Seeing this, Yu Chi was shocked, because how could an ant of the Great Profound Master Realm defeat his Divine Ability? What’s more, he was still a Powerhouse of the Profound Sect Realm.

“You are holding on for a while, I’ll go and clean up the boy! Otherwise, he will be like a fly and make you upset!” It is probably because you can鈥檛 hold your face, or maybe Enraged by Huo Tianci, in the end, that Wei Chi Meng gave up to capture the Fire Spirit, then turned his head and condensed his brutal fists, moving towards Huo Tianci and blasted the past.

This fist, Wei Chimeng just used it just now, just now, he did not believe that the blow that severely injured Yue Heavenly Fire with a fist, Huo Tianci could resist it, and crack it.

Uh… uh… uh! ! !

Fire Spirit also seemed to feel the power in Wei Chimeng鈥檚 fist, and immediately it waved its small paws and slapped the Formation that trapped itself. At the same time, the mouth was still babbling… 鍢も€?Keep talking, as if you are saying to Huo Tianci, don’t care about me, just run away.

Of course Huo Tianci knows that he cannot prevent this fist, but someone can prevent it.

Crack~ Wipe…, broken! !

On the occasion when Wei Chi Meng’s punching fist was about to hit Huo Tianci’s body, I saw Huo Tianci crush a card in his hand to smash it.

By then, a Buddha’s radiance will come from the sky! ! !

It was precisely this Buddha’s radiance that completely resisted the blasting fist that Wei Chi struck, and finally, it saved Huo Tianci’s life.

Wei Chimeng saw this incredible Buddha’s radiance appear. He was so scared that he stepped back more than ten steps, because just now when his fist hit this Buddha’s radiance, he actually felt himself His body seemed to be completely emptied.

Or you can say the same. Compared with Buddha’s radiance, he, a powerhouse of the Profound Sect realm, is not as good as an ant, no, not even a grain of water, just like, Like dispensable, there is no trace of formidable power at all.

“Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha!”

Finally, Buddha’s radiance disappeared, and a golden lotus throne appeared in front of everyone. At this time, on the lotus throne, Sitting there is a monk wearing a vegetarian robe and holding lotus beads.

But this monk has yellow hair, a thunder mouth, a lonely face, and fiery eyes. If you look closely, isn’t this a monkey?

But everyone he knows knows that this great character is not just a monkey.

As for who he is, it is Great Sage Equal of Heaven, a man on the ground, a saint in the Buddha, Flower Fruit Mountain Monkey King, and Sun Wukong!

As for why Great Saint appeared, it was because Huo Tianci just used [Character Card: Victorious Battle Buddha Sun Wukong].

It is precisely because of this that the appearance of the Great Saint at this time is the shape of the Buddhist robes. After all, it has escaped into the empty door and became the Victorious Battle Buddha.

Finally, with the words “put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha”, the appearance of Great Saint was completely exposed in front of everyone.

“Sin, what a sin!” When he saw a fire sea under his feet and the corpses everywhere, Great Saint couldn’t help but put his palms together and prayed for everyone.

After that, Great Saint looked at the Fire Spirit who was imprisoned by the five Profound Sects, and scratched his head with a monkey hand a little embarrassed.

“It turns out that it was you, Little Brat, who caused the sin. In that case, my grandson, I will help you resolve this sin.” Then Great Saint pulled out a vellus hair and blew it on. At the foot, above the completely destroyed Fenyan Ridge.

Suddenly, Fenyanling has magically recovered as before. As for the martial artists who were smashed to death by Fenyanling and scalded to death by lava in Fenyanling, they also lived magically. Come here.

“It is estimated that Mr. Yama, I will send Ox Head and Horse Face to my Flower Fruit Mountain in a moment, and I am talking about my grandson, defying heaven changing fate, but for this Little Brat, that’s all (liao), that’s all.”

After talking to himself, Great Saint turned his head and looked at Huo Tianci aside, and said, “The little friend invited me here, what’s the matter?”

When I see my childhood hero, now I stand in front of my eyes, really, Huo Tianci is very excited, because when I was young, everyone wanted to be in the Flower Fruit Mountain The Great Sage Equal of Heaven Monkey King-Sun Wukong, then 72 Changes, soar into the clouds and mount the mists.

After hugging cup one fist in the other hand respectfully, Huo Tianci replied: “I want to use that Fire Spirit to save people’s lives, and hope that Great Saint can fulfill me.”

As soon as I heard it was Huo Tianci’s helper to compete for the Fire Spirit, the five Profound Sects who trapped the Fire Spirit with the formation suddenly became unhappy.

“Smelly monk, want to stand up for others? Then you have to see who you are!” One of them, Profound Sect, even scolded Great Saint.

But in the next second, Great Saint monkey pointed a little, and that person turned into a fat pig in an instant, and then plunged to the ground from the height of 100 meters.

“Being a robber in the previous life, rape and pillage, committed a heinous crime, this life was punished so far, and the tenth reincarnation was changed, and he even said rudely to my grandson! If it weren’t for…, sin and sin.”

Although Great Saint escaped into the empty door, the monkey temper still existed. Huo Tianci even saw that Great Saint almost took out the Golden Cudgel just now, probably because he thought he was a monk. Great Saint took the Golden Cudgel back again, and finally Great Saint pointed a monkey and directly turned the Profound Sect into a fat pig.

When the other four Profound Sects saw this, they were stunned. Because of this Divine Ability spell, they have never seen it again.

“Is it possible that this Senior has the realm of Profound Saint?” There is a Profound Sect, so speculated.

“I feel that this Senior is even better than that Xuan Imperial Capital. You…you, look at your feet.” The other Profound Sect next to him was stammering at this moment. I got up, because the surrounding Fenyan Ridge, which was like the end of the world just now, has magically recovered as before, not to mention, the people who died just now have also magically come back to life.

This fuck, can Emperor Xuan do it?

The answer is of course, absolutely impossible, and because of this, this man said that the monk in front of him, the Great Saint, is actually more powerful than the Profound Emperor.

And Huo Tianci just wanted to say that even if the Profound God came, in front of Great Saint, it was still a scum, because Great Saint, but the existence of God and Buddha, is it a scum, you can To compare!

“Senior, let’s put down the butcher knife now and leave here immediately.” As he said, a Profound Sect withdrew his hands and regained his strength, and then immediately left here.

Immediately afterwards, another Profound Sect was also the same. As for Na Wei, after facing the Great Saint cup one fist in the other hand, he also ran away in a hurry, because he didn鈥檛 want to Become a big fat pig.

Finally, because the Profound Sect ran away, the Formation Formation disappeared. It is precisely because of this that the Fire Spirit, who was trapped before, was finally released, and finally I saw this Little Brat ran into the arms of Great Saint in a hurry, and became intimate with Great Saint.

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