“Oh, you, Little Brat, you are really naughty, but speaking of naughty, my old grandson almost stabbed the sky back then, and almost beat the old Jade Emperor. Fortunately After that, to get back on the right path, you escaped into the empty door, you Little Brat, now to get back on the right path, it’s not too late, it’s also considered a piece of rock, it’s almost the same as my grandson back then. “

Great Saint helped this Fire Spirit in this way, not because of Huo Tianci, but because they are of the same kind.

The words of Great Saint were born from a piece of fairy stone from Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart in Divine State of Dongsheng, and this Fire Spirit was born from a piece of flint in the Burning Mountains. And to.

Otherwise, Great Saint would not have the idle time to help others, and even help others like defying heaven changing fate.

Huo Tianci certainly saw this, but he still wanted to ask Great Saint to give him the Fire Spirit, because Fire Spirit is the only way to help Zi Yun now.

Uh… uhhhhh~~~.

Fire Spirit seemed to understand what Huo Tianci said, and then ying ying ying said a lot to Great Saint.

Great Saint nodded, and then said to Huo Tianci like this: “This Little Brat, say it is willing to help you, in that case, my grandson, please do it to the end.”

Speaking, the Great Saint Buddha’s robe waved, and then, the scenery in front of him completely disappeared, but instead, it was the Fuzhou Academy mountainside, in the room where Zi Yun was placed.

Huo Tianci exclaimed, because this is the real Divine Ability.

“Great Saint, what I told you is this girl, I beg you, save her life.” Looking at the sleeping Zi Yun, in Huo Tianci’s heart, Very uncomfortable.

Great Saint nodded, then with a monkey finger, lightly clicked, the little head of Fire Spirit.

“From now on, you are the lava Buddha fire!” Great Saint said like this after lighting.

Fire Spirit seemed to like the name very much, so he nodded his head slightly.

“Go!” Great Saint seemed a little bit reluctant, after all, this is his kind.

But at this moment, a mischievous mice climbed onto his lotus throne.


Mice screamed and danced, tearing at Great Saint’s clothes, because the monkey in front of me is very dangerous. It’s a horrible mouse. That’s why Reason with Great Saint and hope that he will not bully his mistress.

“It turned out to be this little girl’s pet.” Great Saint grabbed the Sky-Eater Mice in his hand, and giggled nonstop.

“For your loyal protection of the Lord, my grandson will give you a Buddha lotus seed as a reward.” As he said, the lotus throne under Great Saint suddenly appeared A golden lotus seed emitting Buddha’s radiance came.

The Sky-Eater Mouse saw this, golden light appeared in his eyes. It turned out that the dangerous person in front of him was a good person.

So, I just tore the Great Saint Buddha robe with my hand, and immediately zhi zhi zhi apologized to Great Saint.

After that, the Sky-Eater mouse jumped out of the Great Saint’s palm, and then swallowed the golden Buddha lotus seed floating in the air directly into its belly.

On the other side, the lava Buddha fire is hovering around Zi Yun’s body. During the circling, the fiery red lava Buddha fire gas slowly spreads out from it, and finally, Melted into Zi Yun’s body.


It is estimated that it has absorbed the air of the lava Buddha fire, the previous motionless purple rhyme, at this time, there was a faint coughing sound.

“Thank you, Little Brat.” Huo Tianci didn’t know, how should I thank this lava Buddha fire.

The lava Buddha fire seemed to understand Huo Tianci’s words, and then he shook his little head straight, as if to say more, no thanks.

Finally, the lava Buddha was cremated into a wisp of scarlet-red smoke, which quietly penetrated into the center of Zi Yun’s eyebrows, and finally saw Zi Yun’s eyebrows, and Mi left a trail , The lotus imprint of fire red comes, I just feel that the beauty is indescribable.

“My old grandson has done what the little friend entrusted for you, then, if fated will meet again.” After speaking, I saw the silhouette of Great Saint, and then slowly bit by bit Fade away.

Seeing this, Huo Tianci is impatient, because he still has one thing unclear at this time, that is why Great Saint just said that the Profound Sect had committed a heinous crime. To be reincarnated in this World to suffer.

“My secret, don’t reveal it, my grandson, it’s not easy to tell the kid about the matter, but when the kid leaves this World, he will naturally know the causes and effects.”

The words fell, I saw Great Saint completely disappeared, Huo Tianci was a little speechless, because Great Saint gave him almost no explanation.

But at this moment, Zi Yun, lying on the bed of lava ore spar, slowly opened his eyes.

Huo Tianci saw this, his face suddenly showed gurgling excitement, because Zi Yun finally woke up.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for completing the breakthrough mission of the Great Profound Master Realm, winning the Fire Spirit, and saving Zi Yun.

The “ding” realm has been improved, congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through, the realm of Xuanling.

The “ding” realm is transformed, the profound energy value system disappears, and the Spiritual Qi value system is turned on. The host can open the attribute interface to view the effect of the Spiritual Qi value.

“ding” Congratulations to the host for getting the breakthrough reward-a genuine Spiritual Pill Pill Recipe.

“ding” congratulations to the host for the breakthrough reward-an extraordinary lottery coin.

When Zi Yun awakened, a series of system hints suddenly rang in Huo Tianci’s mind, but Huo Tianci has no time to check these things now.

As for the Sky-Eater Mouse, after the Great Saint disappeared, it hit its butt and fell fiercely from the air to the ground. After seeing Zi Yun wake up, this Little Brat immediately rubbed it. She fell on her sore butt, and jumped onto the stone bed, jumping into Zi Yun’s palm.


After seeing Zi Yun’s recovery as before, Little Brat was excited zhi zhi zhi, while Huo Tianci touched the face of Ke Ren’er in front of him and breathed out slowly, because he The big rock in my heart finally fell.

“I…didn’t I die.” Zi Yun thought that she was dead. When her eyes opened and she saw that the person in front of her was Huo Tianci, she knew that she should be He was rescued by the big boy in front of him.

It is probably the joy after rebirth, or the long-awaited love between each other. In the end, the boy and the girl hugged each other, their lips and teeth crossed, and they became intimacy.

I don’t know how long it took, 嘤… 嘤… 嘤~~~ quietly came from Zi Yun’s shoulder.

Huo Tianci turned his head to look, his eyes suddenly widened.

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