Spike Fang Fengfeng Fist!

Swing fists at will, I saw Huo Tianci’s fist style, immediately condensed into the appearance of a wolf.

Fisting out, this is the realm of Xuanzu!

This made Huo Tianci sigh with endless emotion, because he had to do this before, he had to turn on the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique, and then rely on the unique strength of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique to draw profound energy. Then it is solidified.

But now, as soon as the profound energy of Huo Tianci within the body comes out, it can do so.

“Since the vigor has become profound energy, the skill consumption and so on should also have changed.” After that, Huo Tianci curiously opened the skill panel, and as expected, He thought exactly the same.

All consumption attributes have become profound energy values, for example, multiple Shadow Clone.

[Multiple Shadow Clone] (A-level forbidden technique) usage cost: each shadow Clone divided will consume the host, 100 points of vigor, Supreme limit, move level: full level; proficiency :full.

This is the original attribute, now the attribute is.

[Multiple Shadow Clone] (A-level forbidden technique) usage cost: each shadow Clone divided will consume the host, 2 points of profound energy, Supreme limit, move level: full level; proficient Degree: full.

“One hundred points of vigor has become two points of profound energy, which seems to be fifty times.” Huo Tianci found the difference. After another glance at the other moves, the same is true, just divide by fifty times. After all, it is now being used by profound energy.

It is also because of the profound energy that is displayed. Almost all the skill moves have a lot of bonuses, such as the wolffang wind fist, formidable power. At least before the comparison, it was more than half stronger.

Because of his idleness, Huo Tianci showed him all the skill moves he knew, to feel the profound energy, which brought him a powerful improvement.

“This power is so explosive!” With his fist pulled back, Huo Tianci sighed again, the profound energy is so powerful, because after this move was performed, the open space in the courtyard was already Being ruined by him, it feels like being completely rubbed by an excavator, with potholes and mud, and a mess.

“Young Lord is so powerful.” At this time, Heizi was sitting aside and watching Huo Tianci practice moves, and from time to time, he applauded.

“Heizi, in fact, has also developed profound energy.” Finally, Heizi clenched his fist and said with a sudden sentence.

On the other hand, Huo Tianci, who heard this, directly looked confused.

“Really?” Huo Tianci couldn’t believe it, but in the next second, he completely believed, because after Heizi punched his hand, a powerful profound energy accompanied him. Stepping out, finally moved towards Huo Tianci straight and flew over.

“What a great power!” Huo Tianci knows that Heizi is born with great power. That strength is almost exactly similar to him after turning on the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique. Finally, I saw Huo Tianci’s soles on the ground. After rubbing out the one meter long shoe print, his body was able to stop.

With an extremely ordinary punch, Huo Tianci forcibly shook Huo Tianci back by one meter. How strong is Heizi?

Huo Tianci is really unimaginable. Of course, Huo Tianci didn’t turn on the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique at all just now, but Heizi did not use all his strength. That is to say, Heizi’s strength is at least as good as his Five open.

“This kid has hidden so deeply.” Huo Tianci was surprised again and again, then he walked forward and said to Heizi: “Heizi, wait two days, we will go back to Baili Town.”

“ah – ah.” a going home, sunspots are not happy.

Huo Tianci is going back this time to move the Huo Family to the Black River Fort. Although there are some things, Martial Palace and Tianhe Chamber of Commerce will do it for him, but he is the Huo Family. Patriarch, I must go back and see, because there are some things that require his Patriarch to make a decision, so it is best to go back.

Two days later, Huo Family in Baili Town.

“Master Patriarch is back! Master Patriarch is back!” Before entering the door of Huo Family, a cry of joy was heard.

Then I saw Huo Family Fifth Elder and the others, and immediately welcomed them out.

“Godsend, is the migration to the Black River Fort, true or false?” Huo Family Fifth Elder, I couldn’t believe it, because it was so dreamy, it was almost like a dream.

“Of course it’s true, isn’t Hodge just telling you?” Huo Tianci questioned.

“I said it, but I can’t believe it.” Huo Family Fifth Elder thought it was a trap, so Huo Family the past few days came and didn’t do anything.

This is exactly why Huo Tianci has to come back, because he speaks, it works.

“It’s true. I have everything and arranged. Now everyone only needs to pack up and go to the Black River Fort.” Huo Tianci let everyone relax.

These words are like reassurance, dispelling the doubts of everyone in the Huo Family.

“In this case, let’s pass the family master order. Now everyone, start packing things on the spot.” Huo Family Fifth Elder said to everyone around.

When everyone heard this, their faces were filled with gurgling excitement, because going to the Black River Fort, but their lifelong dream, and this dream, Huo Family has not done it for hundreds of years Arrived, but today, Huo Tianci, helped Huo Family do it.

At night, in the Huo Family lobby, Huo Tianci called Fifth Elder here.

“This is 10,000,000 tael of silver, these words are Guyuan Dan, as for these, they are Juli Dan and Condenli Dan…” Huo Tianci Balabala said to Fifth Elder in an orderly manner A lot of words.

“Why are you crying?” Seeing Fifth Elder’s tears streaming, Huo Tianci was confused.

“Happy, happy.” Fifth Elder wiped his tears and said with emotion in his heart.

After that, he looked at the bright moon in the sky and said: “If the Old Master is alive in the sky, if you know this, you will definitely be like me, crying with joy.”

“By the way, grandfather’s ashes will also be taken away.” Huo Tianci suddenly thought of this, because he wanted the Old Master to also look at their new home in Black River Fort.

But Fifth Elder looked solemn: “God, if you don’t mention this, I almost forgot. In the past few days, in the Huo Family compound, often Someone said something strange happened. Some people said it was haunted.”

As soon as these words came out, Huo Tianci frowned, but after that, he said with a smile: “How can there be a ghost.”

“At first, I don’t believe it, but one night, I heard the strange noise from time to time, and finally I noticed that it was sent from the ground. It came out, apart from this, and two Huo Family members who died of unfavorable fate. A few days ago, I just hired a mage and came to drive away the ghosts. As a result, the strange noise has disappeared in the past few days. In my heart, I was still murmuring, could this be Old Master, the grievance is too deep?” The Old Master was poisoned to death, resentment, but normal, so Fifth Elder contacted the old master with this strange thing stand up.

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