the word monument, he narrowed this gap infinitely.

But if it is bad, it is bad.

The strong showdown is a thousand miles away! At this moment, he finally realized this in the process of fighting against Wu Guang, and Wu Guang borrowed the power of cause and effect to compete with him physically.

Although he could feel that he was a bit stronger than him.

But what about him? Ling Zhi's gaze swept over Wu Shan inadvertently. This person felt that Ling Zhi was far more dangerous than Wu Guang.

Long Lian Dafa is a first-class exercise.

But calling it the top, the pinnacle, the strongest, but it's still a fraction of the difference.

Lexus is not a real dragon after all! He needs a human body refining method! Knowing all this in his heart, Ling Zhi secretly restrained his mind, and his consciousness was tempered and tempered again.

These insights will all be turned into nutrients for his breakthrough and growth for him to go further and further on the road of cultivation.

boom! boom! boom! Ling Zhi and Wu Guang were just there, and they fought.

Lexus deliberately uses the opponent's strength to beat himself, strengthen himself, and discover his own shortcomings.

And Wu Guang was also happy to be so, the longer he blessed the power of cause and effect, the more benefits he would get.

This time, if he hadn't stood up rashly and stood in front of Wu Shan with this attitude, how could he have such an opportunity to use the power of causation wildly? One, ten, one hundred, hundreds.

However, after hundreds of rounds, Wu Guang's expression gradually changed. Then Wu Shan showed a smile, as if he had expected everything.

Lexus grew up too fast. His gift was obtained from his mother. It was called an evildoer. Hundreds of rounds were enough for him to discover and solve problems.

Wu Guang, at this moment, completely fell into the disadvantaged Zheng, he was in danger!


Wu Guang suddenly yelled, his eyes flashed with joy, and a large amount of causal power was suddenly melted into a ball by him and swallowed into his own mouth!

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