God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1226: Thunder Bigfoot

"I've never been a person who would give up, but this time the Thunder Tribulation was just because of continuous battles, which made my breath tremble and caused the Thunder Tribulation to appear."

"The same was true for the last six-pole thunder tribulation, but the thunder tribulation was in my expectation, and I was also in order to suppress demons. In addition, I got the sixth level of the Dragon Lian Dafa, so I had my own cares. ."

"But this time, I originally planned to consummate the foundation in the artistic conception, to fully comprehend the power of yin and yang rules, combine the power of the two rules into one, absorb all the insights from Chaos Dao, and prepare Sprint to the king's realm."

"Even if this Thunder Tribulation doesn't have any lethality, I don't plan to sprint into the King Realm at this time.

Become the powerhouse of the triad. "

Finally, Ling Zhi smiled proudly and pointed towards the sky.

"My way should be arranged by me, not it!"

After the words, Ling Zhi snorted and cut himself with a knife.

Blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and Lexus's breath was actually weak. With this knife, he was equivalent to cutting off all the growth in this battle.

I don't know how many warriors, when unable to break through, knowing that the battle of life and death can break through, but dare not try this path.

However, he cut off all the precious growth in this continuous battle of life and death.

This is simple, but in fact it requires great perseverance, great will, and extremely decisive! Everyone was shocked. This cut was only an idea of ​​Lexus, but it was a thousand times more difficult to cultivate back after the cut! If it is a person with insufficient aptitude, a person who is not determined, and may even live forever, they will never be able to cultivate again.

Stop here forever.

For the martial artist, this would be more uncomfortable than death.

The dark clouds above were dangling, and there was a collapse.


Just when everyone thought that the dark clouds would disappear, suddenly a big foot stepped down from the dark clouds.

Shocked Shino! Everyone did not expect that there would be such a big foot in the dark clouds, during the robbery.

The big feet were wrapped in golden armor, and the heroic energy was extraordinary. On its surface, lightning and thunder, the power of deep purple thunder and lightning, not clustered in the void, this entire secret realm swayed.

This secret realm, which has existed for countless years, and has been reinforced by the three kings hall of the past dynasties, has not known how many times, it is only because of this foot that there are signs of collapse.

From the edge of the secret realm, there was a large disintegration, and the emptiness was swallowed by darkness a little bit. The earth, trees, ice, everything that could be seen, was quickly swallowed and disappeared in front of the public.

This is a shock! Although Thunder Tribulation is controlled by Dao, Dao itself is just a kind of supreme body of Dao, without consciousness! There is no conscious existence, how can there be a anthropomorphic foot stepping out, condensing such an attack! This is beyond all knowledge! Even if the big feet are still in the air and far away from Lexus and the others, the pressure on everyone has increased sharply. If it were not for Lexus, Leng Yan, and Ye Qingcheng, they would resist the pressure with the sword and tower in their hands. I am afraid that these scattered powers alone , It is not what everyone can bear.

"Old thief, my junior has already cut himself with a knife, and you are holding on to the thunder of destroying the world, don't us, even a master in the king realm, you can't resist it!"

Niu Yuanhang, a simple man, pointed at Kong and cursed.


At this time, a ribbon was withdrawn from the palace of kings at some time, and the king in the palace of kings also completely died under the fierce attack of Bushuang.

The ribbon pushed those free thunder and lightning aside, wrapped around everyone,

"Leave here first. This secret realm is about to collapse. The power generated by the collapse of such a large space is not something you and I can resist."

The rule of Bushuang's perception is the softness and tolerance of water, which just pushes those lightnings to one side, but does not provoke them to attack, and soon they are wrapped up to everyone.

Just when the ribbon was about to be wrapped in Lexus, Lexus stepped away, stepped back and avoided the ribbon.


Bu Shuang said anxiously.

"Senior, you take them away first."

Lingzhi exuded a soft force, pushing the ribbon forward.

"Ling Zhi, come with us!"

Everyone's previous attention was attracted by Thunder Bigfoot. At this moment, they turned their heads and shouted.

"Senior, take them and go!"

Ling Zhi looked firm and spoke again.

Bu Shuang was silent, silent for a whole breath,

"You must go out alive."

After this sentence, she wrapped her ribbon fiercely, and under the power of the third layer of the king realm, no matter how Ling, Ouyang Hao, and Ye Qingcheng struggled, it was useless.

One step, Bushuang walked to the entrance of the secret realm, raised his hand to break through the void, and knocked the ribbon out.

The figures of Zhong Rao disappeared one by one in this secret realm, and Ling Zhi's eyes swept over them one by one, as if to remember them deeply.

This change of Lei Jie was unreasonable and unreasonable, and it was not because he was about to break through the king's realm to stop him.

This is clearly the Tao, to kill him.

Yes, a concentrated body of Dao, Dao composed of rules, unexpectedly want to kill such a warrior like him! This kind of power of the earth is not him at all, and is not something that any warrior can resist.

Perhaps a strong person like Shui Wuhen can resist, the kind of peerless strong person who can raise his hand to tear through the sky, fix time and space, and borrow from the sky for three years.

But at least, with Bushuang's strength, it is far from possible.

And at this moment, Lexus is far from growing to the point where it can compete with Dao! He knew that leaving Ye Qingcheng with them would only drag them down.

It is a man who has to face his own difficulties, greet him with a smile.

You can't be arrogant, but you can't live without arrogance. Although this sentence is vulgar, but this is a man! Ling was the last to disappear, his eyes were always calm,

"My son, since the stele has chosen you, how can you be qualified to kill you in this area?"

"Wait for you to go out, our father and two, talk to each other!"

In his heart, he was extremely domineering, and said this sentence.

But when the foot stepped out of the secret realm in front of Bushuang, the gurg in her arms suddenly whirred, and the white light flashed by, and directly used the power of space to rush out of Bushuang's embrace.

The light flashed and rushed to Ling Zhi's side

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