God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1118: Stun, stun!

A shrunken eyes closed, Ye Qingcheng appeared in front of him.

A crystal light radiated from the soul body, Ye Qingcheng closed his eyes, long eyelashes, and pink face.

Everything is so dreamy and beautiful.

Quiet nose, delicate lips, white neck, perfect body curve, just so direct, generous, and undisguised, openly exposed in front of Lexus.

The beauties close their eyes, and there is a great sense of letting you taste and picking.

Ling Zhi gulped hard, facing such a scene, if there were no distracting thoughts, then he would really not be a serious man.

He chuckled, took a deep breath, and walked over.

He approached gently, and gently touched Ye Qingcheng's soul body.

The softness that originates from the depths of the soul, the comfort from the depths of the soul, the touch from the depths of the soul, and the feelings that originate from the depths of the soul, make Lexus almost out of control and unable to control itself almost immediately. .


"Poor, pitiful, when will I, a pure virgin, taste the world?

Isn't it a bit too silly to face such a beauty and to be so honest? "

Ling Zhi smacked his lips and suddenly thought of it.

At this moment, he felt that the eyelashes of the beauty who leaned forward in front of him quivered slightly.

It seems to be awake.

And he should also retreat.

At the last moment, Ling Zhi suddenly leaned over and pressed a kiss on Ye Qingcheng's crystal-run lips.

What kind of touch it is, it almost makes people fall into it.

When a beauty dies, it's a ghost.

Feeling that Ye Qingcheng's aura became stronger and stronger, Ling Zhiyi withdrew his mouth before he could finish, took a look at the beauty beside him, and drew back.

Turning his soul power back to the soul body Zheng almost immediately when he opened his eyes, the dense formation on the ground in front of him shattered.

Ye Qingcheng's chest had ups and downs at that moment.

Tantaijing looked at Lexus in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

He actually did it, Tan Taijing was shocked.

She found that she still looked at this young man, a young man who was so strong within a few months of separation.

Looking at Ling Zhi, she suddenly had no doubt about this battle that would have been won, and she was a little uncertain.

Although Lexus is not that strong, will this young man really be able to reverse the situation this time? Or, is there such a miracle bursting out of him?

"Lexus, why is your face so red?"

Niu Yuanhang pointed at Ling Zhi, curiously said.

"Also, what are your lips? It's been several times. Are you thirsty? Do you want me to pour you a glass of water?"

Niu Yuanhang's sound was louder than a sound.

Rao was Tantaijing, and could not accept such a shameful thing, just after thinking about it for a while, she thought of the warm feeling when the soul power was in contact with the Lingzhi soul power before.

"What am I thinking?"

She woke up suddenly and hurriedly suppressed these distracting thoughts.

Ling Zhi touched his nose awkwardly.

"No, nothing."

In order to hide himself, he hurried to Ye Qingcheng,

"As long as you have the most questions, you should come and see Ye Qingcheng."


Suddenly, there was a deep sound, Ye Qingcheng opened those beautiful big eyes, her long eyelashes quivered, her eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, and she sat up.

"There are so many questions about Niuniu, you answer him, I also want to know."


Ling Zhi's expression became even more embarrassing.

She knows what I did to her just now? He couldn't help but think of it.

The more I looked at Ye Qingcheng's smile, the more Ling Zhi felt this way, he felt a fever in his face.

Just like, while the goddess was sleeping, she secretly kissed the goddess.

But I didn't want to be discovered by the goddess.

Ye Qingcheng glared at Ling Zhi.

"Junior Brother, I didn’t expect that after I slept, I heard your voice before opening my eyes.

Should this be a surprise or just surprise? "

Ling Zhi touched his nose, but did not answer the conversation cleverly.

"Ye Qingcheng, there is still me, haven't you heard my voice!"

Niu Yuanhang was dissatisfied.

"Niu Niu, should you call me Senior Sister?"

Ye Qingcheng pouted, the same dissatisfaction.


Niu Yuanhang was unwilling,

"No, I'm already on the second level of mood, why should I call you senior sister."

"but I,"

Ye Qingcheng smiled cleanly.

"I am also the second floor of Yijing, and I am more advanced than you."


"Then you can't call Ling Zhi your junior, you should call him senior!"

Niu Yuanhang was struggling to death.

Ye Qingcheng glanced at Ling Zhi in surprise, his beautiful eyes flowed, and a dazzling light emerged from his eyes.

"Sure enough, you are still so powerful. For you, creating miracles is easy for you."


Ye Qingcheng lied,

"But I just don't want to call him Senior Brother, I just want to call him Senior Brother, what can you do, Ling Zhi didn't refute, what can you do with me?"

She laughed.

"Lexus, you, don't you refute it?"


Ling Zhi looked at the smile that emerged from the corner of Ye Qingcheng's mouth, and bit his head.

"I think this is good."

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Niu Yuanhang was hit hard,

"Color is more important than friends, color is more than friends!"

Tantaijing was so quiet, watching the three of them play around and play with each other.

Ming Ming Ye Qingcheng just woke up, it was the first time I saw Lexus after so long.

But she didn't understand why there was no gap at all, and they were so natural to each other.

The three are so unscrupulous, regardless of strength, regardless of closeness, laughing and playing with each other.

She has never seen this kind of emotion in Xinzong.

Faintly, she was a little moved, a little envious, and even...a little jealous.

The three of them fought for a while, and they talked about what they had experienced during this period of time.

Ling Zhi's experience was even skipped by them. They threatened to wait for the Xinzong forces to be driven away and listen to him carefully... and Tantai was silent for a while. She knew that these people did not deliberately target her. , But really so casual, thinking so.

"Hey, you are the one, Tantaijing!"

Ye Qingcheng ran to Tantai quietly and said.

"Xuanzhou Spirit Formation, I heard that I recently broke through to the level of a sixth-level spirit formation master. You should have helped Ling Zhi save me, thank you."

"Junior Brother, you are powerful enough, and the Sect Master Xin who even kidnapped him, the first Daoist in Xuanzhou, came to follow you."


Ye Qingcheng was teasing here, but suddenly he took out something and smashed it at the back of Tan Taijing's head.

"Stun, stun!"

She spit out such words excitedly.

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