It is precisely because of this that, on this day, countless disciples who had previously retreated have chosen to leave.

For a time, rumors were flying all over the sky.

“Have you heard that, some people say that Tong Fang, Liao Dong and the others have all entered the realm of the profound master!”

“Of course I heard, according to I know that Ye Lingfeng, First Senior Brother, seems to have stepped into the 3rd-layer of the Profound Master Realm!”

“What? 3rd-layer of the Profound Master Realm! Are you kidding me, with such strength, It is estimated that even some of the tutors in plain clothes don’t have it. That is to say, First Senior Brother this time will be the first in the Academy!”

“No, there is a big change this year.”

“Big variables? What are the big variables?” This person thought to himself, Profound Master Realm 3rd-layer, with such absolute strength, who else in the Academy can match, until the person said Huo Tianci III After a word, everyone suddenly realized.

“Damn, I even forgot such an important person. It is said that Huo Tianci’s servant had entered the Profound Master Realm two months ago. I don’t know what it is like now. Existence is really exciting.”

“I also look forward to it. After all, at the beginning, he defeated the great genius Lin Chuan of the imperial city Academy. Compared to before, I think Huo Tianci is definitely not today. In the past, perhaps his strength may have surpassed First Senior Brother.”

“Beyond Ye Senior Brother Ling Feng? How is this possible, Ye Senior Brother, but a person with absolute strength, last year He defeated Lin Chuan with a single hand. It’s a pity that the others in the Academy didn’t work well. Otherwise, the Senior Brother would not be the only one in the competition, and only won the top ten in the singles. Team competition, eh~, don’t talk about it, it’s all tears.”

Last year’s Baiyuan Championship, Ye Lingfeng helped Fuzhou Academy win the top ten in the singles, but The team competition is the last one, not why, because everyone except Ye Lingfeng is scum.

“Last year, the ten Head Disciples of the imperial city Academy were at least in the Profound Master Realm. On the other hand, we didn’t have any. If it weren’t for the Senior Brother’s four-hour battle, we might have won one by chance. Fuzhou Academy was a joke last year, so I don’t think that Huo Tianci can compete with Senior Brother for the night.”

Just when everyone talked about who will be the first meeting of this year.

A group of people headed by Huo Tianci walked slowly into the martial stage.

“Unexpectedly, I can’t see the realm of strength!”

At this time, everyone’s eyes are all concentrated on Huo Tianci, but they can’t see anything.

“Nonsense, how can we little profound practitioners be able to see the famous? It is estimated that only tutors above the blue robe can see one or two things, but those on the Huo Tianci side, the realm has improved It’s also out of the ordinary. You know, they were just outer sect rebirths.”

“Xuan Zhe seventh layer, Xuan Zhe 4th layer, Xuan Zhe 3rd-layer…, my god Ah, those freshmen have all entered the realm of profound practitioners! What kind of existence is this!”

After seeing these clues, everyone present was shocked. Among them, especially, Huo Tianci’s strength, because they were unexpectedly, none of them could see a trace of fame.

On the high platform, I saw Luoqiu Mountain and the others, and I was shocked, because Huo Tianci’s current realm is no different from Ye Lingfeng, and it is the 3rd-layer of the Profound Master Realm. High.

“That kid, is it really a peerless genius?” Such a cultivation speed, Luoqiushan, can not be compared back then, but Huo Tianci, that is what it did.

“This kid just entered the Academy, it seems that he only has the strength of the first stage of the profound practitioner, but now, he is already a profound master, suck~!” When I thought of this, the deputy dean Feng Sheng was deeply Deep sucked in a cold breath, because Huo Tianci only took three months to reach the level of others in three years, which shocked him extremely.

It is precisely because of this that everyone is talking about this year’s Academy Trials, the variables are big, because no one knows what kind of surprise Huo Tianci will bring you, is it true? Can defeat First Senior Brother Ye Lingfeng.

“Look, First Senior Brother is here!” Just after Huo Tianci and the others entered the arena, a group of people also poured in at another entrance of the competition arena. It was the First Senior Brother Ye Lingfeng, followed by Tong Fang and other Top Ten Core Disciple.

Seriously, the ten strongest members of the Academy came together. This is somewhat awe-inspiring. After all, this is the yearning of all Academy disciple, but everyone knows it. People who can reach this height will always pay the most.

Genius is not terrifying, but terrifying is that genius still works hard, which is even more terrifying. Obviously, Ye Lingfeng is such a terrifying person.

“Really strong aura!” Even though the distance between the north and the south, Huo Tianci still felt the extremely powerful “imposing manner” on Ye Lingfeng’s body. This imposing manner is just like a sharp one. The sword sweeps all directions. Although the fleshy body has not been cut, it has already made people fearful.

Looking to the side, Ren Hui, Dong Pengfei, and the others all took a few steps back subconsciously. Looking closely at their faces, they were all twitching. It seems that it is this aura. “Assaulted” them.

“This is it possible that, is the sword intent that the dean said!” Ren Hui said trembling with fear.

sword intent is a new realm that Sword Art has entered after arriving in Human and Sword Unity. The so-called “sword” cuts the fleshy body and the “heart” cuts the soul. The heart in it is It is intention, because the heart moves with the “intention”. By then, the Sword Art used by the martial artist will bless an extremely powerful spirit strength. This spirit strength can kill opponents in the air and shock the enemy’s heart. Finally, Killing is invisible, for example, now.

“The Sword of Mind, this Senior Brother Ye is really a strong enemy!” Huo Tianci felt the pressure. Because of the cohesion of the sword intent, there was no one in tens of thousands. This is why, last year’s hundred In the Yard Tournament, Ye Lingfeng was able to win the top ten solo ranking by strength of oneself alone. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Ye Lingfeng at the time was only a profound practitioner. A profound practitioner can smash a blood path among many profound master realm experts. This shows that he is powerful.

“It is said that the sword intent, the fleshy body cannot be defended at all. Only the strong spirit strength can counter and resolve it. It seems that this time, First Senior Brother is invincible.” Hu Lei muttered. .

For this, Huo Tianci raised the corners of his mouth slightly, because in these two months, his Array Master level has reached the level of one-star gold, and the Array Master relies on It is precisely that extremely powerful spirit strength, that is to say, Ye Lingfeng’s sword intent, Huo Tianci can withstand defense.

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