Below, there are some interviews from Liang Zhan. Liang Zhan said that Lonely Night is very strong, powerful and outrageous, but he is confident that he can be defeated next time.

Seeing this, Huo Tianci just smiled: “It turned out to be in the newspaper.” This surprised Huo Tianci somewhat. In the end, Lonely Night’s name spread throughout Great Liang Nation 13 Counties within one day. , Two hundred and eighty-six cities! It can be said that, becoming famous overnight, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

“Brother Tian, ​​this lone night is too strong. By the way, I seem to have heard that he defeated you and entered the Fan List.” Of course Dong Pengfei also saw this News, because of Liang Daily, everyone must buy.

“Young Lord is the best.” Heizi next to him was disdainful.

As for the brothers of Ren Hui and Ren Bin, they smiled knowingly, because they knew that Lone Night is Huo Tianci, and at the same time, they also felt in the heart that Huo Tianci was so terrifying.

2nd day, the Martial Palace great character of Fuzhou City, all of them reached the Black River Fort. These great characters all hope that Huo Tianci can go to the Martial Palace of Fuzhou City. No, it is from Guyang County. Martial Palace, carried out their sparse training, and then became a generation of Heaven’s Chosen, but Huo Tianci directly shook his head and said no, because he had his own plan, and then, in this world, no one could teach him.

Finally, because Huo Tianci was unwilling to offend these great characters, I had to give up, because Huo Tianci assured them that as long as Martial Palace does not fail him, he will always be the person of Martial Palace.

This sentence is tantamount to a reassurance.

Of course, Qi Zhou has been promoted for this reason. After all, he has discovered that his genius has merit. Next month, he can go to Martial Palace in Fuzhou City. Big city development.

“Huo Xiaoyou, you can now rest assured of the breakthrough. By the way, this is our Martial Palace, carefully prepared body tempering medicinal liquid for you. The production materials in it are all more than 100 years old. With it, my little friend, your chance of breaking through to the Profound Realm is much greater.” After that, Qi Zhou delivered a small jade bottle to Huo Tianci’s hand. The jade bottle contained , It is the body tempering medicinal liquid.

Huo Tianci directly accepted: “Then, many thanks Qi Zhou Elder.”

“Thank you, no money anyway.” Qi Zhou was also direct.

At night, in the courtyard room, a large wooden barrel for bathing is placed in it. Of course, this is not for bathing, but for the realm of body tempering and breakthrough.

In the big wooden barrel, clear water has been placed, and then Huo Tianci twisted the cap of the jade bottle and directly put the body tempering medicinal liquid inside it upside down.

Not only that, Huo Tianci also threw some scattered False Fire Grass, Cold Moon Grass, etc. on his body into it.

After finishing this, Huo Tianci took out another small jade bottle from Heaven and Earth Bag. The contents of this jade bottle is a drop of dew water. Yes, it is It is the reward that Huo Tianci won when he won the holy water battle in Baili Town. Its beautiful name is holy water, but in essence, it is only a drop of special dewdrop water. After taking it, it can help Body Refining Realm breakthrough, apart from this , There are other functions, this function is neutralizing medicinal properties, which is why Huo Tianci keeps it.

Open the jade bottle and drip the dew into the barrel. In an instant, I saw the medicinal liquid and medicinal herb in the barrel, instantly fused into one.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Tianci threw another round fruit floating in the cold, white as a transparent ice cube, into his mouth. This fruit is a cold moon fruit.

After finishing this, Huo Tianci, who was holding the cold moon fruit in his mouth, slowly pushed his body into the barrel.

When the body tempering medicinal liquid touches the skin of the body, an overbearing force instantly floods into Huo Tianci’s heart. At the same time, the cold moon fruit in the mouth is slowly melting the fruit water , Flows into the internal organs of Huo Tianci.

“It’s so cold!” Hanyue fruit, but it gathers the cold air of the world and grows. The fruit water of Extreme Cold flows into the belly. Huo Tianci just feels that he has swallowed countless ice cubes. The frozen heart is almost freezing.

“Fortunately, I didn’t swallow it directly.” This also made Huo Tianci secretly grateful.


Just when Huo Tianci was lucky alone, one after another resounded like a crackling of the reins, and I took a closer look. It was Huo Tianci’s skin that was bursting open, and then, a gurgling pain felt throughout Huo Tianci’s body.

The skin exploded and opened. The body tempering medicinal liquid immediately began to wash the flesh and blood of Huo Tianci. At the same time, the body tempering medicinal liquid is also healing Huo Tianci’s wounds. This is why body tempering medicinal is used. Liquid is the reason why the body must be soaked in a wooden barrel, because body tempering medicinal liquid has both powerful medicinal properties and powerful healing power.

Otherwise, this kind of shedding body, exchanging bones-like pain, normal people simply cannot bear.

But for Huo Tianci, it is only the pain of itching, because Huo Tianci is not a normal person. From the fact that he is only Body Refining Realm, he can go to tempering internal organs. Because of this The pain, some Profound Apprentice Realm experts, may not be able to bear it.

body tempering medicinal liquid, cleanse the flesh and blood; cold moon fruit, strengthen the internal organs; just spend the night like this.

“ding” system hint: host Huo Tianci, breakthrough realm is successful.

The “ding” profound energy panel is open, and the vigor value is condensing and converting.

After breaking through to the Profound Realm, the strength of the Body Refining Realm martial artist within the body will be transformed into the profound energy between Heaven and Earth, and the amount of profound energy converted depends on the original strength value .

In the end, Huo Tianci’s 3500 vigor value was compressed and transformed into 70 profound energy value, which was almost fifty times that.

As for the martial artist who just broke through to the Profound Apprentice Realm, the amount of profound energy within the body is estimated to be less than half of Huo Tianci’s. This is the gap.

Then I saw Huo Tianci’s attribute panel, the vigor value attribute disappeared, and replaced by a profound aura value attribute.

Huo Tianci, male, 15 years old, grade: the first stage of the mysterious practitioner (cultivation base value: 482,000 / 1 million). At this time state: excited.

Xuan Qi value: 70/70. Comprehensive battle strength evaluation: 30,000.

When Huo Tianci was just Body Refining Realm, his strength was already able to contend with the profound energy, and the profound energy was developed this time, just presumably, even more unstoppable.

“Go out and try!” Put on your clothes, Huo Tianci hit the stake in the courtyard, but after a punch, the stake actually cracked from it, and it became Broken wood.

“Is this the power of profound energy!” Huo Tianci only feels that this power is too amazing. Although it has been used before, it is only used indirectly by the power of profound stone. Now using the body directly, Huo Tianci only feels wonderful.

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