God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1167: He is my man


Ye Qingcheng nodded gently.

The eyes of the four of them swept over Ye Qingcheng, and they couldn't help but wonder and desire to possess.

When Ye Qingcheng was in the capital of Qin, she always used a veil to show people. When she was extremely famous, she had already obtained the tower, and ordinary people could not see her face at all.

This is the first time the Fourth Young Master saw Ye Qingcheng's appearance.

The unknown is the most beautiful.

But Ye Qingcheng's appearance surprised him to the extreme.

"Sister Ye, we just heard about what happened before, and rushed back non-stop, unexpectedly it was still too late."

"That old man of the Wang family, dare to hurt you!"

"Yes, we will definitely not let them go!"

A few people say something to you, all their eyes are on Ye Qingcheng, and they don't even look at Ling Zhi and Tan Tai Jing.

What he said was that Ye Qingcheng was captured by Wang Lin and sealed with the soul formation.

The corner of Ye Qingcheng's mouth showed a touch of contempt and did not answer.

The Four Young Masters of Xuanzhou are the most rich and powerful four of the Qin Dynasty in recent years. At least on the bright side, they are Ruci.

And these four people are not ranked, they are the dream lovers of countless women in Qindu.

But if any one of them has the strength to fight against the Wang Family, it is nonsense.

Whether it is the powerful Wang family as the four great masters, or the combination of Wang Mang and Lightning Python, it is not easy! These four people did not show up when she was arrested, but now they play this post-mortem, which is disgusting.

The four of them seemed to know this too, and after a few words, they began to become familiar with the excitement.

I didn't want to take Ye Qingcheng to taste this new, top-quality, delicacy that most people couldn't eat, or I wanted to take Ye Qingcheng to see the famous scenery, and what's more, I invited Ye Qingcheng to sit at home.

Without his face, these four hooked on Ye Qingcheng, and the woman who hooked on him, Ling Zhi would naturally not sit back and watch.

He took a light step forward, still smiling,

"You guys, please get out of the way. We just came to the cluster, and we are a little tired after traveling long distances."

He had a harmless smile on his face, as if he was just a good man.

Ye Qingcheng looked at Ling Zhi's appearance, and laughed again, narrowing his big eyes into a slit, beautiful as the fairy, the fairy.

"who are you?"

The fourth son of Xuanzhou, one of the queens, looked at Lexus and asked coldly.

Lexus's aura is restrained. Although their strength is good, they are a little weak in order to see the realm of Lexus.

The four did not think that Lexus could compete with them, this was just a strange face.

Seeing the goddess in my heart, she even smiled at Ling Zhi, a little jealous, and suddenly climbed to the top.

"Me? It's nothing more than a nameless person, not to mention it.

But I will bother you to move these carriages away and get in our way. "

Ling Zhi glared at Ye Qingcheng, without even looking at a few people, said.

Ye Qingcheng pouted and gave Ling Zhi a mischievous look.

"Sister Ye, is this your elder brother?"

Several people didn't want to believe Ye Qingcheng, who would make such a gesture to a man, guessing and asking.

Ye Qingcheng stunned, and when he asked for a message, Ling Zhi gently pulled her.

"No matter who I am, if I let you go, can't you hear?"

"There are no more than three things, and my words are also no more than three."

Ling Zhi smiled dryly.

"Friend, do you know what level these four strange beasts are? How dare they block your way!"

One sneered.

Another person glanced at Ye Qingcheng.

"Even if you are Sister Ye's friend, so, if the strange beasts are unhappy, we can't control it if they are attacked."

He even threatened Lexus.

As soon as the words were over, the strange beasts raised their heads and roared, and the sound shook the ground.

Powerful, quite amazing.

Obviously the four people did it deliberately.

Ling Zhi touched his nose, but his feet suddenly moved.

"Unhappy so soon?"

He suddenly appeared in front of the strange beast right in front.

The alien beast gasped heavily in his nose, and put his head in front of him.

"Everyone who beats a dog depends on the owner, but unfortunately, I don't look at the dog if I beat the owner."

Ling Zhi smiled, and gently stroked his hand forward.

"court death!"

The fourth son raised his brows and sneered.

With such close proximity to the alien beasts, everyone except them will be attacked! The physical attacks of middle-grade spirit beasts are extraordinary.


Ling Zhi just dropped a palm lightly, and the strange beast seemed to be sluggish. He didn't dodge or hide, and let him take it down.

The whole body trembled fiercely and violently. From the outside, no injuries were visible, but inside its body, there was no longer an inch of it.

Ling Zhi just relied on the strength of his body to directly stun the strange beast.

With a palm out, the strange beast is dead! The other three strange beasts suddenly rioted and roared.

Ling Zhi chuckled, and suddenly quietly made a slight movement under his feet. It was a move in the Long Lian Dafa, and the real dragon breath on his body was quietly released.

The three strange beasts, including the horses in the distance, suddenly wailed, broke free from the carriage, and all knelt down on their knees.

"Hey, what is this?"

Ling Zhi pretended to be surprised and looked at these strange beasts curiously.

"Your master is still alive, is this a betrayal?"

The four so-called sons' complexions changed one after another, and they shouted loudly.

It's a pity that these strange beasts who listen to them the most, at this moment, in any case, are unwilling to raise their heads, trembling with fright.

The horses in the distance are even worse.

"Asshole, what demon technique did you use to dare to be presumptuous in front of the four of me!"

The four roared and turned to Ye Qingcheng Road.

"Sister Ye, he just forced us, but we didn't mean to embarrass him!"

At this moment, he did not forget to defend his image in front of Ye Qingcheng.

Ye Qingcheng nodded in agreement.

"Yes, don't blame you, I know."

The four of them immediately understood this sentence.

"Okay, it turns out you are just sticking things!"

They all felt that Ye Qingcheng wanted to use their hands to drive Lexus away, and they were happy to do so.

Then, the four of them all stepped together and attacked Lingzhi.

Four people in the middle stage of artistic conception shot together, which is naturally extraordinary.

Especially when the four of them wanted to show their hands in front of Ye Qingcheng, they worked even harder and even divided them into four directions to attack Lexus.

Ling Zhi shrugged innocently, and suddenly took a step forward. The strength of the seventh layer of artistic conception burst out! The four people who were still very energetic just now were directly blasted away.

"who are you?"

The four looked at Lexus in horror.

"Ah, he is my man."

Ye Qingcheng walked towards Lexus and smiled back.

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