God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1335: Destroy the world

"how is this possible?"

The evil anger glared and exclaimed.

It only took a few days. How could that young man who could only run away desperately in front of him contend with himself? Xie almost questioned his own eyes.

Ling Zhi curled his mouth and rushed up again.

As soon as his body flashed, he appeared in front of Xie and blasted again.

With the help of the power of space, he chose melee combat and started a hand-to-hand battle with evil.

This completely angered Xie, he roared and threw out his fists.

"I'm looking for death, even more physically than me."

The most proud of the evil demons is the flesh. Now that they are crushed by Lexus, how can evil be tolerated.

In a moment, two people, any one, are the top level of Xuanzhou.

But at this moment, they became two gangsters, engaged in hand-to-hand combat, close combat, and fighting together.

Of course, there won't be any gangster who blasted out a punch, a mountain collapsed, stepped out, and the earth cracked a hundred-foot-long crack.

When they reach their level, every move will cause great damage to Xuanzhou and the Reincarnation Star.

Their battlefield was supposed to be Zheng Ke, the starry sky. Xie didn't care about this at all. Even if Xuanzhou was sunk, he didn't care.

After all, Ling Zhi was weaker, and only after close combat did he get a good match.

The fight between the two of them had a real fire.

It was in this area of ​​the reincarnation pool, frantically confronting each other.

Ling Zhisheng's power in the space is weird, often after the evil is charged, he suddenly dodges, or suddenly appears behind the evil.

And this speed became more and more handy when Lexus became more familiar with the power of space.

The evil is triumphant in that the physical body is three points stronger than the Lexus. The huge body drives a more powerful force. Under the impact, the Lexus is slightly weaker and the damage suffered is greater.

The two hit a dark ground in the area of ​​the reincarnation pool, not knowing how many peaks and how many earths were split.

I don't know how many times the void was crushed, how many trees and rocks were swallowed into the starry sky. As the void became unstable and swayed, Ling Zhi's body was forced out of the void for the first time.

His strength has skyrocketed a bit, and the power of space is the first time he has realized that if he hadn't had the power of space crystals, he couldn't do this at all.

In this level of confrontation, his experience is slightly inadequate compared with evil.

Looking around with a gloomy face, Ling Zhi's expression was also more serious and cautious.

In the previous battle, Xie vented his excess power around him several times, causing the surrounding void to collapse.

At first, he just thought that Xie was venting his anger, but just when he was about to use the power of space to teleport again, he realized that his movement was extremely restricted.

When he shuttled through the void, the Void Turbulent Current almost swallowed him away, pulling his body and sending it into the Void Turbulent Current.

This point must have been predicted by the evil and planned.

By shaking the surrounding void, making the void chaotic, affecting his spatial power, affecting his actions.

Forcing him to confront the evil head-on.

With one's own strength, it is not enough to fight the evil continuously, and that will all fall to the wind.


Raising his fist, he resisted the evil blow, Ling Zhi's chest became tight, and a puff of blood overflowed the corner of his mouth.


A look of contempt flashed in the evil eyes and strode forward,

"Finally, everything is over. When I tell you to take it down, you will definitely be entertained!"

The mountains and rivers shook, and evil came quickly.

Climb to the top with strength.

Ling Zhi's expression was solemn, but gradually eased, and when the evil approached, his body shook.

One gasification three clear! Two figures exactly like him appeared on both sides of his body.

Parting left and right, with him, greeted him.

Evil squinted his eyes,


The huge power of the soul instantly overwhelmed.

"With the power of my soul, I dare to use illusion techniques to find death."

He sneered, his soul power swept across the three Lexus.

However, his expression was stiff, because he felt exactly the same breath from the three Lexus, that is, life fluctuations, all exactly the same.

Even the strength within the three of them is not the slightest difference.

It is simply impossible for him to tell which is Lexus's ontology and which is the result of the Sanqing technique.

Because, to a certain extent, the three Lexuss are all one and the same, all entities and noumenons! boom! Don't allow evil to react, three Lexus swooped over and blasted towards evil.

Xie raised his arm, but only had time to block it.

The disdain from the corner of the eye is undisguised.

He thought that this was just an ordinary blow, and it was not difficult for his body to resist it.

But he didn't know that this blow was three times the full power limit of Lexus! Three punches hit him almost at the same moment.

No matter how strong the evil body is, it can't withstand such an attack. He also has his limit.

Click! The evil arm bones broke on the spot.

For the first time since the war, Xie raised his head and spewed a gulp of black blood, his internal organs vibrated, and he really suffered serious injuries.

Xie's whole body leaned back, unable to control his body.

Ling Zhi didn't even think about it, and kicked towards Xie when he raised his foot.

Three people, six feet, stepped out in the air.

Qi Qi stepped on Xie's body, and the Xie's breastbone snapped and broke, and the breastbone broke apart and was kicked into the internal organs, inserting a cross.

Such an injury is naturally impossible to be fatal, but the severe pain and trauma of this degree also hurt the evil spirit.

After all, the cluster is not the place where he lives. What is floating in the ground is spiritual power, not their power.

To repair the injury, he needs a lot of power, and when the other strong of the evil demon clan comes over, he will become a joke.

Thinking of this, Xie didn't care about anything else anymore, and the black mist on his body scattered, gathered together, and covered his head towards Lingzhi.

With a sigh, the power of the black mist that enveloped Lexus in the Black Mist Zheng was very strong, and as soon as it appeared, it eroded the void land, which was very terrible.

Unfortunately, he had forgotten that what Ling Zhi was most afraid of was the power of the demons.

The soul and spirit power trembles, allowing the black mist to erode, and he can only surround his body, unable to reach him.

Moreover, Lexus raised his hand with one hand, and the spirit-devouring fire rushed out, and the nutrients that were delivered to the door, how can you not?

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