“Huo Little Brother, I have no enmity against you in the past, and no injustice in recent days.” Unconsciously, Zhang Langguang suddenly panicked.

For this, Huo Tianci grinned and said with a smile: “If it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t save you. You know who killed you just now.” Huo Tianci asked. .

Zhang Langguang horrible to see: “It’s the boss of Ye Family, Ye Hongyun! But that thing was not what I did, because I didn’t take medicine pill and Xuanshi from Ye Family store at all. There is gold and silver.”

“But Ye Hongyun has already determined that it is you. From the fact that he sent a killer to kill you, you can already see that now, you have only one way, that is, follow I cooperate!” Huo Tianci opened the skylight directly and spoke brightly.

Zhang Langguang is not stupid. At last he looked at Huo Tianci, shaking his fingers and said: “It’s you, you did it!”

Huo Tianci nodded: “But I didn’t expect that you would be involved, but you didn’t get the benefits, and you sat in the chair of the president.”

Zhang Langguang can’t refute it, because it is true. This is precisely the so-called interdependence of blessings and misfortunes.

But now, if you let him go against Ye Family, it is tantamount to letting him go directly to courting death, because Ye Family is so powerful that you can’t even know it.

In the end, Zhang Langguang made a choice between the two.

“Want to do something to me?” That’s right, Zhang Langguang was ready to capture Huo Tianci, and then come to make up for it.

It’s a pity that I think a little bit too much.

Incantation muttered silently in his mouth, and the life and death talisman was instantly activated in the next second. Finally, I saw this luminous light, convulsed and swelled, and collapsed to the ground.

“What did you do to me?” Zhang Langguang only feels that he is not as good as dead now, because the bloodline swelling convulsion is about to blow up his internal organs, and then he He wanted to use profound energy to resist, to alleviate the feeling that life is better than death, but unfortunately, he couldn’t resist it at all.

“I gave you a life-and-death talisman! A hidden weapon that can make people live worse than death! As for how to get it, you must have guessed it too.” Huo Tianci said with sharp eyes. .

Looking at Zhang Langguang, he was already curled up in twitches: “It’s the medicine pill!”

“Yes, now, you have two options. One is death; two is cooperating with me. As for how to die, you should know very well in your heart.”

The life and death talisman will break out, and it will become more intense until the person in the body dies. During this period, the person in the body will be worse than death. No, not five seconds later, Zhang Langguang has already agreed to beg for mercy: “I will cooperate with you! I will cooperate with you!”

“You made a very correct choice!” At the end of the word, Huo Tianci slapped this Langguang casually, and for a while, the twitching and swelling feeling on this body disappeared immediately.

“The antidote to the talisman of life and death is the only one I have. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I can not only protect you from death, but also make you more peaceful. Of course, there is a The prerequisite, that is, you have to be obedient, now, you follow me.” This ending is no different from what Huo Tianci thought, because no one can resist the occurrence of the life and death talisman.

Zhang Langguang looked dead, because he really didn’t expect that he would fall into the hands of a teenager.

For this, Huo Tianci just said: “Without me, you are dead, you should feel fortunate!”

Finally, Huo Tianci took this servant and came to the Tongrentang Danlou Among.

“Tongrentang is heavily guarded, how can you come directly into this back room?” Zhang Langguang was extremely shocked, because Ye Hongyun had sent people to steal Pill Recipe more than once before, but the result was No return.

However, now, Huo Tianci can ignore the warnings of many experts and walk directly into it. This is no different from declaring something to him.

Finally, Zhang Langguang guessed it: “is it possible that this Tongrentang is your Danlou!” This made Zhang Langguang’s original face of dead silence, instantly turned into extremely shocked, because of this, too exaggerated.

“Quite a good guess, this Tongrentang is my masterpiece.” Huo Tianci said straight to the point.

In contrast to Zhang Langguang, horrible to see extremely: “What do you want me to do?”

“It’s nothing, I just want you to fit in with me, and then destroy Ye Family that’s all.” Huo Tianci is very direct.

But Zhang Langguang said that this is impossible because the Ye Family medicine pill industry has been deeply entrenched in the Great Liang Nation.

“Deep roots?” For this, Huo Tianci directly slapped his face, because the Ye Family Dan Tower in Fuzhou City has disappeared, completely disappeared, and replaced by his Tong Ren Tang infallible.

“Do you know the new Counterenance Halt Pill?” Huo Tianci asked.

Zhang Langguang was nodded, and then Huo Tianci asked again: “Then you know, how many silver taels are sold for a Counterenance Halt Pill?”

At this point, Zhang Langguang I also know: “It is said that the most low grade ones are worth a million tael of silver. As for the efficacy, I have also learned that it is indeed against the sky.”

“Then you know, the cost price of the Countenance Halt Pill Huh?”

When he got here, Zhang Langguang finally shook his head, because this was a secret among secrets.

But Huo Tianci knows this secret, because the Counterenance Halt Pill was refined by him, and finally Huo Tianci said: “1%, not enough, but this kind of Pill Recipe, I have here Countless! The previous Foundation Establishment Pill was one of them! Do you still think I can’t beat Ye Family?”

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Langguang was completely dumb, even though he Knowing that the cost of medicine pill has always been extremely cheap, but what he didn’t expect was that it would be so cheap.

However, the most terrifying thing is not so, but the effectiveness of the medicine pill, which is extremely anti-heaven, the cost is cheap, and the utility is still anti-heaven. Seriously, with this Deity Zhang Langguang couldn’t refuse even a trace of cooperation.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci patted his shoulder and said: “The discipline in the Danlou of Fuzhou Academy, you should know what to do.”

Looking at Zhang Langguang, immediately nodded: “The subordinates will let Alchemist Guild lift the ban on Fuzhou Academy disciple tomorrow.”

“Very good!”

In this way, Huo Tianci, who used small means, Directly controlled this luminous light.

Time flies, two months later.

The annual year-end trials finally kicked off.

By then, all the disciplines on the Academy will be gearing up, because everyone wants to win a good place in this trial. When that happens, not only will they have a bright face, but maybe even themselves The family you are in will also bring it up a level.

As for why, let’s make an analogy. It feels like a Chinese New Year on the earth. All the little children gather together, and then the adult asks how many points have been taken, the highest score, or Those with high rankings are bound to be prestigious, and vice versa, they must be “blue thin” and “mushroom”.

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