God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1194: Holy sword draws demons


Looking at this huge talisman paper that looked like a star, Ling Zhi couldn't help but read the characters on the talisman paper.

Exactly and


The characters on the word tablet have exactly the same pattern. Ling Zhi doesn't know what font it is, but he knows how to pronounce this character.

The black hole is huge as a whole galaxy, compared with it, the talisman paper looks very insignificant.

But from the talisman paper, there was a faint golden light, and the light radiated out, forming a pattern, which was connected with the edges of the black holes on both sides.

Completely sealed the void crack here.

And after the black hole, it was obviously another space for the monsters to survive, and the monsters rushed out from here, raging in Xuanzhou.

Finally, he was driven here by the cooperation of strong humans.

It was just that the light of the talisman paper was dim at this moment, and there were many cracks on it, which seemed to break at any time.

Roar! Behind the talisman, inside the black hole, there were roars from time to time, and the roar shook the ground, shaking the stars in the starry sky.

Roaring down the starry sky, flicking down the stars.

Such a realm has exceeded Lexus's imagination.

At least they still know very well that with their strength, they can't break through the atmosphere at all to reach the sky of the reincarnation star. The star of the starry sky outside the planet is one hundred thousand meters away from the ground. It is the gas layer, and only breakthrough this layer. Can soar in the starry sky.

But to break through this level, it is not the king's realm, and it is impossible.

That is to say, compared with these powerhouses who can destroy the entire star at every turn, they are just toddlers.

Just after Ling Zhi and the others were observing, there was once again a ray of devilish energy floating out of the black hole in the talisman.

After this demon energy drifted out, it was directly integrated into the cluster of demon energy Zheng

"The cultivation of those monsters turned out to rely on the devilish energy of the strong inside the black hole?"

The two looked at each other and both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

This wisp of devilish energy is very rare from a distance, because the runes and black holes are too big. When it approaches, the wisp of devilish energy is as big as a mountain.

Moreover, the demon energy was extremely pure, which was not comparable to the monsters that Lexus and the others encountered.

Ling Zhi tentatively used the Xuanyuan Sword, passing above the huge devilish energy.

A ray of devilish energy suddenly rioted and pressed down towards him.

The huge coercion was condensed in this devilish energy, and Ling Zhi's body was shaken, almost lying on the ground.

The demonic energy shook, and Ling Zhiwa spit out a mouthful of blood. Before the blood had time to land, it was swallowed directly by the demonic energy.

It seemed that he had eaten the sweetness, this ray of devilish energy was shaking, and it voluntarily pressed down towards Ling Zhi.

In Lexus's feelings, it was like the ground collapsed.

Between the vibrations of the devilish energy, countless space cracks were driven. The space there was broken and healed, and the healing was broken again.

Ling Zhi's body flashed, chasing the moon armor out of his body, and wearing it on his body, the pressure was reduced a lot, his body straightened, and he swung his sword towards the devilish energy.

There was a burst of light on Xuanyuan Sword, and the devilish energy collapsed, dissipating into even more strands of devilish energy, disappearing in front of Ling Zhi.

And this ray of devil energy is only one thousandth, one ten thousandth compared to the complete ray of devil energy! Ling Zhi's face was a little pale, he opened his mouth and swallowed a sip of the pill, and he was speechless for a while.

You can hear those demonic energy flying behind you, and the monsters screamed like shaking, which was joy and excitement.

They have been suppressed here, but they have been able to cultivate and become stronger. Obviously, this is the way.

The golden light on the Xuanyuan sword flashed, and before Ling Zhi could react, he suddenly rushed towards the crack in the distance.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Sword exuded a unique pressure, completely different from the previous state.

It magnified sharply, and when it rushed to the front of the talisman, it turned out to be as big as a thousand miles, extremely huge.

The Xuanyuan sword stopped in front of the talisman paper, and the body of the sword was engraved with the sun, moon and stars on one side, and mountains and grass on the other side.

The hilt of the sword describes the art of farming and animal husbandry on one side, and the policy of unifying the world on the other.

On these four sides, the sun, the moon and the stars surround the side of the sword and expand out. Between the sun, the moon and the stars, there are mountains and plants.

The four-sided pattern, magnified countless times, appears in this starry sky

"The sword of the holy path, the sword of the Yellow Emperor, Chi You, the demon slayer."

Ling Zhi suddenly remembered about Xuanyuan Sword, such a record suddenly understood three points in his heart.

So, it's not surprising why Xuanyuanjian made such a move.

Ling Zhi glanced at Xuanyuanjian eagerly. He didn't know when he would be able to use Xuanyuanjian with such power.

A sword splits the sky, cuts the sun, the moon and the stars!

"Xuanyuanjian, is this repairing the cracks in the talisman paper?"

Lin Canghen screamed in surprise and pointed to the talisman to see it.

It can be seen that just as the light of Xuanyuan Sword flickered, the overflowing devilish energy was actually forced back to the Zheng of the black hole. Come, begin to quickly repair the talisman paper.

The talisman paper was arranged and suppressed by many powerful people, but they were not designed by themselves.

But with the help of a piece of talisman paper left over from ancient times.

This rune paper can resist the attacks of countless powerful people in the evil world for thousands of years without breaking. It can be seen that it is powerful. If it is not corroded by the demonic energy, it is impossible to have cracks.

There were also some surprises on Ling Zhi's face. He never thought that coming here with Xuanyuan Sword would have such a chance.

On the talisman paper, some thin cracks have been repaired at this moment.

At this moment, a roar of shock, containing a huge amount of anger and irritation, suddenly came out from the black hole.

Immediately afterwards, a huge palm, often full of black and thick hair, rushed out from a huge crack in the talisman paper.

The talisman flickered for a while, but it couldn't completely stop it. This black palm had already rushed out of the cracks.

"My clan cracked the seal for thousands of years, how could it be destroyed by you!"

A rumbling voice came from the black hole, and the magic hand pointed at Xuanyuan Sword and grabbed it.

After rushing out of the crack, his big hand was infinitely enlarged, and it was actually much larger than Xuanyuanjian. At this moment, he had no scruples and grabbed Xuanyuanjian's blade, as if he was about to crush Xuanyuanjian.

The sun, moon, and stars on Xuanyuan Sword burst open, bursting away.

The mountains and rivers shook for a while, and seemed to collapse at any time.

The power of Xuanyuan Sword is much worse than in the rumors. At this moment, Xuanyuan Sword alone cannot resist the attack of this magic hand.

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