God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1195: Stone Tablet Town Demon

The big hand grabbed it towards the inside, and Xuanyuanjian's huge blade was actually blocked by him.

The light flashed rapidly, and the magic energy in the talisman began to overflow again.

The repair of the talisman paper was immediately prevented.

"What a familiar breath?"

Inside the black hole, there was a sound of surprise,

"It turned out to be his sword!"

He yelled, a rare voice with a trace of fear.

There is no doubt that the person he was talking about was definitely Shi Huang.

In the early days of the proliferation of monsters, the Emperor Shi Huang was shocked in Xuanzhou and took action to suppress the strong in the monsters. Then, for some reason, he left Xuanzhou, even the Reincarnation Star, and went to the depths of the starry sky.

Lin Canghen showed excitement, his worship of the Emperor Shi Huang was quite serious.

Ling Zhi tried to use his spiritual power and poured it into Xuanyuanjian's body to help it deal with this magic hand.

However, his spiritual power simply couldn't cross the boundless starry sky and touch Xuanyuan Sword.

It seems that this scene is right in front of you, but in fact it is far away.

The light on Xuanyuan Sword grew dim, almost becoming the dullest appearance.

The light on the talisman paper radiated out, connected to the edge of the black hole, shining at this moment, the light rushed toward the place where the magic hand stretched out, trying to suppress the magic hand into the black hole Zheng

"It's just a piece of talisman, suppressing my clan for thousands of years. It has already reached the time of dying, and even trying to squeeze out my strength to suppress me!"

The master of the magic hand yelled, his arm shook suddenly, and the light on the talisman was suddenly suppressed.

His language is not the language on the reincarnation planet, nor the human language, but with fluctuations, this language can be understood by Ling Zhi and Lin Canghen.

This is a wave similar to soul power, like a higher-level language, and feels like a common language in the universe.

"Motivate the'town' tablet."

Just when Ling Zhi was anxious but was helpless, a slightly delayed voice spread into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"You are... talisman paper!"

Feeling the unique aura of the voice, Ling Zhi was astonished, his soul body stepped out of the Shenting acupoint, entered the sea of ​​knowledge Zheng's soul force, and began to communicate with the other party.

The grade of the talisman must be higher than that of Wang Bing, and even higher than Wang Bing. It is not surprising that there is a soldier spirit.

"Well, you can call it that way, the name is just the appearance, don't care.

I feel the aura of the word monument in your body, you try to stimulate it, and I need its help. "

There were waves of waves from the talisman, said.

Ling Zhi smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, I will try."


The word stele was the first stone stele that appeared in his body, but it was never successful to control it.

Ling Zhi's soul body shook slightly, tentatively putting the


The word stele leads out, but it has no effect.

There was a sound of suspicion from the soldier soul of the talisman, and suddenly a golden light emitted from the body of the talisman in the distance, which shot towards Lexus.

The light directly enters the sea of ​​consciousness, towards


The word monument left.


The word tablet swayed in a circle, pressed towards Jin Mang, but when he was about to reach the opponent, he took it back.

"How could the damage be so severe?"

The Talisman Soldier's soul looked at the stone tablet in astonishment, as if he couldn't believe it.

"What happened in the end of the battle that year? You are damaged so far. Why can't I feel Xuanyuanjian's sword soul? Why is the suppression of this land and avenue so heavy, and even the Triad Realm is not allowed to break through?"

When the talisman soldier soul is puzzled,


The word tablet flickered, leaving Ling Zhi's body and heading straight to the body of the talisman.

The stone tablet was originally only a palm, but in the process of flying out, it was infinitely enlarged and raised.

Soon, it turned into a complete stone monument, slender like a top pillar.

It's just that those cracks still existed, very hideous, and Ling Zhi even wondered if it would burst into pieces after this blow.

Simply, the stele was much stronger than he had imagined.

The stone stele at this moment, like a divine stele, descended and straightly covered the demon's hand.


The master of the magic hand let out a surprised sound, released the hand holding Xuanyuan Jian, flipped his hand and patted the stone tablet.

A huge collapse occurred in that starry sky, and within a radius of ten thousand meters, it was all space debris! This is not the fine space cracks caused by Lexus and the others, it is the collapse and collapse of the space.

The stone stele is densely covered with cracks, and there is not the slightest light, just like the most common and ordinary stone.

But the demon hand shook, and the huge fingers heard the sound of clicking, and the finger bones were broken by the stone monument! The stele was still suppressing downwards, and the master of the magic hand let out a furious roar, where the talisman was suddenly rich in devilish energy, full of unwilling roars, wrapped the magic hand, and blasted towards the stele again.

The stone tablet shook slightly, and among those cracks, there was a crack, which expanded with a snap.

But that was only the case, a finger of the magic hand was born into a blood mist by the stone tablet, bursting into the starry sky.

And the Demon Hand retreated, and was directly driven into the black hole in the crack by Stone Tablet, and disappeared into the starry sky.

The stone tablet fell on the crack, seeming to be intentionally deterrent, and stayed for a while.

It can be heard that inside the black hole is the roar of the demon hand master, and the sound of violent blows, but the stone tablet cannot be shaken.

At this moment, the talisman quickly absorbed the inexplicable power in the surrounding starry sky and repaired it.

This crack was more than half repaired in an instant.

However, before it was completely repaired, the stone stele began to shrink sharply, until it became a virtual reality in the same place, and when it reappeared, it was already in the Lingzhi Shenting cave and fell under the feet of the soul body again.

Ling Zhi stepped on the stone tablet, frowning slightly. He faintly felt that the stone tablet had always been in an extremely bad state. This time the shot seemed to have exhausted his strength. It was hard to imagine a kind of weakness. What happened, the stone tablet could be shattered into clusters.

And his dantian


Word monument,


The word stele, too, suffered near-destructive damage.

However, after the crack was half repaired, the big hand couldn't reach out from the crack. Although there was magical energy overflowing, it couldn't set off the big weather.

Not waiting for Ling Zhi to be happy, the voice of Talisman Soldier Soul sounded again,

"Prepare early to prevent evil demons from invading."

"How long is there?"

Ling Zhi frowned and asked.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Jian flew from Dahua to his hand Zheng

"If you get help from a stone tablet, it will take at most six months."

The voice of the Talisman Soldier Soul is also much more serious,

"I didn't expect the stone tablet to be so badly damaged!"

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