God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1119: Come back!

It was a bony white tower less than a palm. It moved quickly, even Lexus did not clearly capture its movement track.

I just felt that the white object hit the back of Tan Taijing's head precisely when the front was swayed.

In Ye Qingcheng's words, Tantaijing actually fell.

He was caught by Ye Qingcheng and leaned to his side.

"Why do you... stun her."

Ling Zhi was embarrassed. Tan Taijing had just rescued Ye Qingcheng for him. Who would have thought that Ye Qingcheng had stunned Tan Taijing through the lack of words.

"Why, distressed!"

Ye Qingcheng looked at him with wide eyes.


Lexus waved,

"It's just that she just helped us after all, although she is from the Heart Sect..."

"You ran to the boundless sea by yourself, and you don't know anything about Xuanzhou. Niuniu is a stupid idiot than you. As your senior sister, I said that I am very tired with you two."

Ye Qingcheng looked at them with contempt.

Ling Zhi's expression twitched, without words.

Ye Qingcheng's appearance is still so big, generous, and not artificial.

Unlike other goddesses, even if she stared at the name of the number one beauty in Xuanzhou, she was so reckless and so casual.

In the playfulness, there is a touch of cuteness.

Perhaps this is what she really is, and it is the reason why every young talent is so obsessed with her.

"Alright, okay, I didn't hurt her, I just stunned her. You know how important she is.

The level of Xuanzhou formation can overwhelm her, except for those old antiques, no one can be found.

This is baby. "

When Ye Qingcheng arrived here, his tone suddenly became a little serious.

"Xin Zong and Wang Clan, Jian Clan and others, these days, they can capture many of our Luo Ye Zong disciples alive."

"It's nothing more than wanting us to cast a rat avoidance weapon. After all, they are still afraid of our Fallen Leaf Sect, afraid that we will resist, even if they are the three teaming up!"

Ye Qingcheng said with disdain.

"With her, we will at least not be so passive.

Really, I didn't want to hurt her, I'm that kind of person. "

Ye Qingcheng pouted and expressed dissatisfaction.


Ling Zhishun answered.

...The group of people went all the way, heading straight to the Fallen Leaf Sect.


It's just that Ye Qingcheng would snort coldly from time to time.

Without him, Tan Taijing was knocked out by her because of Ling Zhi's arms.

For this reason, Lexus did not lose his eyes.

It's a pity that Niu Yuanhang is a hard-headed man. He feels that men and women are incompatible with each other, and he is resolutely unwilling to have such close contact with Tantaijing.

At this time, Luoye Zongzheng had passed several days since Zhou Xuanqing walked out of the tower that day.

This shocking change did not exceed Zhou Xuanqing's expectations, but in terms of time, it was slightly earlier than he had imagined.

"Are those people coming, so soon this time?"

Zhou Xuanqing looked into the distance, frowning,

"Disciple, where are you now?"

The father of Yi, the sixth elder of Luoyezong died, and the elders and disciples knocked on the tower together and invited Zhou Xuanqing out.

Zhou Xuanqing walked out of the tower, and at the first glance, he saw the six elders' corpses placed in front of the tower on the martial arts field.

He was silent, stepped forward, and gently covered his body.

At that moment, the entire tower trembled.

At that moment, the entire Fallen Leaf Sect was silent.

"Sect Master, the Great Elder..."

Standing beside Zhou Xuanqing, the second elder looked very ugly.

Zhou Xuanqing raised his hand to stop him and sighed slightly.

"This is his choice, as long as we don't interfere with our sect affairs, just leave it alone."

"Then several forces attacked together this time, what should I do?"

The faces of the second elder and all of you are very ugly.

"Xinzong, Wang's family, Jian's family, these three old monsters who are still alive are almost all dispatched.

Although the Qian family was not served by them, they only chose to be neutral. The Yuan family, whose capital was comparable to the power of the Qian family, also chose to support this battle. The number of Yuan Pavilion Spirit Pills is very terrifying, which is undoubtedly a fire. Add oil to make this fire burn more quickly and vigorously. "

"Sect Master...Where are we Luoye Sect, the old Sect Master and the elders?"

Seventh Elder Yao Luo hesitated for a moment, and still asked.

The background of these forces came out, and only the Fallen Leaf Sect, even if they were forced to stay in the guardian formation, they had never seen any of the same background.

Even as the elders, they had no knowledge of the traces of the previous generation of fallen leaves.

This is the root cause of Luoyezong's distraction.

"Old Sect Master..."

Zhou Xuanqing hesitated for a while, a deep sentiment appeared in his eyes.

"Xuanzhou is in trouble, the world is wronged, and the world is wronged. They are also giving their strength to death, so how can they persist until this moment."

"Difficult? Injustice? Tribulation?"

Several elders glanced at each other, and they didn't understand what Zhou Xuanqing said.

Xuanzhou is now in a peaceful and prosperous age, where is the disaster?

"Is that one left?"

Yao Luo, this beautiful young woman, had a bit of unwillingness in her eyes.

"I know, you are worried about Ye Qingcheng. I heard the news. You were arrested by Wang Lin, the previous generation of the Wang family, right?"

Zhou Xuanqing was not angry, but sighed softly.

"Yes, there are leftovers, but I don't know, this time, he will make a move."

Zhou Xuanqing's eyes were a little erratic, not knowing where he was looking.

"Don't worry, it will be no more than three days at the latest. When I fully activate the tower, I can protect you comprehensively. I will go out personally and bring them all back."

Suddenly Zhou Xuanqing exploded with shocking aura, and his tone was firm and firm, displaying the power of a generation of suzerain.

"Sect Master, this time, we will be with you."

Yao Luo and the second elder looked at each other and said.

Just when everyone was worried about the Luo Yezong and sent a cruel heart, the fifth elder, Shu Feiyao's master, the old woman who Ling Zhi came to Luoyezong for the first time, suddenly frowned, turned his hand and took it out of her body. Bought a jade card.

Seeing this scene, Ji Rao's eyes lit up with fear.

"Who is it, which disciple is back!"

At this moment, they can die, but as long as these disciples can return safely, the Fallen Leaf Sect will not die! The old woman held the jade card, felt it for a while, and said with some confusion,

"A lot of people came back this time, four of them."

"Are there as many elite disciples out there as four?"

She looked up at the crowd.

"If you count Sect Master's disciples, Ling Zhi, there are exactly four people."

The third elder, Pei Ningrui's teacher, hesitated to speak.

Zhou Xuanqing's Sect Master's nameplate trembled suddenly, and then all Rao's eyes in this hall were at this moment.

Bright straight break

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