Chapter 161 Bait

Tang Yao shook his head and sighed helplessly.


If it wasn’t for this bastard who wanted to kill me as soon as he shot it, I would have a good chat with him and figure out a way to get him to introduce me to the Holy League.

If it doesn’t work, I will use the charm ability to add a memory to him.

Once I joined the Shengmeng, making money is trivial. The key is to find out information about the old sister.

Now, it is estimated to be out of play.

I killed a high-ranking warrior of the Shengmeng, once the Shengmeng got the news, if I can accept me, then hell.

Shaking his head helplessly, Tang Yao turned and walked towards the motorcycle that fell on the side of the road.

At this time, the sand and dust that had filled the sky had already dispersed.

Tang Yao picked up the motorcycle and checked it.

Fortunately, I can ride.

This kind of vehicle specially used for driving in the wilderness is still very important for protection, and a layer of armor is installed on the outside.

Tang Yao was riding on a motorcycle and just wanted to continue on his way.

Suddenly, Tang Yao’s ear moved.

In an instant, all the cold hairs on Tang Yao’s body stood up.

Tang Yao immediately clicked the pedals on both sides of the motorcycle with both feet fiercely, and his body leaped to the side at swift speed.

Before Tang Yao hit the ground, a fist-sized rock shot from a distance, hitting the fuel tank of the motorcycle.


A violent explosion sounded, the motorcycle turned into a big fireball, and a huge heat wave came.

Tang Yao in mid-air was violently impacted by the heat wave, and the whole person danced around in the air five or six times.

Afterwards, Tang Yao banged on the ground ten meters away.

Tang Yao was dizzy and his limbs were sore.

After waking up a little bit, Tang Yao immediately launched a healing power on himself.

In an instant, a refreshing feeling spread all over Tang Yao’s body.

With the double-speed recovery, Tang Yao’s injuries quickly recovered.

Immediately, Tang Yao raised his head and looked in the direction where the rocks were flying.

At first glance, Tang Yao only felt cold in his heart.

A strong sense of crisis approaching Death enveloped Tang Yao.

In Tang Yao’s gaze, a Daoist-shaped figure flew in mid-air, approaching at great speed from a distance.

Human-shaped flying creatures are either the corpse king or the God of War of the Holy League.

From a distance, Tang Yao felt the suffocating cold breath.

Tang Yao was shocked!

Corpse King!

Tang Yao took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart.

Tang Yao didn’t run away immediately, but stood still and waited quietly.

Although this place is less than an hour’s drive from Karen base, Tang Yao knows very well that he can’t get away.

The minimum physique of the corpse king is 1000 points, and there is an increase that is not inferior to the human God of War.

I am afraid that in less than half a minute, he will be overtaken by the corpse king.

Even if the corpse turns into an intermediate corpse king, Tang Yao can’t run away because his basic physique is too low.

Tang Yao didn’t ask for help, even if he asked for help, it was too late.

Although Tang Yao’s location was not too far away from Karen base.

With any luck, the message and positioning sent by Tang Yao might really be received by the Karen base.

However, even if the strong man in Karen base received Tang Yao’s distress message, it was too late to rescue him.

It is estimated that before the rescuers left the Karen base, Tang Yao was overtaken by the corpse king behind him.

Tang Yao was betting on the glimmer of life when he turned into a corpse queen.

However, in the presence of a corpse king, the corpse turned into a corpse king, but did not have the strength that a corpse king should have, and Tang Yao’s chances of survival were extremely slim.

However, Tang Yao was not reconciled.

In order to survive, Tang Yao could only hold the best hope and fight for that extremely slim opportunity.

Looking at the corpse king getting closer, Tang Yao took a deep breath.

Just when Tang Yao was about to turn the corpse into a corpse king, Tang Yao suddenly discovered that behind the corpse king, a fiery red streamer was chasing the corpse king at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Tang Yao heard a loud shout.

“Tang Yao, run!”

Hearing this voice, Tang Yao felt energetic for a while.

Wan Po prisoners!

Tang Yao immediately turned around and ran towards the Karen base.

Tang Yao must buy more time, as long as Wan Polu can stop the corpse king before the corpse king can catch him, then Tang Yao will survive.

Although the combat period can only increase the speed by 8 times at most, Tang Yao can’t take care of that much at this time.

Tang Yao directly increased the Movement Technique’s increase from 8 times ascension to 9 times, and soon, ascension to 10 times.

No matter how high it is, Tang Yao dare not.

With the 10-fold increase in speed, Tang Yao’s body could no longer bear it, and gradually cracks appeared.

If the Ascension was more than 10 times, Tang Yao estimated that he would explode before the corpse king behind could catch up with him.

Fortunately, the duration of the healing power is one hour, and Tang Yao’s current resilience is doubled.

Although Tang Yao’s recovery speed was not as fast as the cracks on his body became larger, he also reduced the speed at which the cracks became larger.

Judging by the speed at which the cracks grew, Tang Yao could hold on for about one minute before his body broke.

At that time, either Tang Yao had been overtaken by the Zombie King, or Wan Polu had stopped the Zombie King.

Tang Yao didn’t know what the final result was, nor could he decide.

Now, the only thing Tang Yao can do is to run away with all his strength.

As for the result, it can only be resigned.

Tang Yao yelled in his heart while running away desperately.

Lao Wan appeared in this position at this time, if he didn’t prepare in advance, then he would be hell.

This group of people in the three major martial arts halls, really they are not things!

In order to catch the corpse king and the people of the Saint League, we actually used the contestants as bait.

After playing off, Daddy’s life is gone.


The old man has a conscience, he is following me.

Otherwise, if you come to someone who is not as strong as Lao Wan, I will be even more vulnerable to his uncle.

While running, Tang Yao gritted his teeth secretly.

The cracks continued to expand in Tang Yao’s body, and the sharp pain from all over the body constantly attacked Tang Yao’s brain.

Soon, Tang Yao’s face was covered with cold sweat, and his expression was a bit hideous.

Tang Yao didn’t care about this, and still tried his best to escape as quickly as possible.

Wan Polu hid his breath very well, until he uttered that violent shout, the corpse king behind Tang Yao realized his existence.

This time, the plan for the top talents of the three martial arts halls is a joint action by the corpse king and the Holy League.

For the personnel dispatched by the three major martial arts halls for this confrontation, the Saint League provided information, and the corpse king was aware of it.

With the speed and flame power of the person behind him, the corpse king instantly judged that the person behind him must be the pinnacle of God of War.

After reaching this conclusion, the king of the dead was terrified.

It was just a temporary transfer of a junior corpse king who had just been promoted during this operation, and it was definitely not an opponent of Wan Po.

Now, the only chance for this junior corpse king to survive is to take down Tang Yao before Wan Polu catches up with it.

Only when Tang Yao threatened Wan Polu, this junior corpse king had a ray of life.

Therefore, after the discovery of Wan Polu, the eyes of this junior corpse king instantly became a lot more dignified.

At the same time, this junior corpse king immediately accelerated and pursued Tang Yao with all his strength.

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