At first, Huo Tianci was confident that he could use this trick to kill Gu Hongtao, but after Gu Hongtao used the battle armor of profound energy, he completely gave up this idea because it was Great Profound Master, the most powerful move. Once used, it is as hard as black iron. In other words, Gu Hongtao at this time is wearing a Mysterious Grade quality armor. What’s more, this A treasure armor still protected his whole body.

“Sure enough, I can’t break the profound energy armor!” The last lightning storm completely hit Gu Hongtao, and in an instant, it defeated the profound energy shield, but in the profound energy armor In front of, the lightning storm turned out to be like a ball smashing the wall. Although it shook a bit, it did not have any substantial effect. When seeing this, Huo Tianci looked helpless

but Fortunately, while the lightning storm was on the way to attack and kill, it completely wiped out those sky-filled water arrows. So, taking advantage of this gap, Huo Tianci once again went to the deepest of the cold wind valley with Heizi. Place, ran away.

“What a powerful move!” Gu Hongtao was able to prevent it, but Gu Hongtao was unable to prevent the paralysis in the lightning. However, this is another aspect of the lightning storm. Effectiveness, paralyzed deceleration power is added.

In the end, I saw Gu Hongtao, his whole body twitching and trembling, and finally, it was finally buffered.

lifts the head and looked towards Huo Tianci’s escape direction. When he saw that Huo Tianci was escaping towards the deepest Taniguchi area, Gu Hongtao laughed wildly.

Because it has become a situation three days ago, no one can enter.

Because of this, no one is going there anymore, because it’s useless to go. Now Huo Tianci is running there, isn’t it digging his own grave and finding a hiding place for himself? Ground.

“hahaha, it seems that even God wants me to kill him!” Gu Hongtao thought to himself, this should be destined, otherwise, can the deepest valley in the valley become a forbidden place? .

So he laughed, and immediately chased him up.

At this time, Huo Tianci and Heizi have rushed to the deepest Taniguchi area.

Finally, as the little brother said, this Taniguchi area has been completely separated by an invisible wall.

moved towards the sky and flew away.

“Even the sky is sealed!” Huo Tianci thought he could fly over, but now, it’s over, it’s over, because Huo Tianci, he thinks too much.

“Is it possible that, my fame, Huo Tianci I, will I be buried here today?” Huo Tianci was unwilling, really unwilling, but the facts completely defeated him, looking Not far away, Gu Hongtao, Huo Tianci, who came rushing towards this, looked like ashes, because he was completely desperate now.

“No, I can’t die!”

“open for me! open for me!”

In the end I saw Huo Tianci, clenched his fists , Fiercely slammed on this invisible wall.

The rumbling sound of dong dong dong is spreading out more than a moment.

However, at this moment, the sunspot on the side said such a cute sentence.

“Young Lord, Heizi can walk in.” Yes, Heizi walked in directly, ignoring the invisible wall, and walked into the valley.

Huo Tianci saw this, the whole person was confused.

“Then why can’t I get in?” Touching the invisible wall, Huo Tianci couldn’t bear it, because at this time Gu Hongtao was not far behind him 100 meters.

“Boy, finally there is nowhere to go. Death is coming. Now, let me see you off and pay with your life!”

All arrows!

In an instant, more than a hundred arrows of water appeared in front of Gu Hongtao, and finally, a hundred arrows were fired, attacking and killing Huo Tianci.

Golden Bell Cover!

In the face of this, Huo Tianci still did not sit still and surrendered, because he would rather stand to die than kneel to live. In the end, he was relying on the invisible wall to display the Golden Bell Cover. .

But in the end, just a shot of water arrow completely smashed his ancient golden bell.

Just when Huo Tianci thought that the water arrow that smashed the ancient bell would continue to move forward, when it hit him, he staggered and fell to the ground.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that he crossed the invisible barrier and entered the deep valley where no one can enter.

As for the water arrow, it hit the invisible barrier sturdily, and finally I saw Huo Tianci who fell to the ground, and escaped the disaster at the crucial moment.

“Damn, this is absolutely deliberate.” Huo Tianci thought to himself, you would not let me in long ago, and you would not let me in late, but you opened the door to life at this time, you are playing heartbeat Yes, fortunately, Huo Tianci did not have a heart attack. Otherwise, he had not been killed by Gu Hongtao, he had been scared to death.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci clutching his heart, and slowly said this sentence: “I really scared the baby to death.” Because Huo Tianci just now, really thought he was dead, looking at Huo Tianci The bloodless cheeks are enough to know how desperate Huo Tianci was just now.

On the other hand, Gu Hongtao is also desperate. Of course, he is desperate himself, why hasn’t he killed Huo Tianci?

“How can you get in?” Stepped forward quickly, touching the invisible barrier, and finally Gu Hongtao was completely desperate, because Huo Tianci and Heizi had completely entered it.

In contrast, he is not allowed to enter at all.

“Because I am the man of heaven!” Huo Tianci said. In the last words, he moved towards Gu Hongtao, patted his ass, and provoked him.

“Little beast, don’t be too mad!” Afterwards, Gu Hongtao wanted to smash this invisible barrier, but unfortunately, he thought too much, because he could not shake the barrier at all, so not Said that the invisible barrier was at the end, and it backlashed him, causing him to be seriously injured.

“hahaha, deserve it!” For this, Huo Tianci immediately took pleasure in other people’s misfortune. On the other hand, Gu Hongtao wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and his face was extremely depressed. He couldn’t get in, so he had a retreat, because he has been consuming here, which is extremely detrimental to him. After all, he is seriously injured now. Before leaving, he even said a harsh sentence to Huo Tianci. Words come out.

“Little beast, with ability, you can stay in it for a lifetime!”

“Hey~, don’t tell me, I will stay here forever, with ability , You dog come in and bite me!”

“I can’t get in, but you don’t want to come out!” Gu Hongtao was furious and took out the flare in his arms, and finally only saw some Gu’s expert rushed to this place, and the guard was out of this place.

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