God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1168: Emperor of Qin!

... Ling Zhi and Ye Qingcheng staggered past and stood in front of Sirao.

"The fourth son of Xuanzhou?"





Ling Zhi shook his hand, with four big mouths, one by one.

A few people broke out, frantically trying to resist, but in front of Lexus, how could it be so easy.

Half a step in the King Realm have been killed, how many people in the middle stage of the mood? Lexus directly used his soul power to suppress the four of them.

The four sons of Xuanzhou only felt that the soul power of the sea was overwhelming, just like the strongest of their clan in front of them, under tremendous pressure, and unable to move.

At this moment, they finally panicked.

They finally knew and understood how tough the boy who laughed harmlessly in front of him was.

"It's just that the cultivation time is longer!"

One man is still stiff.

They don't believe that Lexus can reach such a height just at this age.

Lexus had a weird expression. The four of them looked at their bone ages, and they were about 30, or 27-8.

These noble children have been exposed to the best cultivation resources ever since.

Now that in turn, he has been practicing for a long time, and Ling Zhi is speechless for a while.

I really will find myself a step down.

Want to explain? Snapped!

"Yes, your grandfather, I just practiced longer, what can you do for me?"

Lexus slapped his backhand and slammed it on Rao's face.

On that handsome face, a clear five-fingerprint appeared instantly.

Ling Zhi even directly used his spiritual power to cover his palms and hit his face.

As a result, he couldn't use his spiritual power to reduce the swelling. In an instant, his left cheek bulged high, and his mouth and eyes were almost squeezed out by the swollen flesh.

Because of the severe pain that hurt his eyes, this person started to cry.

Although he endured sharply, he wanted to control the facial muscles, but he didn't want to make himself so humiliated.

But it's simple, but it's difficult in front of Lexus.

"This is the first time I saw him, so angry."

Tantaijing walked to Ye Qingcheng's side and looked at Lexus in surprise.

"Are you angry?"

Ye Qingcheng stayed for a while, seeing that Lexus was unwilling to let these four people go. At this moment, he was even more aggressive, but he laughed happily.

"He is not angry, I don't know, but I am very happy to see him doing this for me."

Yeah, what else can be more joyful for being jealous of yourself than the man you love? That he cares about himself.

In particular, this man is so tyrannical, he flipped his hand to cover all those who harass him under his palm.

"Why are you crying?"

Ling Zhi pretended to be surprised.

"In my presence, the woman who wants to molest me, are you still awake?"


Just as the person on the other side was about to speak, Ling Zhi didn't look back, and gave him the same slap.

Another fat man appeared instantly.

The onlookers around, their eyes widened, looked straight here, and fell into a dull state.

From a few years ago, the fourth son of Xuanzhou, who had lived in Qin Dynasty, was beaten into such an appearance? Just a teenager younger than them, so tortured them like this? In the rear, the members of each family of the Fourth Young Master wanted to rush forward.

In the end, a white beast stood in front of them.

The paws were lightly waved, and the white light flew up, and these people were all imprisoned in place, and they couldn't even make a sound! Ye Qingcheng lifted Guru with a high heart, and even praised it. Guru lay in her arms very usefully and refused to come down.

"Hey, since you are the four sons of Xuanzhou, you must share the blessings and share the difficulties."

Ling Zhi said, the other two suddenly showed horrified eyes, desperately trying to dodge.

However, what they did was destined to be useless.

Being close by Ling Zhi, suppressed by spirit power, the physical power of the middle ninth rank spirit beast, how could they struggle away.


In the same way, with two crisp noises, the four fat guys just stood in front of Lexus.

Tears were still streaming.

The fourth son of Xuanzhou was in grief and anger, wishing to get into the ground, breathing fire in his eyes, uncontrollable anger.

"You wait, don't leave if you have a seed in Qindu, I must let you die in Qindu!"

Knowing that they could not beat Lexus, they gave up Lin Kang and began to speak harshly.

He is really a noble child. If he can't beat him, he will be bullied. If he can't beat him, he will move out his family, his own power, and the people behind him.

This is also the reason why these noble children, although their realm is very strong, often cannot compete with those warriors who have been tempered by themselves.

Because of combat experience, fierce disposition, and firm perseverance, they cannot be compared with each other.

When someone spoke, these people threatened Lexus aggressively.

Ling Zhi frowned, suddenly chuckled, and said coldly.

"It turns out that in Qin Capital, can you kill Rao?"

Although he was laughing, his voice was cold.

A murderous intent rushed from him.

The Fourth Young Master was dumbfounded, his hairs on his body stood up, looking at the boy in front of him, that almost condensed into the same killing intent, and they suddenly regretted it.

It seems that waiting for someone to threaten him was a very wrong decision.

"You, you can't kill us."

The person who threatened Lexus first, said with trembling words.

"Yes, you can't kill us, I am the parent and son of the third prince of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"I'm the parent-child of General Da Qin!"

"My father is the royal prince!"

"Me, my aunt is the queen, the most favored person of the emperor today!"

One by one, these four people began to shake their lives.

"Lexus, the relationship between the Great Qin Dynasty and my Fallen Leaf Sect is pretty good. Although the strong are scattered and cannot be controlled, no one is sent to the land of the monster seal, but every year, a large number of them are sent to the land of the monster seal. Materials, it’s better not to kill them easily."

Ye Qingcheng's voice suddenly appeared in Ling Zhi's ear.

Ling Zhi frowned slightly, glanced at the four people in front of him contemptuously, and replied,

"That is, although they are very unbearable, but their family, there are people who make sense?"

If it is true as Ye Qingcheng said, then this person really can't be killed indiscriminately.

After all, he punishes a few people in public, and the lessons he gave are not bad. For these people, the most important thing is face and dignity.

The opponent's family continued to send supplies to the land of the monster seal. In general, it was still a united front with the Fallen Leaf Sect for Xuanzhou's consideration.

"Forget it, for their family's sake, let them go first."

After Lexus had finished speaking, just about to retreat, a vehicle speeding through the air suddenly landed.

On top of this vehicle, there is a yellow flag that is several feet in size. On the flag, embroidered with a huge royal character

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