God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1227: There is something to do

Gulu's sudden movements surpassed Bushuang and even Lingzhi's expectations.

When Bu Shuang wanted to turn around and take Gu Lu out again, it was too late.


Gulu gave a pitiful cry beside Ling Zhi.

"You want to stay with me?"

Ling Zhi touched his nose, surprised.

Guru nodded with humanity, and raised his head to face the thunder with his teeth and claws, as if to vent his dissatisfaction.

Ling Zhi frowned and touched Gulu, not much.

This is the end of the matter, how useless, but with the spirit of Gulu, maybe, it will be fine.

Ling Zhi sighed softly, put away his mood, and faced the thunderfoot that was getting closer and closer to him.

Lightning flew, and shaved his face, and even cut his skin.

Without any hesitation, let alone waiting to die, Ling Zhi rushed up and headed towards Thunder.

In any case, he will not give up.

And just away from Lexus, across the entire Xuanzhou, there is a huge, ancient city, which has stood here for countless thousands of years.

Even in the battle where the evil demon was born, it only left countless scars on its body, but it failed to destroy it.

Whenever it rains, there will be dark clouds coming from the sea, bringing huge thunder and lightning power, smashing on the city wall, making the city wall more and more black.

But despite the thunder and lightning, it has always stood firm.

In the center of this city, there is a tree at the very center, but it occupies a distance of only a few meters.

This is a piece of dry broken wood, inserted in the soil, the bark is withered, and there is some scorched black on it.

The broken wood is more than a meter high and lonely, not just leaves, but not even a branch. It looks like a piece of driftwood in a river, inserted here.

But whenever lightning strikes, all the lightning attacks that this huge city suffers will be led into this city named Leicheng through the formation method.

This broken wood is named Lei Mu! When Thunder Bigfoot appeared, this thunderwood that had remained unchanged for thousands of years suddenly rose from the ground and disappeared in place in the panic eyes of everyone in Leicheng.

When Lexus was about to collide with Thunder Bigfoot, this piece of dead wood had crossed an infinite distance and entered the secret realm of the Three Kings Palace. Zheng Gulu screamed, and he was surprised to discover its arrival for the first time. The beast seemed to know Lei Mu. It stretched out its paws and beckoned to Lei Mu before calling Lei Mu to come.

The green bud between the thunderwood branches moved a bit, as if to signal to Gulu, then the thunderwood disappeared from the place, and the next moment, it appeared directly above the thunderfoot and near the dark clouds.

boom! A thunder and lightning power no less than thunder's big feet burst out from Lei Mu.

It’s hard to imagine that such a dry piece of wood can explode such power. This power is the same as the power of thunder and lightning, but it seems to be more advanced. Both of the power of thunder and lightning have the same power. Kind of agility, a little spirituality.

But there is only one kind of power in Thunder Bigfoot, and that is the power of destruction. The force in front of the destruction is different from the power of Thunderwood. When it sends out a devastating attack, its body, especially the green plant Bu, actually exudes bursts of breath.

This kind of breath accompanies the attack, and it makes its attacks continuous, as if it can be regenerated.

Originally, the dark cloud still had the upper hand, but under this continuous offensive, it weakened a little bit, it was weak, but Leimu was stronger.

Under the circumstances, the dark clouds gradually began to dissipate.

This time, the thunder robbery was broken by Lei Mu! The rest of the thunderbolt trembled, and because of the loss of the dark cloud, it suddenly became faint, and its power quickly melted into the void of Zheng, but it still persisted, stepping on Lingzhi persistently, and it must be destroyed. Look like.

However, the person it attacked, Lexus, at this moment, between his eyes, there was only Lei Mu, and only the green bud on Lei Mu.

There is endless lightning, illusion and disillusionment in his eyes, life and death, endless life.

"The ultimate in life is death.

At the end of death, why not life? "

Lexus said to himself.

Only when he felt the power of the yin and yang rules, did the Tai Chi image that appeared, and it appeared again.

But this time, Lexus half of his body is yin and half of his body is yang, and the trunk of his body is divided between yin and yang. The two powers flow freely on both sides of his body, through his body, and begin to blend, although the speed is extremely slow and flowing. It is also very unnatural.

But at this moment, he caught the way and direction of the power of Yin and Yang rules.

He wants to cultivate the way of life and death, thinking of life and death, out of the control of Tao! This is the Supreme Way. When he realized this, he had a sense of sublimation, a kind of improvement in the power of power, the power of rules, and the spiritual realm of the road he was going to take.

The horizon determines the height that can be reached! Thunder and lightning have always represented the power of destruction, but in Leimu, he saw the dead wood every spring, and when he saw the thunder and lightning, it can also contain the power of life, which can not only destroy but also regenerate.

This has a great effect on him.

At this moment, at the same time, even though Thunder Bigfoot dissipated the power of Nine, he still persisted and blasted Ling Zhi's body. Ling Zhi raised his head, looked proudly, and threw his fists. How could he let others use it? Step on it, even if it's Tao, it won't work! boom.

The rays of light on the Moon Chasing Armor flashed, and all the remaining spiritual formations, at this moment, all exploded under the impact of powerful force! The Soldier Soul screamed even more. If it weren't for Lexus's last moment to separate a part of the power to protect it, I am afraid it would have been wiped out.

Like the palace of the king, be a king soldier without a soldier soul.

Wang Bing without a soldier soul can never grow, and can only stay at that level, unable to grow and evolve as the martial artist's realm deepens.

This stalemate lasted for ten breaths.

It sounds very short, but for a strong Lexus level, a breathing effort is often enough to reverse the situation and solve the opponent.

Ling Zhi was covered with scars, just lying on the ground, the shade of the sun on his body flickered alternately. At this moment, he had exhausted the last trace of his body's strength, and there was nothing in his body, not the tingling pain.

But it's worth it! He slashed himself, but because of this he realized the way of life and death.

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