God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1333: The eighth peak of Dragon Lian

"Space magic weapon?"

Ling Zhi exclaimed, very surprised.

Similar to the tower, even most of the upper-class king soldiers can be enlarged and reduced.

But such a change is extremely rare. Compared with that, the palace-shaped king soldier in the Palace of Three Kings is simply not worth mentioning.

Judging from the breath of this palace, I am afraid that it is far from being as simple as it looks. It is most likely something left by the beast clan, and it may have an extraordinary effect.

The palace was shining, and the beast was also quite satisfied by the Guru's body.

Ling Zhi also discovered that Gulu's aura at the moment had to condense a lot, and he had obviously benefited greatly in this palace.

Compared with this, I am afraid that the benefits I get are only incidental.

A path went straight out, and when Ling Zhi tried to spread the spirit power to the surroundings again, he was surprised to find that his spirit at the moment could sweep the entire spirit vein.

He could see the Taoist monument, and saw that the milk of the earth was almost exhausted.

You can see a few meters behind him, there is a ninth-level elixir, and farther away, there are some other things.

And all of this is because he has the mentality of trying and attaches the power of space to the power of the soul.

The power of space penetrates the void and directly leapfrogs the perception of the power of the soul, expanding countless times.

If the power of his soul could perceive the area tens of miles around his body before, now that he has the power of space, he can directly fold these two places, making the power of the soul easily swept hundreds of miles away. .

With a move in his heart, Ling Zhi began to try, his own limit distance, he faintly understood that the farthest distance he could perceive on the soul was the limit distance he could teleport.

As long as the place can be sensed, it is the place that can be reached.

And Gulu's accurate teleportation should be due to this reason, because the power of the soul has already seen everything about the destination, so it can naturally teleport accurately.

In this direction, Ling Zhi directly diffused the power of the soul out of the range of the spirit vein, and then began to cooperate with the power of the space, and began to spread.

One hundred miles, two hundred miles, three hundred miles,... five hundred miles, in the end, he actually spread the power of the soul to a radius of two thousand miles! This range of perception, even evil, can only be barely achieved! That is, at this time, his psychic perception ability, with the increase of the power of space, seems to be no weaker than a warrior of the ninth level of the king realm! This is simply an unexpected surprise.

It is no wonder that among the warriors, it has been circulating that the power of space is more reflected in his practicality. This powerful additional ability is simply inverse.

And a thousand miles away from Lexus, Xie stood in place, with a look of wariness on his face, another three points thick.

Just now, he felt a sweep of the power of the soul, but the speed was extremely fast, and it was very strange, he could not accurately perceive this power.

However, it has been spreading over a range of two thousand miles, but he was aware of it. This kind of spiritual power that is not weaker than his made him a little surprised and shocked.

When did such a powerful person appear in Xuanzhou? Where is the cluster? For the first time, he actually had a trace of fear and retreat towards Xuanzhou.

And Ling Zhi only relied on the power of space, so the power of the soul itself could not be compared with the evil, on the contrary, he could not find the evil.

I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Withdrawing his spirit power, Ling Zhi stepped towards the direction of the Taoist tablet.

In the pool at this moment, the milk of the earth has bottomed out.

There is only a pool left.

And the three Taoist steles finally stopped absorbing, each floating there in the form of horns, and finally there was no more crack on the outside.

Completely repaired! But what is peculiar is that Ling Zhi actually felt an unprecedented sense of familiarity from the three Taoist monuments. The expression of a kind of heart-to-heart blessing was startled. Ling Zhi suddenly discovered that he actually formed a connection with the three Taoist monuments. A relationship similar to refining for oneself.

His mind turned sharply, and he also guessed the probable reason.

It should be when he was directly grabbing the black iron rod, the blood that was forced out, and a large amount of blood in the body, but regardless of so much, the blood dripped on the breast of the earth Zheng and the breast of the earth merged.

With the strangeness of the three Taoist steles, he can naturally force his blood out of the milk of the earth instead of absorbing it.

But obviously, none of the three Taoist monuments did so.

They finally recognized Lexus! Looking at this familiar and unfamiliar place, Ling Zhi couldn't help laughing.

Here, he got too many surprises, and almost wiped out his previous embarrassment.

Repair the Taoist monument, gain the Taoist soldiers, perceive the power of space, harvest the emulsification of the earth into the body, and the experience of Gulu, not to mention the whole spiritual vein in front of him.

Turning the hand, I took this part of the milk of the earth with the power of space, and temporarily placed it in the Zheng of the Jade Bottle. Although there is not much left, just a drop can restore the spiritual power of the warrior. Soul power, how powerful this is.

With the power of Lexus, it only needs two to three drops.

This is a terrifying effect that other spirit pills cannot achieve.

Imagine that the enemy has beaten you to death for hundreds of rounds. You suddenly took out the milk of the earth, took it, and your strength regained its peak.

Even if you can't beat the opponent, the opponent will be frightened by you, cursed three times, and fled.

At the bottom of the pool, there are at least thousands of drops of earth milk, which is enough to drink a pot as water.

The three Taoist steles entered Lexus' body together and returned to the direction of Litian Shentai.

Unfortunately, it only covers three directions, but there is still one direction, which is missing, and the lack of this fourth Taoist tablet also faintly prevents Lexus from actually using the power of the Taoist tablet.

However, even Emperor Xuanming didn't know the whereabouts of the fourth Taoist stele, and Ling Zhi could only look at his fate later, which was rather regrettable.

The last Taoist monument belonged to one of the four holy spirits, Baihu! Taking advantage of this rare gap, Lexus started to practice the Eight Wastes and Liuhe, and the Dragon to practice Dafa, striving to maximize the power of the milk of the earth.

Along the way, the seventh level of Long Lian Dafa was cultivated to the neighbor nine styles, followed by the eighth level.

What made Ling Zhi frowned was that he hadn't felt too much difficulty in this level of cultivation.

Although a large amount of the power of the milk of earth in his body was mobilized, allowing him to reach the top of the eighth level of Long Lian Dafa, his physical strength was only 30% higher than before!

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