God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1336: Into the reincarnation pool

Whether it is the power of demons or the more powerful taboo power, it is an extremely rich nutrient for Spirit Devouring Fire.

Ling Zhi felt that even if the Spirit Devouring Fire swallowed a ninth-class spirit vein, he might not be able to advance to the current realm.

But after devouring a large amount of the power of the evil spirits and hunting down the soul thoughts left by the Lord of Taboo in the ancestors of the ten thousand spirits, the evolution of the devouring spirit has progressed by leaps and bounds.

The speed is simply amazing.

Now that the power of evil is so pure, it is best to absorb it with the fire of devouring spirits.

The evolution of Spirit Devouring Fire has not yet come to an end.

The real qualitative change is only when enough power is accumulated to cross the spiritual fire and achieve the holy flame! Of course, if it is the power of taboo, or perhaps, the fire of devouring spirits will turn around and become the nutrients of the opponent.

It just depends on which is strong and weak.

The speed of the Spirit Devouring Fire was extremely fast, and with a sigh, it swallowed all the black mist that enveloped Lexus's body.

In addition, he was irritated and rushed towards the evil body, seeming to feel the temptation of the black mist.

The effect of the power of the evil demon on the fire of the devouring spirit is stronger than the power of the spiritual power of the earth. At this moment, the sudden appearance of the fire of the devouring spirit has really enclosed the evil.

With the power of evil, it burned.

The huge body of evil has turned into a fireball.


With a scream of evil, he fell into a violent state, and the whole person madly isolated himself from the black mist, and isolated the fire of devouring spirits.

The power of his soul is extremely powerful, and the fire of the devouring spirit is really coming out a little bit under his lead.

However, a scorching sound came over.

Unfortunately, this smell is very unpleasant, exudes bursts of foul smell and pungent sourness.

When the fire of the devouring spirit was completely isolated from him, Xie Wu was still the same as before.

The whole body is scorched and miserable.

Furiously, Xie no longer competed with Lexus in close combat, and directly used the power of the soul to overwhelm him. He shook his body to protect Lexus. His face turned pale, and he had not thought of the blessing of dizziness. He had never thought of the soul of the middle king. The power, and the divine soul power at the peak of the king realm, the gap is so huge.

With a shock of evil, his soul body collapsed on the Dantian stage in his body.

With a bang, it turned into soul power, and only the original shape of the soul body could be seen vaguely.

At this moment, Ling Zhi was injured, and his mind was blessed in a trance.

"Jie Jie."

Xie smiled with satisfaction, and the power of the soul was surging, and he was about to shake the soul of Lingzhi most completely.

Grasping his physical body and retreating...and at this moment, intact


The word stele suddenly glowed, and between the surrounding areas, the ethereal power of the soul was gathered by it.

In a blink of an eye, Lexus's soul body turned into its original form, even more tenacious.

at the same time,


The word tablet also reacted, and the spirit power that the evil rushed into Ling Zhi's body disappeared under a shock.

This power of the soul disappeared directly by about one-tenth.

The evil expression changed, and the spirit power was quickly withdrawn.


Although the restoration of the word stele is intact, it has not been reversed to the extent that the evil is treated as an ant.

"What the hell?"

Xie took a few steps back cautiously, and his heart was not irritable.

A warrior in the middle of the king realm, he actually spent such a long time, and he came personally and failed to win.

It is even more frequent failures.

The body was injured, the soul was injured, but the other party did not suffer too much injury.

Although he had his own carelessness and underestimated the enemy, this result still made him unacceptable.

Disturbing Lingzhi's mind with the power of the soul, and bullying Lingzhi positively with the power of the flesh, the evil finally became official.

When the evil spirit was full of anger in front of him, Ling Zhi finally coughed up a mouthful of blood and was repelled to the rear.

His realm was too low, and he suffered a lot from fighting with the opponent.

Although relying on the power of the Taoist monument and the suppression of the spirit-devouring fire, he was barely invincible.

But this is not the answer after all.

When he was hesitating whether to use the power of space and teleport to leave first, the outline of a grand door suddenly appeared beside him and Xie.

The appearance of this door was extremely sudden, and suddenly both Lingzhi and Xie were not aware of it.

Unlike the evil guard, Lexus was surprised and shocked.

Isn't this portal the same portal that was absorbed by this door when he first appeared on the planet of reincarnation, and transmitted to the pool of reincarnation? Since then, he was sent to the mining area under pressure, and he began his journey on the planet of reincarnation.

The hardship and happiness are beyond description.

Now, this gateway, unexpectedly, appeared again.

All beings are in reincarnation, washed away from the filth, and returned to a new life.

The sound of a great road resounded throughout this place.

A suction force spread out from the portal.

The effect was on Ling Zhi and Xie.

It seems that it is because they have drastically destroyed the land in the area of ​​the reincarnation pool and stimulated the reincarnation pool? With a move in Ling Zhi's heart, he faintly understood something.


The evil is unknown, so I thought it was something that Lexus had made. He shouted angrily, and his body power shook, and he rushed to the portal, trying to shatter the portal into pieces.

However, the portal was just a flash of light, and this power was turned into the rest of the power, returning to the Lin, leaving no trace.

The bodies of Ling Zhi and Xie were rushing towards the door.

No matter how they blocked them and exhausted all the methods, they could only watch their body and approach the portal a little bit.

Ling Zhi finally understood that even if he had grown from an ordinary person to the fifth level of the King Realm, there would still be no difference in front of this portal.

Perhaps the only difference is that in this process, he has the ability to resist and slow down, but the end result is the same, that is, being sucked in by the portal.

A white light suddenly lit up in front of him, and then quickly dimmed.

With the evil shouts coming from his ears, Ling Zhi was surprised and expected, standing around a piece of water, but it was water.

When I opened my eyes, the water was dark and the light was dim, and I could barely see what was in front of me.

Habitually, Lexus raised his hand, trying to fire a ray of spirit-devouring fire to illuminate the surroundings.

With the power of the Spirit Devouring Fire, it will naturally not be washed away by the mere flow of water.

However, there was no movement when he raised his hand.

A magnificent sound of the avenue sounded again.

When all beings enter reincarnation, they are all equal.

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