God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1332: The third rule

This crystal is half as expensive as the one on the crown of the beast.

It is about the same size as a time crystal, with a large jujube core.

The rich spatial power on it made Ling Zhi speechless in shock.

Space crystal!

"Don't you use it?"

Ling Zhi asked.

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

He has not yet reached the point where he wants to get something from the beast.

The beast shook his head, pointed to the crown on his head, and looked at the crystal in Lingzhi's hand with some disdain.

Ling Zhi smiled bitterly, and understood the meaning of the beast, this guy couldn't even look at this spatial crystal.

As everyone knows, if such a piece of space crystal is placed outside, I am afraid that the entire reincarnation star will be a sensation for this, and countless warriors will be robbed of blood.

Taking a deep breath, Lexus rubbed the beast’s head.

"Well, then I'll accept it, and I will definitely return you a larger piece in the future."

Ling Zhi pointed to the crown of the finger beast,

"Bigger than this one above."

The beast didn't seem to understand the meaning of this kind of words. He glanced at Ling Zhi with wide eyes, ran to the statue of the dune and started playing.

Standing on this ground, Ling Zhi's mind was full of thoughts. Once he gritted his teeth, he was simply here and began to feel the spatial crystal.

This is almost equivalent to putting the rules of space in front of him. Whether he can comprehend or not depends on the warrior himself.

Holding this crystal in his hand, Lexus sat down cross-legged.

Trapped in the enlightened Zheng, he sometimes feels as if he is deeply trapped in the void, unable to extricate himself, and as if being abandoned by the void, obviously only a few inches away from the void, but he can't touch or touch.

For the first time, he felt difficulties, difficulties in cultivation.

This is caused by the strength of the space rules. Looking at Xuanzhou, looking at the reincarnation star, playing with the ancestor of the spirit, Ling Zhi only knows that Gulu has mastered the power of space.

If it were not for this, he would not have escaped smoothly from the evil hands.

The spiritual power of the cluster spirit veins is too condensed. In this place, it is an excellent place to hide. I want to come to evil without the ability to penetrate the barriers of the spirit veins and find his figure.

In Ling Zhi's perception, the spatial crystal slowly, changed little by little, and changed little by little, and Ling Zhi completely fell into the enlightened Zheng and ignored things outside the window, and focused on only understanding the power of space.

Time passed quickly bit by bit.

Outside the palace, the three Taoist monuments are still quickly absorbing the power of the milk of the earth, repairing themselves independently, and the cracks on them are almost disappearing.

Some completely different auras radiated from the three Taoist steles.

They were damaged too badly before.

Gulu didn't know what he had touched, and stood motionless. After a while, surrounded by a layer of strange power, he flew over the palace.

In the outside world, after Xie Zi stepped into the area of ​​the reincarnation pool, he fell into the feeling of absolute caution, even Lexus never expected it.

Xie felt a kind of heart palpitations, this area seemed to be guarding him, he was squeezed by this area.

Moreover, this feeling really gave him a dangerous blessing before the evil demon attacked, and he had never reached this area, otherwise the Fallen Leaf Sect would not be so intact.

The demons only know that there are six reincarnations in the reincarnation star, and that is their ultimate goal.

I don't even know the existence of Samsara Pool.

In fact, Lexus had a lot of doubts, because in the memory of the dragon soul, there has never been a record about the reincarnation pool, it seems that it appeared out of thin air.

And the singularity of the reincarnation pool seems to be more than just an interstellar teleportation array, as simple as that.

In this caution, Xie encountered the soul body of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man rushed into his perception in a panic.

The evil expression changed, and it was unknown why.

Xuanzhou's king realm warriors are rare, he knows, but what does it mean that there is a spirit flying wildly here? After hesitating, the bloodthirsty evil didn't even attack the man.

It's a pity that the man was attacked by Lexus before, and Lexus's attack was soul power, which also caused great damage to the soul.

As a result, his soul is dim, and his intelligence is somewhat disintegrated.

I only knew that I was looking for a body with strong aptitude, and left it.

The power of Xie Yi's breath is like a beacon in the dark night, which deeply attracted the spirit of the man.

This soul flew past the side of the evil body, and unexpectedly turned back, flew to the side of the evil body, and involuntarily seized the evil.

Xie was surprised. At first he thought there was an explosion. This was a conspiracy of Lexus and deliberately led him here.

Unfortunately, the power of the man's soul was too low, Xie allowed him to attack for a while, and when the impatient soul moved, the opponent disappeared between Lin.

In this case, the evil movements hesitated even more, walking slowly here, but invisibly, it bought more time for Lexus.

In contrast, the Fallen Leaf Sect was in silence.

If it hadn't been for Ling, Zhou Xuanqing and others to suppress it, I'm afraid Ye Qingcheng, Ouyang Hao and others would have rushed out and confronted the demons.

Because they stayed in front of the teleportation formation, the late, long time, just didn't wait for the arrival of Lexus! A deep worry and sadness drifted throughout the Fallen Leaf Sect.

Only Ling and the others firmly believed that there was no possibility of an accident in Lexus. While arranging defenses urgently, they were sending people to find out what happened to Qin that day.

In this situation, no one knew that at this moment, Ling Zhi was trapped under Xie's eyes, and Zheng had some dim luster on his body, which was caused by the collapse and recovery of the void.

If he has space crystals and cannot understand the rules of space, then he is too useless.

After three full days of work, Ling Zhi opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, and a spirit-devouring fire came out from his fingers.

Before the Spirit Devouring Fire had time to burn, it suddenly became a square, but with a big palm.

Around it, there is a layer of spatial power, which isolates it from contact with external spiritual power.

As soon as Ling Zhi moved his body, he appeared in another location in the hall, not because he was too fast, but directly through the void.

"There are still some who are not very comfortable. The direction and distance of the space teleport are not accurate enough."

After trying it, Ling Zhi knew it.

On this road, he still has a long way to go.

At the same time, Gulu woke up, pulled Lexus out of the palace, and waved his paws again and again. The huge palace shrank to the size of his palm and flew to the beast's side.

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