Ling Zhi [Men's Novel Network] keenly noticed this, and shouted,

"Uncle Wang, don't chase, deceit!"

Uncle Wang's body paused. Although he was furious, Ling Zhi's words still clearly reached his ears. Zheng hesitated. With a flick of his tail, he would stop chasing and retreat.

However... all this is too late.

Wan Cang sneered, and gave Ling Zhi a cold look.

"The battle changes rapidly, how can it be effective if you remind it!"

Then, from behind Uncle Wang, a flute suddenly flew out and slammed it against Uncle Wang with a bang.

Although Wang Shu controlled such a powerful force, he had never had the experience of fighting against people before. The combat experience was really bad, especially the combat awareness.

In the hands of an old fox like Wan Cang, it is easy to be taken into the trap by Zheng Flute and slammed on the tail of Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang screamed in pain, suddenly unable to control his body, and went down.

And below, there are countless heads staring at all of this, the spirit beast with the color of sight!

"Wan Cang, you actually gave my prey to someone else!"

The Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast reacted fastest, the dissatisfied Roar Sword and Di Gao collided fiercely several times with full force, and wanted to rush here.

Facing the bloodline of Owl Tail, all the strategic plans made by it and Wan Cang before were not counted.

It's worth it.

"Idiot, what are you excited about!"

Wancang scolded it,

"First kill the powerful enemy, and when you find the Owtail Cave Mansion, do you still care about the product of the combination of such a owltail and humans? Or is the bloodline weak after so many generations!"

The silver moon golden-eyed beast took a halt, and looked at Uncle Wang reluctantly. He stretched his slender tongue around his mouth, smashing it, smashing its mouth, threatening the spirit beasts,

"You guys, if you don't leave me some good parts, when my side is over, I will find you one by one!"

"The third brother!"

Ouyang Hao called out.

At the moment, Lexus wiped the blood off his face, stood up, and walked towards Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang might be able to support him for a while under the attack of those spirit beasts.

But the premise for this moment is that Wancang will not interfere.

Otherwise, with only a few attacks, Uncle Wang definitely cannot survive such an offensive.

No less than 20 spirit beasts of Grade 4 or above, and a top powerhouse of the seventh-level artistic conception, no one can survive a few rounds in a joint attack.

Ling Zhi turned his head and smiled, saying,

"You know my character."

"and so……"

Ouyang Hao suddenly stepped out and came to Ling Zhi's side.

"So I didn't persuade you to turn around, but went to the battlefield with you."

"Don't ask for births in the same year and the same month, but the same year and the same month."

Ouyang Hao smiled.

Ling Zhi's eyes changed, without saying a word, his speed surged, and he rushed towards Uncle Wang.

A Guru and a brother followed.

As for Xie Xiu, he was left there by Ouyang Hao. The strength of the fourth layer of artistic conception was used to protect the villagers, and it was more effective and better than going to fight with those powerful spirits.

"A trap, two targets in the circle, the feeling of killing two birds with one stone, happy!"

Wancang laughed wildly, satisfied, and looked at the rushing Lexus savagely.

"Guru, go with you and help Uncle Wang. I will stop Wancang."

Ling Zhi said solemnly.

"No, I can save the owl tail. Wancang is too strong. You let Gulu go with you. Its two powers are of great help to you."

Ouyang Hao shook his head.

Ling Zhi was silent for a moment.

"Whether the villagers blame me or not, I blame myself. Even without me, the teleportation array will be opened sooner or later. Then if I am stronger and come back earlier, maybe I can save a few more villagers, maybe It can make the villagers a little safer."

"What's more, the strength of these twenty-odd high-level spirit beasts is not weaker than that of Wancang, and even stronger. You and Gulu will go together, I can rest assured."

Ling Zhi couldn't refuse. He moved his feet, changed direction, and walked straight to Wancang.

"Okay, I'm here, I'll bring it to the door by myself. With your strength, can you stop me for a long time?"

Wan Cang directly controlled his spiritual power this time, condensing it into a finger, and went straight to Lexus.

The artistic conception martial artist is mostly the palm, because one is familiar with the palm, and because of the martial artist's own spiritual power operation.

Different strengths have different cohesion in the palms.

There is a cohesive fist, a big palm, and a finger. There is no difference.

Like Wancang, the condensed fingers, etc., are like real, giant fingers, real as if flesh and blood, very powerful, and very solid.

It won't be easily defeated, and it can also attack from a very long distance, just like when he attacked Lexus outside of Yanwei Island, but his power was slightly reduced.

It's not that they don't want to condense weapons, swords and spears, but ordinary soldiers condense and have no power. If they want to condense their weapons, the spiritual formations above are too complicated, and they want to condense them all, and the slightest Not bad, too difficult.

The level of complexity and incomprehensibility of the high-level spirit array is much more than that of the martial artist's handprints.

Lexus held the Beast Killing Arrow and tried his best to resist Wancang's attack.

He blocked every resistance with blood.

Every time, they have to be smashed into the seabed like a cannonball.

He wanted to rush out again and continue to block Wan Cang. Lexus's tenaciousness made Wan Cang look at him more.

Uncle Wang roared, facing the attack of several spirit beasts, he tried to break through several times and came to help Lexus.

Gulu waved the power of space again and again, trying to block those spirit beasts, so that Uncle Wang would not face too many spirit beasts at once.

More than twenty spirit beasts of rank 4 and above, this is not the seven that Lexus had dealt with before.

This is equivalent to more than 20 warriors in the middle of the mood, attacking Uncle Wang together.

Its power is unimaginable.

Such a combined attack, if it weren't for the astonishing bloodline of the tail of Wang Shu, it would invisibly suppress 10% of the attack power of these spirit beasts, plus the powerful defensive power of the tail, it would be impossible to withstand a single blow.

This was a blow that Wancang and Di Gao did not dare to resist directly.

Every time these spirit beasts combined their attacks, it was no less than the silver-moon golden-eyed beast using its golden eyes.

In just a few dozen breaths of effort, several pieces of fish scales fell on Uncle Wang's body.

Some blood spilled from these dropped parts.

Every time a fish scale falls, there will be several nearby spirit beasts competing for it, and this fish scale is actually regarded as a treasure.

The blood of the owl's tail is astonishingly powerful for the spirit beast.

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