Finally, the examiner instructor also said this sentence: “The success rate of this level of assessment is about 60%!”

However, this sentence, The words mean more than they say, because what the instructor said is not just success rate, yes, it also contains mortality.

Because only those who survive will be assessed successfully, but what about those who fail?

Yes, almost all of them died, because the candidates were impossible and couldn’t even get a cold wind fruit. Of course, there are special cases for this, but these special cases are rare.

“I want to quit now, it’s still too late.” The instructor said again, but there was no one underneath, so he took a step back, because it was the last level. If you recognize it, it will be a lifetime.

“Very well, in this case, the assessment begins. I will be here in seven days to welcome everyone! By the way, this year is the ten years of Bingzi, Hanfeng Mountain within the valley, it should be There are a lot of blood vines, and the role of blood vines, I will not introduce too much, I believe you all should know.”

“What? Blood vine!” As soon as the blood vine news came out, Among the candidates below, there was an explosion immediately.

After the Body Refining Realm breaks through to the Profound Realm, the martial artist’s dantian will have profound energy. If you want the profound energy to run your whole body, you need to get through the Eight Extraordinary Meridians within the body, and finally When the eight veins are gathered in one, the profound body forms and enters the realm of the mysterious.

This is also what is called, laying the foundation, laying the foundation of the profound body.

If you want to get through the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, you need the help of medicine pill, because it’s a little bit difficult and a bit dangerous to attack the Meridians with human power, and the blood vine is the one to get through the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. The medicine, so all the examinees present will be madly excited.

“It turned out to be Blood Vine!” Huo Tianci was also surprised, because he also needed to get through the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. After all, he just doesn’t have a dantian. Like other meridians, he still has everything. .

Looking at the excitement of the many candidates below, the examiner’s tutor is not disappointed.

After that, when he raised his hand, he opened the gate leading to the Valley of Cold Wind.

“Then, good luck to you all!”

In the end I saw tens of thousands of candidates pouring out, moved towards Coldwind Valley, and went in, looking at the scene at a glance Going, it’s somewhat magnificent and surging, because there are too many people.

Huo Tianci, the crowd, did not march with the army, because he was going to get rewards, and if there were any more, it’s okay to leave later, because anyway, they had to be in the Cold Wind Mountain within the Valley, I stayed for a week. I went early and went for half an hour late, but I couldn’t see anything. Of course, the most important thing is that this fuck is too crowded. Huo Tianci doesn’t want people to be crowded, so it’s too much. The Spring Festival is the same.

After one hour, there were only five Huo Tianci left at the meeting point for tens of thousands of candidates.

“I’m very optimistic about you.” The examiner’s tutor recognized Huo Tianci, so he delivered a yellow sword to Huo Tianci’s hands.

This is the reward for the first place in the second test.

“Thanks to the tutor.” Huo Tianci cup one fist in the other hand to express his gratitude, but after he left, he only heard the tutor say to others: “I took that Huo Tianci 1,000,000 tael of silver , I don’t know if he can take the top spot and get the first place in the freshman.”

“I also bet a little bit. It is said that this kid is almost losing one. , The lowest odds, that is to say, this kid is the strongest.”

“I don’t think it’s not necessarily. His statistics are top-notch, yes, but it’s not necessarily It means that his combat ability is very strong. I still think that Mo Peng is even more powerful. After all, he is a genius from Mo Family. I bet him, 500,000 tael of silver. If this is one loses two, then I will post it.”

This Mo Peng is the second place, the white clothed youth just now.

“It turned out to be this kid.” After seeing that Huo Tianci had received the first prize, an examinee hurriedly left this place, went to meet with Na Mo Peng, and joined him.

The Cold Wind Valley is located on the west side of Fuzhou Academy. From the assembly point just now, you only need one hour of foot strength, which is relatively close.

As soon as they walked into it, Huo Tianci and the others felt a cold wind and hit them.

It is also because of such a weird climate, a kind of peculiar fruit, under this soil, bred out, its beautiful name is cold wind fruit.

The same as Hanyueguo is that they can be eaten directly, and the effect is the same, which is to impact the human body meridian, refine the five internal organs, and temper six bowels.

The difference is that Hanyue fruit is even more rare, because Hanyue fruit is born by absorbing the cold air of the world.

However, the cold wind fruit is not bad, after all, it is one of the rare and exotic fruits, but this rare and exotic fruit is in this cold wind mountain within the valley. There are too many. Indirectly, the value of Cold Wind Fruit was greatly discounted. If this is placed in other places, it is estimated that it is also a one-day price, because it is similar to the peculiar places like Cold Wind Valley, not at all that many people imagine.

“Lao San, what are you doing with a hoe?” Hanfeng Mountain, a robust man, said to a thin man.

“Digging the fruit of cold wind.” The thin man was puzzled, because this was their task.

But the robust man said: “Take a fart! Just find a few weaker candidates, and then you can’t grab them. You can dig? It’s not too much.”

“Grab?” The thin man was taken aback for a moment, and then he suddenly realized: “You are still smart, but if you don’t dig this cold wind fruit, then what are we doing now?”

“Why? Did you forget what the instructor said before?” This robust man was a little confused.

By this point, the thin man woke up completely like a dream.

“Yes, yes, yes, if we go to find the blood vine and cold wind fruit, we can just grab it. I have to say, you still have a high IQ.”

” That is necessary, otherwise, can you be your big brother.”

Among the candidates, there are many people who have such ideas, because the method of “grab” is the fastest and also The most convenient, apart from this, the most important point is that it can free up a lot of time for them to find the more precious medicine ingredients-blood vine!

“Boy, hand over the cold wind fruit you just dug up!” No, someone grabbed Huo Tianci’s head.

Huo Tianci is just slightly smiled about this, he thought: “I didn’t grab you, I’m already very compassionate.”

“big brother, that person I don’t seem to hang you.” After seeing Huo Tianci pester and chirp, putting the cold wind fruit that had just been dug into the backpack belt, the little brother next to the person was a little unbearable.

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