Chapter 170: Waste!

Although the Guangming Wuguan side was also a little surprised, they all had a lively expression.

Regardless of whether it was the murderer or the murderer, it was not theirs.

Tang Yao didn’t care about the gaze of everyone outside the battle platform, but looked at the referee.

The referee shook his head helplessly and announced: “Tang Yao, win!”

Tang Yao smiled, and then walked off the platform.

When he reached the camp of Juntian Martial Arts Hall, Tang Yao sat down with a smile.

Seeing the people around him looking at him with different expressions, Tang Yao shrugged and said with a smile: “I gave Zalusok ten minutes, but he has always tried to kill me. Death. You should see this very clearly. Is it wrong to kill the person who is going to kill me? Or is it that I am better than him and wrong?”

Although Tang Yao was smiling, the Bing Han in his eyes didn’t add a trace of concealment.

Hearing this, everyone in Juntian Martial Arts Hall was taken aback for a while, and then they all smiled.

Also, after changing them, he might make the same choice as Tang Yao.

Liang Shaohui sighed and said: “It’s not that you can’t kill. The key is that you killed the opponent in the first game. Later, when people on our side meet the people in God of War, it may be a deadly battle.”

Tang Yao smiled, turned his head and looked at Chu Jian and asked, “Are you scared?”

Chu Jian smiled proudly, they were not afraid of anyone in the same level of battle.

At this time, Wan Polu laughed and said, “Tang Yao, don’t listen to Lao Liang. You’re done. If something goes wrong, I’ll carry it for you.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao smiled gratefully at Wan Polu.

Tang Yao knew Wan Polu’s thoughts.

Liang Shaohui gave Wan Polu a silent glance.

You veteran rob you if you want to grab someone, why do you take me with you?

At the time when Juntian Martial Arts Hall was talking, on the battle stage, the second battle had already begun.

The two who fought each other came from Guangming Wuguan and God of War.

The strength of the two is not much different. After 20 minutes of fierce battle, the contestant from God of War kicked the opponent out of the battle platform and won.

The winner walked to the stage while looking at Tang Yao with cold eyes.

Tang Yao didn’t care, but just looked at each other with a smile.

In the third match, Plum played against a 9-star soldier in the Guangming Martial Arts Hall.

Plum was defeated, but the injury was not serious.

The fourth match was between the Guangming Wuguan and God of War.

This time, the winner was a 9-star soldier in the Guangming Martial Arts Hall.

At this point, the first round of the battle of the soldiers-level contestants is over.

Among the 4 people who were promoted, one was in Juntian Martial Arts Hall, two were in Guangming Martial Arts Hall, and one was in God of War Martial Arts Hall.

Next, there is a battle at the general level.

Among the three-star generals, the first battle was Yuan Zhan against a contestant in God of War.

The guy in the Guangming Martial Arts Hall was lucky, bye, and directly advanced to the second round.

As soon as the battle started, it was very fierce.

Perhaps affected by the killing of Zalusok, the contestant from the God of War martial arts gym launched a frenzied attack on Yuan Zhan as soon as he came up.

Yuan Zhan was already belligerent. This fierce fighting method made his blood boil.

Soon, the two hit a real fire, with no mercy between each move.

Compared to his opponent, Yuan Zhan is still crazier and more ruthless.

Yuan Zhan was not only ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to himself.

In the end, Yuan Zhan struggled to be seriously injured and blasted the opponent out of the battle platform with a punch.

The three-star warlord from the God of War martial arts hall fell under the battle platform, vomiting a mouthful of blood, and his face was pale.

Looking at Yuan Zhan unwillingly, this man walked back to the camp of God of War.

Yuan Zhan’s injury was not light, his left arm was drooping, and it was obviously broken.

Yuan Zhan nonchalantly walked back to the camp of Juntian Martial Arts Hall and winked at Tang Yao.

That means, it seems to say: how? Didn’t you shame you buddy?

Tang Yao smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Liang Shaohui and Wan Polu looked at each other, and both shook their heads with some regret.

This competition is related to the allocation of places for the No. 10 Ruins in the coming year.

Only when you rank first in each level can you get the corresponding places.

Yuan Zhan’s left arm was so badly injured, his combat effectiveness would inevitably be greatly reduced in the next battle.

Wanting to win the first place in the 3-star warlord competition is basically out of play.

When Wan Polu and Liang Shaohui were secretly disappointed, two bottles appeared in Tang Yao’s hands.

A bottle of mineral water and a small bottle with only one-third of the light green liquid left.

Tang Yao first opened the mineral water bottle, and then opened the stopper of the small bottle.

Suddenly, a faint fresh breath diffused.

Anyone who smelled this breath felt refreshed, and the cells of the whole body conveyed a faint desire.

Everyone was shocked!

The essence of life!

Upon seeing this, Wan Polu and Liang Shaohui were both happy.

Healing Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are not without them, but they are not suitable at this time.

Tang Yao is a contestant, and he has no problem with it.

Tang Yao picked up the life essence and poured 5 drops of life essence into the mineral water bottle.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao poured another 5 drops.

Later, Tang Yao put away the essence of life and handed the mineral water bottle to Yuan Zhan.

Upon seeing this, a group of God of War powerhouses secretly had toothache.

Depend on!

5 drops is enough!

Yuan Zhan was fractured, not dying.


Rich, how capricious!

Yuan Zhan took the mineral water bottle in his hand and looked at Tang Yao in a daze.


You are so rich!

The entire life essence of a demon king is only 10 bottles, even the value of the life essence of the elementary demon king is as high as 30 billion, and there is no market.

The value of that bottle is 3 billion.

A bottle of life essence is about 100 drops.

If you say that others may not believe it, the bottle of mineral water in my hand is worth 300 million yuan.

Just ask if you are afraid?

Take it out and sell it, and with a little extra money, I can customize a 7-level mace.

I don’t want to drink anymore!

When I go back and lie down in the medical cabin for a few days, I can heal. I am really in no rush to heal. It doesn’t matter if I don’t get the first place.


I’m not in a hurry.


Tang Yao slapped Yuan Zhan and smiled, “What are you waiting for? Drink quickly, take the time to heal your injuries, and you will be on the court in 4 more battles. If you can’t get the first place in the 3-star warlord level, Give me back the money for these 10 drops of life essence.”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Zhan hurriedly poured a whole bottle of mineral water into his stomach.

Pay the money back?

What a joke!

When I arrived at the stuff in Yuan Zhan’s stomach, I could still vomit it out for you.

First, I am going to make a decision.

After drinking it, Yuan Zhan stepped aside and began to use physical techniques to accelerate the absorption of energy in the body.

Under the treatment of the energy and vitality contained in the essence of life, Yuan Zhan’s injury quickly recovered.

Looking at Yuan Zhancai’s Dacheng level physical skills, Tang Yao frowned.

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