As soon as these words came out, there was an absolute silence in the originally lively hall.

Zi Yun looked at a loss, and finally she looked left, right, and then she then pointed to herself and said, “Is it me?”

“Hmm.” Ouyangzi was like finding gold, desperately nodded.

Because the power of Zi Yun within the body is so big that he is hard to describe, if it is fully stimulated by then, the future will be absolutely limitless.

“If I read the old fogey correctly, your little girl, within the body, should have a strange fire of the holy rank. No, compared to the holy rank, I feel only taller. Not low, if it is cultivation of my Fanyan Mountain, one of the three major spiritual art towns-Fengyan Nine Wings Fight, old fogey, I promise you that you can completely control your group of strange fires and avoid backlash. “

“backlash?” For this, Zi Yun immediately shook the head and said: “Little Buddha, it will not hurt me, not only will it not hurt me, but it will still help me. “

But Ouyang Zi didn’t think it would be like this: “It does not take the initiative to hurt you, because your strange fire is very peculiar. It not only maintains the state of Fire Spirit” , And it has taken the initiative to serve you for the Lord, living with you for oneness, but you have to know that the more powerful things are, the higher the requirements for control. If I guess right, you get At the time of this group of different fires, the strength should be very low. After that, relying on the power of this group of different fires, the profound king who has only reached the breakthrough, am I right?”

Ouyangzi asked back.

Zi Yun was surprised and nodded, because this Ouyangzi was all right.

“Then, do you know, why your Fire Spirit will help you improve your strength with unnoticeable influence?” Ouyang Zi asked again.

In contrast, Zi Yun, shook the head, because she didn’t know it.

As for other people, they are also at a loss. Isn’t it good to help them improve their strength?

“That’s because, with your previous strength, you simply can’t control it, so it, this will silently help you improve your strength, because only in this way, you two can coexist, otherwise Just like the scale that day, one side is heavy and the other is light. In the end, the imbalance of power will lead to a complete collapse. Also, during this period of time, your strength has skyrocketed, and there is no Great Expert to protect you. Without medicine pill to escort you, does your dantian lower abdomen sometimes make a heart-like beating sound?”

Ouyangzi asked again.

Zi Yun slowly nodded, but because the state is not obvious, she didn’t take it seriously.

“This is the backlash brought by the imbalance of power. Even if your Fire Spirit is not willing to hurt you, the result still happened. If you don’t resist it, this strength of Backlash is bound to grow bigger and bigger. In the end, your dantian can’t bear it. Naturally, it will be completely damaged, and even the Self-destruction!” Ouyangzi’s face was dimly paused when he said this. , Because he really didn’t want Zi Yun’s seedlings of the level of gods to fall like this in the end.

Uh… uh~~.

At this moment, the lava Buddha fire drilled from Zi Yun’s eyebrows, and his face was lonely and nodded, although Great Saint used its Divine Ability power to integrate it into Zi Yun’s within. The body, but Great Saint was not at all considering that Zi Yun was actually just a fact of a mortal, or it can be said that the lava Buddha fire is just one hair from nine oxen to Great Saint. But for Zi Yun, that is an infinite energy.

“Don’t blame you.” Zi Yun touched the lava Buddha fire, let it go and not blame itself.

As for Ouyangzi, there is another discovery.

After that, he beckoned and summoned Zi Yun to his side. Finally, Ouyang Zi used his Saint’s power to poke Zi Yun’s brow with his fingertips.

Immediately, a dazzling light shot out from the center of Zi Yun’s brow.

“Sure enough, it is the body of Huigen!” Ouyang Zi only felt that Zi Yun is a treasure. The more you discover, the more treasures you have.

In the end, I saw Ouyangzi, who said like this: “My Fengyan Nine Wing Jue in Fanyan Mountain was created for you! Little girl, I am doing this for your own good, even if you have, too A lot of reluctance.”

Speaking, Ouyang Zi also patted Huo Tianci’s shoulder.

At the same time, Ouyangzi said again: “Huo Sect Master, then I will take away this little girl, old fogey.”

To tell the truth, Huo Tianci definitely didn’t want Zi Yun to leave at first, but now, he has a special hope, because if he doesn’t go to Fanyan Mountain, the only thing waiting for Zi Yun is death.

“Then I will trouble you Ouyangzi Senior.” Huo Tianci looked at Zi Yun in front of him and said with a look of dismay.

“It’s no trouble, actually speaking of which, I also want to thank you Huo Sect Master, you reluctantly cut your love, if you are successful in Martial Dao and the sect is prosperous, you can come to my Fanyan Mountain, Visiting these two girls is, when the time comes, I will personally go out of the mountain to welcome you inside!”

Ouyangzi also made a guarantee, because he is very optimistic about Huo Tianci, but Huo Tianci does not have a dantian. If he brought it directly into Fanyan Mountain, other Four Great Elders would definitely criticize him, saying that he brought all rubbish into the sect, but Zi Yun is different, because this is an absolute god. only.

In the end, not only will he not criticize him, Fanyan Mountain will probably reward him, because this is the discovery of a super-level talent.

“Little girl, what do you mean?” Ouyang Zi asked Zi Yun, because he had to agree to it. Otherwise, this would not be the recruitment of the discipline, but the forcible deception .

At this time, Zi Yun’s mind was blank, because she had never thought that things would come so suddenly.

Just staring at Huo Tianci for a while, Zi Yun made a decision.

“disciple Zi Yun, pay homage to the Master.” Zi Yun’s decision is to go, because this is not only for herself, but also for the little Buddha, otherwise she will die, the lava Buddha will be Will follow disappeared.

Apart from this, she also believes that after Huo Tianci Martial Dao is successful, she will definitely visit her.

Also, this is only a temporary separation.

“In that case, Huo Sect Master, I am waiting for you to come to my Fanyan Mountain.”

Huo Tianci nodded, said: “I will definitely go.”

In the end, I saw Ouyangzi with Zi Yun and Liang Shanshan, disappearing in front of Huo Tianci and the others.

Heavenly Biting Mouse also followed, because this Little Brat, compared to Huo Tianci, it likes Zi Yun more, and that is, Zi Yun needs such a ” The bodyguard is here.

“They all left.” Finally, Huo Tianci stood on the Seven Star Mountain, looking at everything all around, and muttered these words with a lonely self.

However, this parting is also the beginning of their future meeting.

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