God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1455: Hypocritical and ugly

Kong Xuan needs to change his form to fight, and the situation is definitely not optimistic.

Sure enough, when Lexus and the others rushed over, they found that even the two Nine Profound Crystals had rushed into the air, evading the attack below.

Kong Xuan was fighting with several figures at the moment, a little bit narrow.

And it was none other than the monster corpses who were fighting Kong Xuan.

"how is this possible?"

Zhuo Ling arrived and watched this scene in surprise.

"They can't shoot us, absolutely impossible."

She was trembling, and she couldn't accept such a scene.

From the previous attitudes of these monster corpses to Zhuo Ling, it can be seen that the relationship between the nine sea gods, the so-called nine kings, was much better than that of the later nine sea gods.

Back then, these six monster corpses were willing to give up their lives for Zhuo Ling and the three of them, turning into such an existence, guarding them by the Nine Profound Crystals.

How is it possible to attack them now?

"Don't get excited."

Ling Zhi placed his hand lightly on the back of Zhuo Ling's hand and patted slightly.

"It's not their initiative, they are controlled."

Ling Zhi stared at the demon corpses with a torch.

The eyes of these monster corpses were originally chaotic, but now they are Qingming, the kind of dementia-like Qingming, it is weird that there is no emotion in half.

"This power..."

Bai Feng concentrated,

"Could it be, those people in West Florida?"


Ling Zhi had already rushed up at this moment.

"By the way, it's Wu Guang! When he drank the Buddha's name, the eyes of these monster corpses were like this."

The power of space took Lexus into a flash, and Lexus rushed to Kong Xuan's side, his palm was covered by the spirit-devouring fire, grabbed Kong Xuan, and threw it out toward the rear.

"Go down!"

Ling Zhi shouted angrily at the demon corpse that rushed towards him, and a huge palm of his head emerged, crashing down.

These monster corpses wailed and threw them down.

Their physical bodies can press against Tantai Yun, but they have to turn around in the face of Lexus!

"Wu Guang, get out of me!"

Ling Zhi stood in the void and asked directly.

His eyes scanned around, angrily.

The spirit power of the nine-layer realm spread to the surroundings, searching for Wu Guang's figure.

Zhuo Ling and Bai Feng rushed up, holding the Nine Profound Crystals one by one in one hand. Zheng might be because the Seagod appeared and the seal was released. Although the two of them were in the Nine Profound Crystals, they could not come out.

But he can barely use part of his power.

Kong Xuan couldn't deal with these monster corpses just now, they just rushed up and avoided left and right, quite embarrassed.

However, this also makes their state somewhat poor.

Before Lexus wanted to release them, Zhuo Ling had it. The two of them wanted to run out of the Nine Profound Crystals many times, which led to the decline of Nine Profound Crystal's sealing ability, the state was very bad, and the situation was not good.

Only then did I want to unlock the seal first, let them restore some strength, and then open the nine profound crystals.

Today, these powers have been wasted in the previous battles.

The two of them lay in the Nine Profound Crystals, their eyes full of anger and killing intent.

Only the two of them knew that such repeated shaking would probably cause them to no longer be able to restore the strength of the Saint King Realm.

The killing intent in his eyes naturally became bitter.


With a move of Ling Zhi's hand, the bone sword flew out and flew towards Zhuo Ling.

Zhuo Ling raised his hand and held the sword in his hand, shaking his body.

She could feel that Ling Zhi had deposited her soul body imprint on Zheng Ming, the bone sword condensed from the seagod spine. Ling Zhi never planned to manipulate her and threaten her through the soul body imprint.

As long as she wants to, she can retrieve the soul body imprint from this bone sword anytime, anywhere.

Some complicated emotions flashed through her eyes, and she took a deep look at Ling Zhi, took the sword and slashed towards the Nine Profound Crystal.

Seeing this scene, in the distance, a few figures finally came out.

They knew that as long as these two people escaped from the nine profound crystals, they would eventually be exposed.

Kong Xuan, who can conceal the seventh floor of the King Realm, does not mean that he can conceal the power of the two Saint King Realms.

"You actually survived."

The first person was not Wu Guang. At this moment, Wu Guang stood behind him, pointing his finger at Lexus, shocked.


Ling Zhi raised his brows.

"I said, how could it happen to be such a coincidence that we happened to be hit by us. Their purpose is obviously not there, it turns out that it is your ghost."

Bai Feng squinted at Wu Guang and the others, and sighed. The fourth and the rest were led to Ling Zhi by a few words from these monks.

If you can listen to the opinions of a few deadpools, how can you end up like this? Come back, otherwise, he Baifeng, how can he get out of trouble? He has already branded the other three soul bodies and placed them on their rings. The three of Zheng and the others are slightly better injured. After swallowing the soul body brand, he will think of some problems after thinking about it? The Dao League lost four dead waiters, four elite disciples in the league, and four future elders in one fell swoop.

Wu Guang's gaze stayed on Bai Feng's body for a moment, with some doubts in his eyes. As far as he knew, the Deadpool was unswerving to the Dao League.

He couldn't understand how this white wind could walk with Lexus and the others.

"You actually know each other?"

Wu Guang squinted his eyes and asked, his expression was a little wary, from being relaxed at first to solemn.

Deadpool wouldn't act alone. He wanted to know where Daomoe's group was and if they followed him.

Thinking that he deliberately lured Dao Meiren to the past, but instead made Lexus cheap, Wu Guang's emotions are extremely complicated.

"Do you know what to do with you?"

Ling Zhi sneered.

"You West Florida is really ridiculous, full of benevolence and morality, but in your place, it's all hypocrisy and conspiracy."

"I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

At this time, the person standing in front of Wu Guang spoke for the first time.

This man is also a monk, but he is much more than the old monk Wu Guangjunlang. His name, Wu Shan, was originally a disciple of Wu Guang, but now he has overwhelmed Wu Guang and is Wu Guang's senior.

Lexus is tit-for-tat,

"It turns out that this sentence means this. It's the first time I have heard it. I have been taught!"

"Since your consciousness is so high, how about you go down first?"

Ling Zhi stepped out, time and space were chaotic, and huge pressure suddenly appeared on Wu Shan and Wu Guang, making them look at them as if they were being watched by a beast.

Moreover, this beast still dared to go against the dragon.

This is also the essence of Nilong Nine Steps.

Ling Zhi went straight in alone, past the demon corpse.

Go straight to Wu Shan.

Wu Guang didn't dare to neglect, he staggered a step in front of Wu Shan, facing Lexus.


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