However, Huo Tianci had already left, because he calculated it would be like this, because Gu Hongtao would definitely not let him out. In the end, instead of consuming it like this, it would be better to find another way to survive.

Finally, Huo Tianci and Heizi moved towards within the valley.

“Heizi, why don’t you speak?” Next to him, when he saw Heizi’s silence, Huo Tianci looked strange.

“Heizi…Heizi.” Heizi pouted, as if he didn’t want to say it, but in the end, he told Huo Tianci: “Heizi seems to leave Young Lord temporarily.”

As soon as these words came out, Huo Tianci was totally confused.

“Leave, what are you leaving for?” At this moment, Huo Tianci’s mood fluctuated and reached Peak in an instant. After that, he was holding Heizi’s arm, shaking his head on a mission, and seemed unwilling to accept it. All this, because he now has only a relative like Heizi.

“That person, he wants Heizi to stay here, otherwise, he will not let Young Lord come in. He has no choice but to agree.” Heizi seems to have reached an agreement with someone. This is why, just now at the crucial moment, Huo Tianci was able to enter this mountain within the valley.

After Huo Tianci heard this, the whole person was 30% lonely. He thought that he was really a man of heaven, but in the end, it was Sunspot who helped him in secret. , Saved his life.

“Who is that person?” Huo Tianci, with a look of loneliness, finally he asked the sunspot extremely quietly.

Heizi shook the head: “Heizi doesn’t know, but he, likes Heizi very much and has no malice, apart from this. He also said that if Young Lord wants, he can stay with Heizi. Cultivation here.”

“Cultivation? Here?” Suddenly, Huo Tianci’s previous look of loneliness, and a look of surprise changed, because after Heizi finished speaking, the system gave a sharp reminder .

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for activating the cultivation task and opening the cultivation treasure land, the domain of ridicule.

Cultivation task: The host is in this cultivation, and every breakthrough level can be obtained, one for the intermediate lottery bag.

[Intermediate lottery bag]: After opening, it can be randomly obtained, Pill Recipe reward, talisman drawing method reward, cultivation base value reward, golden lottery coin reward, platinum lottery coin reward, and special lottery fragments, six One of the rewards.

[Laughing Wind Domain] In the Sacred Domain of Kowloon, one of the nine cultivation treasure lands, where the host is in this cultivation, can get double benefits.

“Double the benefits, I am going, what is this place?” After seeing this, Huo Tianci is even more to be wild with joy. Is this the so-called “fortune and misfortune” , Huo Tianci thought, this must be it.

But in the same way, Huo Tianci is also very curious about what place it is.

In the Sacred Domain of Kowloon, isn’t it called Kowloon Mainland?

Huo Tianci is almost a little confused, and these nine major cultivation treasure lands, what are they?

“This is similar to the double experience area in online games, but this is very much in line with my appetite, after all, double the benefits.”

“Heizi , That person, how long do you want you to stay here?” Finally, Huo Tianci asked Heizi with an excited expression on his face.

When Heizi saw Huo Tianci so happy, he was also happy in his heart, because he can continue to stay with his Young Lord.

In the end, Heizi said cutely, “It’s only ten thousand years.”

“What? One…one…ten thousand years!” Heizi said this. Huo Tianci was stunned again in an instant, he thought to himself, could he live that time.

After that, Huo Tianci gave Heizi a bit and made a classic Song Xiaobao action: “Don’t make trouble!”

“Heizi is not making trouble.” Heizi has a face Seriously, looking at Huo Tianci, his eyes were slightly sluggish, because it was too long.

“No, I must talk to the person who went there, because Heizi, I must not be here for ten thousand years.” Just when Huo Tianci was thinking about these words, a naive old man , Appeared before his eyes out of thin air.

The old man looked respectful after seeing Heizi. As for Huo Tianci, this old man is also cupped the hands.

“Are you?” There is no trace of profound energy fluctuation on the old man. Huo Tianci thought, this old man is either a powerful person or an ordinary person. Obviously, the latter You can ignore it directly, because here, there will never be an ordinary person, that is to say, this old man is a great powerhouse, a super powerhouse.

“My little friend just calls me Yanshi.” After saying this to Huo Tianci, the old man turned his head and said respectfully to Heizi: “Black Sir Long, Master Laughing Wind In the wind palace, waiting for you to go.”

“Black Sir Long? He? You said that Heizi is a dragon?” Looking at Huo Tianci, the whole person is dumb.

Heizi also couldn’t believe it: “Great Grandpa, are you calling me?” Heizi still has a cute face.

“Yes, the black Sir Long, the old slave called you, and now, my lord, please follow the old slave, go to the wind palace, pilgrimage to Master Feng.”

“A Pilgrimage? Laughing at Master?” Huo Tianci kept chanting these terms in his mouth.

“By the way, it seems to be called the domain of mocking wind, is it possible that, this mocking wind is a personal name? And here is his domain! And this mocking wind, where I seem to listen Said it.” I don’t know, Huo Tianci seems to have discovered something.

After that, he and Heizi followed behind Yan Shi, moved towards the so-called Wind Palace, and set off.

Along the way, Huo Tianci encountered countless demonic beasts. It’s no wonder that in Cold Wind Valley, a demonic beast was not there. It turned out that they were all gathered here.

At this time, these demonic beasts knelt on the ground extremely religiously, moved towards the temple suspended in the air, and looked away.

“This is the state of pilgrimage! is it possible that there is a super great character living in that floating hall?” When seeing this, Huo Tianci finally knew that Yan Shi, Why is the word “pilgrimage” used?

“If Heizi is really a Black Dragon, then what would be the character who can make a Black Dragon pilgrimage?” When he thought of this, Huo Tianci was extremely terrified, and he even doubted it. , Is there a god who lives!

“Master Laughing Wind, Black Sir Long and that little friend have been brought here.” Below the temple, Yan Shi said respectfully. Compared with Heizi, he seemed to respect this name even more. People called mocking wind.

“Bring them up.” There was a sonorous voice, and then in the blink of an eye, Huo Tianci and Heizi appeared in the so-called Wind Palace.

The Palace of Wind is just the name of the palace. Behind it, Huo Tianci immediately looked up and looked all around.

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