A closer look, these two people are not the robust man, and the thin man, and this is the first time they “robbed”, and as a result, didn’t expect, they kicked the iron plate.

“Brother Tian, ​​you rest, I can go.” After that, before Huo Tianci could take action, Dong Pengfei also said.

In the end, I saw Dong Pengfei resort to a majestic gesture, and immediately blasted back these two people.

“What a great palm!” The robust man was shaken back more than a dozen steps before he stabilized his figure, and he was thin, too.

“Big brother, this guy is so powerful. I think he made that palm technique at least have the quality of Yellow Grade. Or, let’s withdraw it?” This thin boy has some eyesight, yes, Dong Pengfei made this palm technique. It was in the black river tower that the mysterious king old man gave them the clearance reward, Yellow Grade Grade 9 top mysterious technique-Primordial Palm.

It is precisely by virtue of such super profound skills that Dong Pengfei dares to pick two.

“It’s really amazing, and they actually have five people. We still, a wise man submits to circumstances, hurry up.” Huo Tianci stayed in a grassy field, there The grass is as high as a person’s waist. At first, these two people thought that Huo Tianci was the only one. As a result, when they said the “robbery”, they scurried, four or five people. Lifting up, it makes them somewhat embarrassed. The most terrible thing is that they only sent one out, so they packed up the two of them. If all the staff are dispatched, they will definitely be beaten up. , So almost, these two people immediately thought of retreat.

But at this moment, Huo Tianci, who had been silent before, said to these two people: “Did I let you go?” Then in an instant, Huo Tianci stepped forward and stopped. In front of them, it made them even more embarrassed to escape.

“Take it out.” Huo Tianci stretched out his hand and said.

“Pull out…get it out? What?” The thin man looked dumbfounded.

The robust man smiled and said: “Big brother, we really don’t have it.” This robust man didn’t dig a cold fruit, because they were trying to save trouble and robbed it directly. As a result, didn’t expect, this first hand missed and kicked an iron plate.

Afterwards, in order to convince Huo Tianci, the two of them opened their backpacks: “Brother, we both have everything here, there is really no fruit.”

But Huo Tianci said: “There is no fruit, you can have money.” There were several silver tickets in the backpack. Just when Huo Tianci was about to take away both of them, it was robust. man, he was anxious, because of the money, but all their belongings.

“Big brother, please be magnanimous, this is all of our brother’s possessions, or else, I have a good news, how about replacing it with you?” The robust man, I don’t want to chew in the future. White steamed buns.

“Good news? What good news?” Huo Tianci asked with interest.

“About the Centennial Blood Vine, it’s not amazing enough, but big brother, you have to let us go first, otherwise, I won’t say it.”

” , Only this news is true.”

In the end, the two were released by Huo Tianci because they both made a pledge.

“Hundred years of blood cane, 20-30 heads of the ominous beast of the Profound Realm, Interesting.” Huo Tianci laughed playfully.

After that, the five people left the grassy area, moved towards the canyon to the north, and set off.

This canyon has a natural concave shape. In addition to the huge area, there is also a place of flowing water. This kind of terrain can be seen everywhere in the cold wind canyon, but this place The canyon is more famous because it is the site of the Red Lin Python. For this reason, it also has a nice alias-Honglin Mountain Stream.

At this time, the very end of the Honglin Mountain Stream.

“Don’t worry, everyone, the blood vine is still near the fire, otherwise if it can’t become the red blood vine, it will fall short.” On a Willow Tree that is more than one meter thick, there is a red blood with the thickness of a thumb. The vine is emitting scarlet-red rays of light alone.

This is the degeneration of the blood vine when it reaches a hundred years, because by then, the common blood vine will degenerate into the red blood vine. After that, the medicine properties of the blood vine, It will increase exponentially, and its quality will also evolve from the original white level to Yellow Grade. The value, of course, is also self-evident, increasing tenfold. It is precisely because of this that this blood vine will No one has ever come to pick it. This is true for humans, and even more so for the territorial overlord Red Lin python.


Suddenly, the voice of a message came out, and then I saw densely packed red pythons, like a stream, entrenched around the Willow Tree, and surrounded the blood vines. Among them, after this scene appeared, the dozens of Profound Apprentice Candidates immediately retreated out of fear, because there were as many as 20-30 red pythons, and each of them had a Profound Apprentice Realm. Strength, the appearance of this concurrent appearance, that scared a lot of people away.

“Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic!” Seeing the commotion in the crowd, the bright-eyed teenager in the lead immediately yelled: “Everyone listens to me, these red pythons, although they are bluffing Humans, such as pythons, have fatal weaknesses. Now as long as we are united, we are not afraid of these beasts!”

“Hua Shao is right, we must unite now, who If you dare to take a step back, I’ll kill him!” A henchman next to him, took out the weapon, said in an imposing manner.

In order to allow these people to completely work for themselves, Hua Shao said again: “In the end, you only need to help me get the centennial blood vine. All the people present, I am alone. Reward a piece of black stone!”

“Black stone!” When the sweetness came out, the timidity in these people’s hearts disappeared without a trace instantly, because it was a hundred thousand tael of silver.

“Hua Shao don’t worry, I will do my best to help.”

At this moment, however, the natural phenomenon appeared again.

I saw everyone who wanted to fight with the Red Lin Python, but they all stopped.

“What do these beasts want to do?” The leader Hua Jie was a little confused.

Because the Red Lin pythons are holding their heads upright at this moment, facing the blood vine, spitting out the poison mist in their mouths, and the sound of the faintly sounded again and again.

Finally, the blood vines squirmed and a mutation occurred. I saw that there were some deeper red markings on the blood vines glowing with red light. The markings were lifelike and not alive. .

“This is it possible that is, the mutated hundred-year-old blood vine!” Hua Jie was surprised: “It’s no wonder that around this century-old blood vine, there will be 20-30 red lines around the body. Lin Mang, I finally know the reason now.”

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