“Then set off and go to the land of Hundred Sects!” With his fists clenched, Huo Tianci thought like this, and then he leaped down Qixing Mountain and disappeared into the lofty mountains.

On the other side, the won and the others who were scared off by Ouyangzi before, until now, the back is wet.

Among them, the impermanent ancestor who instigated trouble, and the old North Sea monster.

Now that Won sees them, he can’t get out of his anger, because this time, he was almost killed by these two.

“Brother Han, listen to me. I really don’t know that Heavenly Fire Sect is related to Ouyangzi Senior. If you know, even if you give me the courage, then I I didn’t dare to push you and the whole Huntian Gate into this fire pit. In fact, they were all the servants who were instigating them. Finally, they gave me a middle grade Void Abyss Stone. He said.”

As for what the Void Abyss Stone is, it is the necessary material for making space ring, and this Void Abyss Stone also has that medium quality, and finally this North Sea monster, They also promised to help the impermanent ancestor and came to avenge him, but who knows, Ouyang Zi was killed out of it, which was something they absolutely didn’t expect.

However, the truth is that if Ouyangzi hadn’t appeared, they would have died, because Huo Tianci at that time was ready to go to fight for the Eight Sects. By then, even if the Korean won had the Earth Grade magic weapon in his hands. ,so what.

And when I thought of his magic weapon being taken away by Ouyangzi, this won’s heart was dripping blood, because of the ghostly face, but he spent all his possessions and bought it Come.

“Give me that middle grade Void Abyss Stone!” At last, the Korean Won yelled at the old North Sea monster in front of him, because without compensation, he poured blood this time. Mold, having given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it.

The Beihai old monster was scolded this time, it was almost terrified, and then he hurriedly took out the middle grade Void Abyss Stone, and then handed it to Han Won’s hand, saying: “Brother Han, actually this piece Void Abyss Stone, I wanted to give it to you.”

This old North Sea monster can be considered acquaintance, otherwise, if he doesn’t pay, the won won in anger, he will definitely want him to look good, and even more so, Kill him directly.

As for the ancestor of impermanence, Won gave him a big scroll: “Let me see you later, and I will let you die!” Don’t say so, Won gave him a harsh sentence Words come out.

In the end, the impermanent ancestor had to run away in despair.

On the other side, Huo Tianci is packing things, ready to go to the land of Hundred Sects.

Before leaving, Huo Tianci asked Yue Heavenly Fire: “Heavenly Fire Senior, do you know where the Ziyan Pavilion is?”

Yue Heavenly Fire Of course, because Ziyan Pavilion, like Fanyan Mountain, belongs to the ten ancient giants, and is also one of the ten most powerful forces in the land of Hundred Sects.

“The land of Hundred Sects is called the land of Hundred Sects because in ancient times, there were as many religious Sects as there were hundreds of schools. , Thousands of flowers bloom, and these ten great big shots are the forces of that period. In the following ten thousand years, the fallen sects and the new sects are countless, but these Ten Great Influences, It still lasts forever. In the end, the martial artist called it, one school, two schools, three mountains, four pavilions.

Within the three mountains, there is Ouyangzi Senior, the Fanyan Mountain to which he belongs, and the four pavilions. Among them, there is Sect Master, which you just said, Ziyan Pavilion.”

Yue Heavenly Fire said all he knew.

On the other hand, Huo Tianci, who heard these words, only felt full of pressure, but this pressure was also his motivation.

“I see, the Big Dipper Sect, I will give you all the power to Heavenly Fire Senior. If it is processed by then, Senior, you can use the sound transmission talisman to notify me.”

Big Dipper Sect is still in the process of integration, so Yue Heavenly Fire and the others can’t walk away, but Huo Tianci is impatient now, because he has to complete the task before he can To improve the strength, and the Xuanwang first heavy, the mission of breakthrough to the Xuanwang 2nd layer, he needs to go to Tian City in Beihai Fanbang to complete.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci wants to set off as soon as possible.

“Sect Master, you can rest assured, by the way, Sect Master, this is the map to Beihai Panbang. As for the distance from Tian City, I just heard it, not at all, so I can’t help you anymore.”

There are hundreds of towns in Beihai Fanbang. Even the sects are the same, so Yue Heavenly Fire has never been there. It is normal to be away from Tian City.

“At that time, I’ll just go to inquire.” Huo Tianci thought to himself, this will do.

After he put away the map, he left the crowd.

One month later, Huo Tianci appeared in a small town called Guyan Town.

Although it is just a small town, its prosperity is comparable to the imperial city in the seven-star chain of mountains.

Along the way, the seven or eight-year-old children playing naughty and playful on the road all have the strength of a profound practitioner, and even that of a profound master.

On the other hand, children of this age in the Great Liang Nation can be regarded as geniuses even if they have the power of a profound apprentice.

As for where this area is, Huo Tianci glanced at the map, and just stepped into the land of Hundred Sects.

I have to say, this gap, but he couldn’t imagine it before.

As for the big gap, Huo Tianci has already felt the Spiritual Qi in the air along the way, becoming more and more dense.

Compared with the Seven Stars Link Mountain, the Spiritual Qi here is at least twice as rich. It is estimated that it is precisely because of this that the children in this Guyan Town will have such superb strength. Yes, after all, I’ve been soaking here all day, in the rich Spiritual Qi.

“It is no wonder Heavenly Fire Senior would say that the land of Hundred Sects is the Holy Land of all martial artists.” Huo Tianci now finally understands.

“There is an Inn.”

In the end, Huo Tianci stopped under the door of an Inn, and looked up, the name of this Inn was extremely interesting.

“My lord, please come inside. May I ask if you are on the tip or stay in the store?”

As soon as Huo Tianci entered the door, the second in the store, he immediately welcomed him over.

“Eating, if you are on the way, ask for another way.”

When I heard that I was here to ask for directions, the shop’s second person suddenly came to a hundred times more energy, and then he only took out The map, while selling to Huo Tianci, said: “Master, you really asked the right person. For the map of Beihai Fanbang, I only need ten low grade Spirit Stones. As for the entire Longshan Sea Territory, I It only needs 80 low grade Spirit Stone.”

Seeing Huo Tianci stunned, the shop’s second person hurriedly said again: “Master, the conscience of heaven and earth, if this thing is bought in the shop At least it has to be doubled.”

“Doubled? Then why are you so cheap?” Huo Tianci asked in confusion.

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