Chapter 169 Zalusok, die!

Both Tang Yao and Zalusok are top 9-star warriors. The increase in their tactics and Movement Technique are both at the limit of the warrior level, with an increase of 8 times.

Of course, Tang Yao can also increase his defense.

But in full view, he didn’t dare.

Attack power bonuses are also the limit of combat soldiers, double bonuses.

Tang Yao is relatively weaker because his basic physique is a few points lower than that of Zarusok.

At the moment when he wanted to pick up his fist, Tang Yao didn’t use his copying ability to weaken Zalusok’s tactics and Movement Technique.

A bunch of God of War watched by and punched Tang Yao, Zalusok’s strength and speed dropped a lot, and everyone immediately suspected Tang Yao.

After the trial, Tang Yao and Zalusok fought together.

With the aid of the elementary pupil technique and the elementary listening position, it is not difficult for Tang Yao to win Zalusok, but Tang Yao did not choose to immediately defeat Zalusok.

In order to win the first place in the combat rank, Tang Yao has to play at least three games. He does not want to expose his own strength prematurely.

Moreover, Tang Yao wanted more than just defeating Zalusok.

Tang Yao, who was fighting against Zalusok, had a fierce light in his eyes.

This guy really wants to take this opportunity to kill me!

Fatal tricks!

fair enough!

Take a while to let everyone see your sinister intentions.

Then, I will find another chance to kill you, which is a logical matter.

Otherwise, if you are killed without a few tricks as soon as you come up, it is a deliberate murder, and God of War martial arts hall is not easy to explain.

In the field, both Tang Yao and Zalusok adopted an offensive fighting style, with thumping fists and feet clashing from time to time.

The strength of the two is not much different, it can be said that they are evenly matched, and the battle is very exciting.

The onlookers kept nodding their heads, and they were also very enjoyable.

Only Wan Polu’s eyes were a little strange.

Wan Polu frowned slightly looking at Tang Yao.

Damn it!

This kid must not hold his fart!

That kid named Zalusok, he’s going to be out of luck!

I hope Tang Yao will not do too much. If the opponent is killed in the first battle, then today’s confrontation will definitely be full of gunpowder.

In the next battle, even if the contestants on the God of War martial arts hall didn’t want to, in order to get the Face back, they had to brutally attack the people in the Juntian martial arts hall.

A little bit of time passed, and the battle between Tang Yao and Zalusok had been going on for 10 minutes.

At this moment, Zalusok was nothing unusual.

However, Tang Yao’s fists were bloody and bloody, and every time he confronted Zalusok, there would be blood splashing.

After all, Tang Yao’s basic physique was not as good as Zalusok. After a long time of confrontation, he was not able to increase his defense power. His hands would inevitably be injured and heavier and heavier.

Tang Yao didn’t care about the injury of the double fist.

This pain is far worse than the sharp tingling sensation that comes from the brain when Mental Energy is over-consumed.

At this time, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

It’s been 10 minutes, and it’s almost time to end.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao’s figure flashed, avoiding Zalusok’s punch.

Seeing that Tang Yao didn’t confront himself this time, Zalusok was a little surprised.

But Zalusok didn’t hesitate at all, turned his left foot, raised his right foot, and kicked out against Tang Yao.

Before Zalusok’s feet had changed, Tang Yao predicted his intention to attack through the primary pupil technique.

Tang Yao immediately responded.

When Zalusok’s right foot attacked halfway, Tang Yao moved to his left.

Immediately, Tang Yao kicked out with his right foot against Zalusok’s left knee.

Zalusok’s attack hadn’t been completed yet, and he couldn’t stop it. He could only watch Tang Yao’s right foot kick on his left knee.


Tang Yao’s foot hit Zalusok’s knee, and a sound of broken bones came out.


The severe pain struck, and Zalusok screamed involuntarily.

At the same time, Zalusok tilted his body and fell towards Tang Yao.

Tang Yao flashed a cold light in his eyes, fisted with his right hand, and slammed into Zalusok’s head.

Feeling the fierce fist wind, Zalusok was terrified and looked panic.

Zalusok tried hard to change his posture.

But his left leg was broken and he couldn’t use any strength.

But the right leg is still in the air at this time, and there is nowhere to take advantage of it.

Zalusok yelled in panic: “I know…”


Before Zalusok could finish, Tang Yao’s punch hit Zalusok’s left head with a heavy blow.

At the moment when his fist was about to hit, Tang Yao’s middle finger knuckle bulged slightly.

And the part hit by the raised middle finger joint is the temple of Zalusok.

Zalusok’s body originally dumped to the left, flew out to the right with a punch by Tang Yao.

After flying more than two meters, Zalusok rolled around on the ground for a few laps before stopping.

At this time, Zalusok was motionless, his eyes were slightly convex, his facial features were hideous, his seven orifices were bleeding, and he had lost his breath.

Upon seeing this, everyone onlookers was shocked.

Zalusok had the upper hand, but now, suddenly, Zalusok was killed by Tang Yao.

The change happened too suddenly!

The corner of Wan Polu’s mouth twitched, and he sighed helplessly.

This bastard kid!

Daddy knows, you didn’t hold your fart!

This kid is too murderous.

As long as he was an enemy, he never let go.

In the face of zombies and upgraded beasts, I agree with you 10,000.

But in the face of humans… alas!

This kid is used to being alone!

He’s such a temperament, it’s no problem to be a lone ranger.

But if he is really allowed to lead a party, he still needs to be tempered!

Liang Shaohui also had a headache.

Tang Yao, bastard, you can’t keep a low profile!

Want to kill Zalusok, you find him to fight for life and death!

In the first match of the match, you killed the opponent, and the battle between Juntian Wuguan and God of War is likely to escalate to a fight.

Chu Jian, Irina, Yuan Zhan, and Plum also looked a little uncomfortable. They thought of what Liang Shaohui thought of.

On the side of the God of War martial arts hall, the accompanying God of War class powerhouse has an ugly face.

Zalusok didn’t die when he was fishing for the people of the Saint League and the corpse king. Unexpectedly, Tang Yao died in the first match.

But in the battle just now, Zalusok really wanted to kill Tang Yao with a deadly move.

Now that Zalusok was killed by Tang Yao, they couldn’t say anything.

The contestants of God of War, especially the two remaining soldiers-level contestants, looked at Tang Yao with murderous intent.

Although the relationship between them and Zalusok is not very good, they are from the same camp after all.

When Tang Yao killed Zalusok, he was hitting them in the face.

They must get revenge for this hatred.

Moreover, as the only two people on the side of the God of War martial arts hall who are likely to face Tang Yao, in full view, even if they don’t want to fight Tang Yao to death, they won’t do it.

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