God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1070: Surprise!

Ling Zhi was covered in blood and rushed out of the water.

The sea water was stained with blood, flowing from him, washing away.

With all his strength, he blocked Wan Cang's several attacks, desperately buying time for Uncle Wang and the others.

The power of Gulu's rules has obvious advantages against middle-rank spirit beasts and artistic conception warriors.

Although its power of space cannot directly kill a spirit beast, it is possible to hinder a spirit beast's speed, attack, and even shift it some distance.

In this way, the attacks and defenses of Uncle Wang and Ouyang Hao played a great role.

Several attacks that were almost unavoidable were all blocked by Gulu using the power of space.

The occasional thunder and lightning power directly penetrates the sea water, numbing the limbs of a group of spirit beasts.

Among this group of spirit beasts, the worst is the middle 4th rank, and the best is only the middle 5th rank. The 6th rank spirit beast in the cluster is only a tortoise that has never been used.

Although both Uncle Wang and Ouyang Hao suffered serious injuries, as more and more spirit beasts lost their fighting power, the situation was actually developing in a good direction.

And Lexus has been using his own power to block a strong man in the late stage of artistic conception!

"Do you really think you can stop me?"

Perceiving this, Wan Cang's expression gradually became serious.

As if hesitated for a moment, Wan Cang took out the flute, placed it gently beside his mouth, and blew it.

"Di Gao didn't tell you that I, the Lord of the Seagod Temple, still has another identity?"

Wancang sneered,

"Sea God Temple is the most powerful, no, the most powerful profession in the boundless sea, sea beast master."

"I'm sorry, I'm on the way of the sea beast master, it seems that I walked farther than you, the alchemy master."

Wancang sneered.

Accompanied by the sound of his flute, from the depths of the seabed, suddenly black shadows flashed out.

There are not many shadows, because of the cluster teleportation array, Wancang can't bring much.

But each of these black shadows, their aura, is astonishing.

The shadow has three heads.

Two spirit beasts of the sixth rank.

And... a spirit beast of the seventh rank! This middle seven-rank spirit beast was shaped like a whale, and it was indeed the one that Wancang sat cross-legged when he attacked Yanwei Island that day.

"Xuan Whale!"

Ao Gui exclaimed, her green eyes showed some panic and panic, and her body backed away involuntarily.

The middle-grade spirit beast, the black whale, is known for its strength, and even the silver-moon golden-eyed beast can't compare with it in this respect.

Although after being controlled by Wancang, due to the control of the soul body, the strength will be reduced, but it is also a genuine middle seven spirit beast! In the distance, Di Gao's pupils shrank sharply. He knew that Wan Cang was a sea beast master, and he also knew that he had two sixth-grade spirit beasts, and he was really powerful in fighting, even he could not have the slightest advantage.

For this reason, he has never had a head-on fallout with Wancang in these years.

But he didn't know, when it started, Wan Cang actually conquered a middle-grade seventh-grade spirit beast.

With the strength of Wancang, this should not have been possible! Ao Gui retreats swiftly, but the direction of Tuan is a bit strange. It is not blindly avoiding the black whale, but avoiding the silver-moon golden-eyed beast.

It seemed that Ao Gui was not afraid of this mysterious whale, but the silver-moon golden-eyed beast.

"You old tortoise, although you are courageous, but you are very witty. You haven't lived in vain all these years, and you can see it at a glance!"

Wan Cang sneered and looked down at Ao Gui.

"Fortunately, I didn't want to subdue you at the beginning, otherwise I'm afraid I might not succeed."

Wancang smiled,

"Originally, my defensive power against you, but my eyes are very hot.

With you as my beast, my combat power will at least increase by half! "

"Yinyue unexpectedly worked with you to conspire with the black whale and let you control the black whale!"

Ao Gui couldn't help but exclaimed, and his words were full of incredible.

As soon as these words came out, the corners of the silver-moon golden-eyed beast's mouth suddenly split.

"Old turtle, don't talk nonsense."

It laughed.

The Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast has cooperated with Wan Cang to this point. With its strength and identity, under secret calculation, it is indeed very likely to succeed in helping Wan Cang conquer the black whale.

"You make this human being so strong, aren't you afraid that he will bite you back!"

Ao Gui looked at the silver-moon golden-eyed beast with some grief.

After all, the sea beasts are somewhat different from the humans. This way of helping foreign races, hunting and controlling the sea races, Aogui is unacceptable for a while.

"Hey, what do you know?"

The silver moon golden-eyed beast sneered a few times.

"Wan Cang, quickly let the black whale take action, take down the owl's tail in one fell swallow, and swallow this owl's tail, my strength can at least skyrocket.

When we join hands, who else can be our opponent.

Yanwei Dongfu, at your fingertips! "

"Guru, Uncle Wang, heart!"

Lexus held the Beast Killing Arrow, and the moment the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast spoke, he ran straight away.

Wan Cangyin laughed.

"Don't, we haven't finished the fight yet, can't you resist it, come and try again!"

Wan Cang laughed wildly, and pointed at Lexus again.


Ling Zhi was extremely angry, and the Beast Killing Arrow pointed upwards, pointing at this spiritual power.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Ling Zhi rushed forward again.

Seeing the appearance of Lexus, Wan Cang laughed abnormally, and used his soul power continuously to condense a finger again.


Seeing this, Ling Zhi raised his head and screamed.

He suddenly turned over and took out an object, condensing the power of his whole body, doing his best to let his soul power reside on this object, and hit Wancang.

Surprisingly, it was what I got from the Ding's family.

Hit the soul whip, specialize in the soul body! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Ling Zhi didn't even think about it, he drew three times in an instant and hit three times.

The weird power hit Wan Cang's soul three times in a row, but his soul body was strong and solid, and there was also a serious injury, the soul body shook, and a mouthful of blood was spit out on the spot.

At the same time, the eighth quarter of Soul Whip was also completely broken.

"How dare you hurt me? You hurt my soul, you are looking for death!"

Wan Cang's extremely angry voice came, and he never thought that he would suffer such a big loss in one carelessness.

"I want you all to die, all die!"

The flute sounded abruptly, killing intently.

Two black shadows rushed out first and rushed towards Ling Zhi. It was the two sixth-grade spirit beasts.

Ling Zhi's eyes widened suddenly, red on the spot, and he rushed up desperately, wanting to rush to Uncle Wang and grunt them.

But the spirit beast of the sixth grade, even standing still, can't be killed with a single arrow, let alone two! When Lexus was stopped, a larger, more powerful spirit beast rushed out from the surface of the water under the soles of Rao's feet, carrying sea water.

Straightforwardly, pounced on Uncle Wang and the others.

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